
Monday, 25 May 2020

Weißlicht Sonntag - 5/24/20 : Umschlagplatz

Weißlicht Sonntag - 5/24/20 : Umschlagplatz

8:03 AM
Claire Khaw
​I didn't get a notification from OV or Church of Entropy. I also had a video removed for mentioning Jews in the TITLE of a stream from which I do not have the option of appealing.

8:04 AM
Jay Walker
​I may haveto come on and support Gerald.

8:04 AM
Spiritual Mamzer
​Day of the pillow will lower house prices

8:05 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Spiritual Mamzer I am sure they are already lowered.

8:06 AM
Spiritual Mamzer
​Boomer remover!!

8:07 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Spiritual Mamzer Your parents are boomers, are they not?

8:08 AM
Claire Khaw
​Blue Man is Domingo, right?

8:09 AM
Claire Khaw
​Does Thomas White want to restore the patriarchy?

8:10 AM
Thomas White
​@Claire Khaw has been right the entire time

8:12 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Thomas White Thank you. Once you think outside the confines of getting anything done within the sacred limits of Liberalism, Democracy and Feminism, the way ahead becomes very clear indeed.

8:13 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Spiritual Mamzer Light is slowing downing on whites ....

8:15 AM
Claire Khaw
​No religion, no identity for any race of people.

8:16 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy Did you have fun on WiR without me? Surely it is time to stop punishing yourself by depriving your subscribers of the pleasure and enlightenment of listening to me.

8:17 AM
​@Claire Khaw China & Isreal is kapuuuttt the pair of you have been drinking from the well and its now dry

8:17 AM
Claire Khaw
​Texting your children to come down for dinner is less noisy than using a dinner bell.

8:19 AM
​@Claire Khaw did your channel get a strike ? cant help bad luck can you no stream with Dew Luanna ? lol

8:20 AM
​@Claire Khaw the torture and pain of listening about Judaism ?

8:21 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE I had a video removed without getting a strike because the title mentioned Jews ie "Are Jews also the victims of liberalism which has corrupted all our morals?"

8:21 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE It wasn't a strike, but a removal from which I could not appeal.

8:22 AM
Spiritual Mamzer
​@Jay Walker please interrupt the personal anecdotes

8:22 AM
Claire Khaw
​I think it should be acknowledged that I take a lot of risks for white men on my channel. I like to think I say the things they would if they knew and were brave enough to.

8:22 AM
Church of Entropy
​Gerald just summarized my debate philosophy

8:23 AM
Spiritual Mamzer
​What telling about yourself?

8:25 AM
​@Claire Khaw how does promoteing Judaism do anything good for the white Man ? it doesnt

8:25 AM
​@Claire Khaw if your pro isreal pro judaism your anti white and thats a fact

8:26 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE I need to point out to people with a failed religion why their religion has failed and why it matters.

8:27 AM
​@Claire Khaw thats why you fail , restoring the Patriarchy Noahide Laws SK doesnt solve the JQ

8:28 AM
Church of Entropy
​stop soying up the stream conops

8:28 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE If other groups with a religion are doing better than you, it is because they practise something that you do not ie marriage and family values.

8:29 AM
Church of Entropy
​you know what's more pathetic than that? jay needing to insult me before saying anything about jews

8:29 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE Do you believe in God?

8:29 AM
​@Claire Khaw im not interested in materialistic shit, i have enough i just want Dewzz to leave us alone

8:30 AM
​@Claire Khaw everywhere i turn a Dew is telling us how to live fck them

8:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy I must have missed that. Jay - the Archetype of Western Man - is jealous of the Archetype of Western Woman because Secular Koranism seeks her validation more.

8:31 AM
​Secular Koranism is a Larp , its JUDAISM you admit it , so stop the larp and call it for what it is biatch

8:33 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE Judaism and Islam are complementary because they complete a narrative.

8:35 AM
​@Claire Khaw the Palestinians Iraqis Syrians Yemenis Iranians Afghanis would disagree

8:36 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE My narrative: for God to complete His project of Noahidising the world, He chose Jews. Once this is done, Jews would assimilate and in this way the JQ would be answered.

8:37 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE Disagree about what?

8:37 AM
Claire Khaw
​OV provides a service and a safe space for white men.

8:39 AM
Claire Khaw
​It is not either or.

8:39 AM
Claire Khaw
​The whole point of male co-operation is that one person does one thing and the other does the another.

8:40 AM
Claire Khaw
​It is not safe for men to marry!

8:40 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Tell Gerald it is not safe for men to marry.

8:41 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft The patriarchy would restore paternal authority.

8:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft Do you know how Jews retain their identity in the diaspora?

8:45 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft We don't have to do the right thing just yet, but we have to SAY the right thing. Jay can't even do that.

8:47 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft If Western Man cannot even say he has to abolish no fault divorce and shame sluts to restore the patriarchy, he does not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation.

11:07 AM
Claire Khaw
​Liberals are hypocrites. Conops is a Liberal, therefore he is a hypocrite.

11:07 AM
Claire Khaw
​Any extremist ideology logically and necessarily becomes hypocritical.

11:09 AM
​@Claire Khaw agree ZIONISM AND CHABAD are a prime example of extremism

11:15 AM
Claire Khaw
​Jay thinks the world would be better without Jews and Muslims and is considering exterminating them, isn't he?

11:16 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Volksgemeinschaft You don't know the difference between wish list politics and road map politics.

11:18 AM
Claire Khaw
​It is a false dichotomy. The question assumes that the non-Muslim gentiles are better off without Jews and Muslims.

11:19 AM
Claire Khaw
​If you believed in God, you would have to believe that everything happens for a reason. Not believing in the Abrahamic God means you are weaker, stupider and more corrupt.

11:20 AM
Claire Khaw
​If Jay's daughter could marry a) a wealthy Jew b ) a wealthy Muslim c) OV which would he prefer? @Volksgemeinschaft

11:24 AM
Claire Khaw
​Women want a protector and protector.

11:26 AM
Claire Khaw
​Jay is all right, so screw everyone else.

11:28 AM
​@Claire Khaw at least Jay dont hate all gentiles like yourself

11:28 AM
Claire Khaw
​Christianity is kaput because it is an illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous religion.

11:29 AM
​@Claire Khaw only according the the tribe who are a minority so its irrelevant

11:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE You like Jay because he has no solutions and doesn't care that he does not. That's pretty dumb and short termist. Why are you even surprised that Jews and Muslims do better than you?

11:32 AM
​@Claire Khaw and Muslims end up displaced as refugees thanx to the hand of the tribe so how are they doing better than me ?

11:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE You hate and fear Muslims and complain that your government protects them too much.

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