
Wednesday, 27 May 2020

My First Future Perfect Interview with Luana

1:00  The theme of my Future Perfect Interviews
2:00  Greater tolerance
3:00  The tendency to extremes without a standard
4:00  Australia is now a matriarchy.
5:00  Uncontrolled immigration and the swing of the pendulum
6:00  Theocracy would stop the rules from changing all the time.
7:00  The slippery slope to extremism and error
8:00  Democracy means politicians develop a knee-jerk reaction to please voters.
9:00  The acronym for LGBT becomes longer and longer.
10:00  Removing essential boundaries can become a dangerous thing.
10:30  Marriage is for legitimate children. We are commanded to be fruitful and multiply, but within wedlock.
11:00  Raising the next generation
12:00  Gay marriage
13:00  The collapse of society caused by the collapse of marriage.
14:00  Marriage is the foundation of society.
15:00  Marriage between a man and a woman is the most efficient way of raising children without third party intervention.
17:00  Identity crisis
18:00  Knowing who you are so you do what you are supposed to do.
19:00  Boundaries, laws and belief in God
20:00  Enforcing the right kind of laws
21:00  The laws of a patriarchy are different to the laws of a matriarchy.
22:00  The infantilised voter who has been badly parented
23:00  Bad parenting and taking the easy way out
24:00  Gay marriage in Australia was not a compulsory vote and it should have been a referendum
25:00  Gay marriage was an unstated agenda to be pushed through.
26:00  Australia and the UK are US vassal states.
27:00  John Howard
28:00  The civil partnership already exists.
29:00  The environmentalist agenda
30:00  Transgenderism
31:00  Population reduction through abortion, euthanasia, legalising extramarital sex and transgenderism
32:00  Euthanasia is premeditated murder.
34:00  Abortion
35:00  Recreational sex should be the right only of married couples and the typical date
36:00  Disposable relationships
37:00  Recreational sex is now perceived to be a human right, even for people not married to each other.
38:00  The emotional and psychological damage of casual sex
39:00  Live-in youth worker working with troubled adolescents more damaged by casual sex than drugs and alcohol
44:00  Self-esteem issues with adolescents psychologically damaged by causal sex
45:00  Boys more affected by casual sex and suicide rate higher
46:00  Adolescents from normal families now think casual sex is normal and healthy.
47:00  Extramarital sex is now the opium of the people.
49:00  Gay marriage
50:00  Having more of the very thing that makes you ill
51:00  The suicide of the late Alexander McQueen
53:00  An embarrassment of lifestyle choices
54:00  Mental illness
55:00  Latent damage
56:00  Our governments appear to want us dead, mad, transgender or gay.
57:00  Scott Morrison
58:00  A counter-revolution against the matriarchy
59:00  Governing in the national interest
1:00:00  Democracy
1:01:00  A subversive minority
1:02:00  The liberal elite
1:03:00  Bad people who happen to be Jews
1:04:00  George Soros
1:05:00  A Register of Jews
1:06:00  Scapegoating
1:07:00  Excommunication
1:08:00  Chillul Hashem
1:10:00  Non-observant Jews
1:10:30  Not going to mass on Sundays is a mortal sin for Catholics.
1:11:00  Following the rules gives us a stronger identity.
1:12:00  Breaking the rules
1:13:00  Reform Judaism
1:14:00  Liberalism is harmful to religious identity.
1:15:00  YouTube stopping Jews from discussing their Jewish identity too.
1:16:00  God's Chosen People
1:18:00  Chosen to promote the Noahide laws
1:19:00  Self-worship leads to narcissism and death.
1:20:00  The arrival of the Messiah
1:21:00  Success is envied.
1:22:00  Mixed fibres
1:23:00  God's laws protect Jew and gentile.
1:24:00  The Noahide laws
1:25:00  Why fewer Jews died during the bubonic plague
1:26:00  Blaming Jews for Covid-19
1:27:00  Once upon a time there were no Orthodox Jews.
1:28:00  Educated literate Jews would rise to the top of society.
1:29:00  Superior standards of living
1:30:00  The Rothschilds
1:31:00  Usury was an occupation forced on Jews by the Church.
1:32:00  Other professions other than banking occupied by Jews
1:33:00  Living in ghettos allowed Jews to maintain their identity.
1:34:00  Being forced to live in ghettos turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
1:35:00  Jewish conspiracy theories a Theory of Everything to explain gentile failure
1:36:00  "Take this to the whole world."
1:37:00  Islam the most Noahide-compliant of all world religions
1:38:00  The New Testament not a book until Constantine
1:40:00  The idolatry of Christianity
1:41:00  The statues of Catholicism
1:42:00  Arian idolatry and the Council Nicaea
1:45:00  Nicene and Apostles' creed
1:46:00  The Trinity
1:48:00  The Holy Spirit is the Holy Wind.
1:49:00  A rabbi who thought Christianity is monotheistic
1:50:00  Messianic Jews
1:52:00  Jews allowed to enter mosques but not churches
1:53:00  Protestantism, Liberal Judaism and grave images
1:54:00  Mary Mother of God
1:55:00 and the tribal and therefore paternal lineage of the Messiah
1:57:00  The ten lost tribes of Israel, Jews now are from Judah, Benjamin or Levi
1:58:00  The Assyrian and Babylonian exile. All Jews today are from the tribe of Judah, Benjamin and Levi
1:59:00  The tribes were already dispersed at the time of the Second Temple. The Messiah won't come from the tribe of Levi or Cohen but from the tribe of Judah. The Davidic Dynasty is from the tribe of Judah.
2:01:00  King David's Tomb and DNA
2:02:00  Stuff the Messiah has to do
2:03:00  The Messiah is supposed to have a birthday on Tisha B'Av.
2:04:00  The martyrdom is the ultimate Kiddush Hashem
2:05:00  My suggested press release to non-Muslim gentiles by Chief Rabbis of the world
2:06:00  Antisemitism linked to how little Jews promote the Noahide laws
2:07:00  Degenerate morally confused gentiles might harm Jews and other minorities residing in their countries
2:08:00  Can't world Jewry get Rabbi Mirvis who is Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth to martyr himself?
2:09:00  Rabbi Mirvis passing the parcel of martyrdom to Rabbi Sacks
2:10:00  Rabbi Sacks passing the parcel of martyrdom to Rabbi Gavriel Krausz
2:11:00  Chabad
2:12:00  Chabad big in Australia
2:13:00  Education and Sharing Day
2:15:00  Chabad campaigning with Vincent Bruno to demand that Americans stop celebrating Education and Sharing Day because they are no longer even Noahide

2:16:00  Not only is Israel not even Noahide, it "isn't even properly Jewish"! 

"Israel can't promote the Noahide laws if they are not even promoting the Torah, really."

"You have to live by the Torah before you can start promoting the Noahide laws."

"What is the point of Israel promoting the Noahide laws when they are not even behaving themselves?"

2:17:00  Tel Aviv - the gay capital of the world
2:18:00  Sodom and Gomorrah by the Dead Sea
2:19:00  Lot was Abraham's uncle and was a Hebrew.
2:20:00  Lot had gone native.
2:21:00  Lot had lost the plot.
2:22:00  Lot was like liberal Jewish judge.
2:23:00  The arrival of the Messiah
2:25:00  The job of Noahidising gentiles has been left to the Chabadniks.
2:26:00  Islam the most Noahide-observant of all the world religions
2:27:00  Relative idolatry
2:30:00  The Trinity
2:32:00  The New Testament was not even written by Christ, let alone God.
2:33:00  Who counts as Christian?
2:34:00  Evangelical Christians
2:35:00  Regular church-goers
2:36:00  Reasons for regular church-going that is nothing to do with believing that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God
2:37:00  Pentecostal and evangelical rallies
Rodney Howard Browne
2:38:00  Mass hysteria
2:40:00  Holy laughter
2:43:00  Chabad rallies
2:46:00  Jewish Woodstock and the Hajj
2:47:00  Billy Graham
2:51:00  The social, moral and political purpose of religion
2:52:00  Reconstructionist Judaism
2:53:00  Reform Judaism
2:55:00  Jewish Emancipation
2:56:00  Assimilation
2:57:00  A Register of Jews
2:57:30  A Jew who marries a gentile is not called up for aliyah.
2:50:00  The meaning of aliyah
3:00:00  The rapture
3:03:00  Following the rules
3:04:00  Rules are made to be broken and kept.
3:06:00  Breaking the law came before the law.
3:07:00  Adam and Even
3:08:00  "I didn't ask to be born."
3:09:00  Evil is the price we pay for knowing good.
3:10:00  The Tree of Life was the Torah.
3:11:00  Original Sin is the knowledge of evil or the Yetzer Hara?
3:12:00  Adam and Eve becoming aware of their nakedness
3:14:00  The Tree of Life
3:15:00  God's phased revelations
3:16:00  Israel
3:17:00  God revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.
3:18:00  Does the Koran accept the borders of Israel as defined in the Torah?
3:20:00  If Jews cannot be Torah-compliant, then they can at least be Koran-compliant. would at absolutely guarantee their freedom of belief.
3:21:00  Thomas Jefferson reading the Koran
3:21:30  Muhammad Sculpture Inside Supreme Court a Gesture of Goodwill
3:22:00  Religious views of George Washington
3:25:00  Jews should at least be Noahide before attempting a full-blown Torah theocracy.
3:27:00  Israel was a proper Torah state in the time of King David.
3:27:30  Can Jews go from 0 to 100 mph in one second? Yes, but only if the Messiah arrives.
3:30:00  The Noahide laws are implicitly amalgamated in the 613 Commandments but are not labelled as the Noahide laws. says God wants Jews and Christians to be no longer divided from Islam.
3:32:00  Not all the 613 Commandments can be kept because there is no temple.
3:33:00  Ten Commandments
3:34:00  Adultery
3:35:00  Fornication
3:36:00  Having sex with someone not your spouse meant you had married them.
3:37:00  Dowry and rape
3:38:00  When Luana told a shiksa that according to Jewish law she had married the first man she had sex with
3:39:00  There are only three kinds of sex for Jews: marriage, adultery and rape.
3:40:00  Tikkun olam
3:41:00  Chabad
3:42:00  Corrupt gentiles who don't follow the Noahide laws would end up corrupting the morals of Jews.
3:46:00  Shouldn't Israel be a theocracy?
3:47:00  Rabbi Kahane
3:48:00  Liberal democracy
3:49:00  Sabbath trading laws different in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
3:50:00  Churches and mosques

3:51:00  God may have put a mosque on Temple Mount to remind Jews that their priesthood did the Davidic Dynasty no good and Torah theocracy did not last long in Ancient Israel. The quasi-priesthood of Islam would be the judiciary and dispense with a parasitic priesthood altogether. 

3:52:00  When Jerusalem was handed straight back to Jordan in 1967 after the Six Day War.
3:53:00  Fake peace
3:54:00  Jerusalem is international space.
3:55:00  Yom Kippur in Israel and Temple Mount
3:56:00  A Torah theocracy
3:57:00  Al Aqsa
3:58:00  The Knesset is modelled on the Sanhedrin supposed to have 120 members.
3:59:00  A Torah theocracy according to Luana
4:00:00  The Reform Movement
4:05:00  Chavuot and Sukkot
4:06:00  How Jewish festivals are being celebrated by Jews in Australia during lockdown
4:08:00  God's reverse psychology
4:09:00  Zoom not allowed for Orthodox Jews.
4:11:00  Isolated Jews
4:12:00  Passover
4:13:00  Communal Seders
4:14:00  A maximum of 4
4:16:00  Sharing the guests
4:17:00  A shorter seder in 2020
4:18:00  A maximum of 5 visitors
4:19:00  Passes needed to travel between different Australia states
4:22:00  Different states have different rules.
4:24:00  Different Liberal and Labour parties towards lockdown
4:25:00  Man going to the car wash and a woman reading a book in the park were fined
4:26:00  Unconstitutional actions by the Australian government
4:27:00  Ridiculous pandemic app that couldn't possibly work.
4:29:00  Flu vaccine
4:30:00  International arrivals
4:31:00  Aztecs
4:32:00  24 hours' notice only of lockdown
4:33:00  97% of the people who died were over 80.
4:34:00  Princess cruise ship
4:35:00  No national co-ordination over lockdown.
4:41:00  Did the Chinese overreact to Covid-19?
5:22:00  Hunting and gathering at supermarkets
5:23:00  "Lockdown is shit."
5:25:00  Toilet  paper
5:26:00  "There is no need to become aggressive."


Tom Price said...

Claire. Serious question. Is this long list a list of articles you have writtem? If so, how can we get to the articles? What do the numbers represent?

windbag22 said...

RThis layout is nost confusing.

Claire Khaw said...

@Tom Price The numbers represent time stamps of the topics discussed in the video.

Claire Khaw said...

@windbag22 What are you confused about?

AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

AI fun with Secular Koranism with @realvinbruno #7 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 8, 2025 1:00...