
Saturday, 27 June 2020

Feminist Baroness Nicholson of Booker Prize devoured by the feminist revolution for wrongthink

Gender equality leads to gender confusion.Gender confusion leads to gender dysphoria.

Baroness Nicholson is another feminist devoured by the feminist revolution. Germaine Greer has already fallen.

I have just heard her on the Today Programme informing us that she was married to the man who started the Booker Prize. She held the honorary position of Vice President until it decided to abolish these positions because of her wrongthink on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. from 49:00

Mark Damazer, Chairman of the Booker Prize explains his decision.

Could she sue for libel if she wanted to take the matter further?

While this would have worked under the old rules of whether the false and defamatory statement would have brought her into hatred, ridicule and contempt in the estimation of right-thinking members of society.

However, since no one - not even those we would suppose to be the Great and the Good - knows what they are supposed to think any more, no one is a right-thinking member of society. It is possible that wishing to be identified as a right-thinking member of society is liable to attract accusations of being a fascist, Nazi or an antisemite. This way madness lies.

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