
Saturday, 30 May 2020

The practical joke God played on Christians and is still waiting for them to notice after 2000 years

If I serve Truth, Logic and Morality and the Abrahamic God represents Truth, Logic and Morality, then I will have His protection as long as I do my work for the best possible reasons in the best possible way.

If the Abrahamic God created the Universe, He would have created a logical universe, if He is indeed omnipotent. This is because it is easier to be illogical than logical. Being omnipotent, God would be able to do the harder thing effortlessly.

He has created laws for us intended for our protection and understanding of His purpose.

Our lives are no more than an opportunity of character development to test our fitness for our next life or afterlife. Even if we don't believe in God, we know that only people of good and strong character will be remembered by history. If you have a bad and weak character, you wouldn't be able to achieve anything history would remember.

The people most remembered by history are the prophets and prophetesses of God.

I like to think I present an opportunity for individuals, nations and empires to correct themselves if they are not so disconnected from Truth, Logic and Morality as to be beyond my reach, if they are at least prepared to challenge my position that democracy is dementia and Christianity is kaput should should be replaced by a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

The truth is that the West has been been a victim of a practical joke called Christianity. I understand how humiliating and traumatising it must be to be asked to believe in an absurdity and then forced into affirming it by state intimidation for generation after generation, century after century. It is actually worse to have that happen to you than suffering repeated attempts to exterminate you as Jews have done throughout the centuries.

The only way the Post-Christian Westerner can cure himself now is to discuss the one party theocracy Secular Koranism proposes as a possible alternative to the illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd religion that is Christianity and the dementia that is democracy.

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