
Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Kneeling Nancy is leader of the Western matriarchy

Western government does not protect Western men nor do their effeminate, enfeebled and cowardly male politicians too disorganised - because Christianity is kaput - to even formulate arguments and counter-arguments to defend themselves against increasingly hysterical accusations of racism. Western Woman, infuriated and exasperated by the feebleness of Western Man, wants his statues destroyed after he has been made to kneel before the rioting and looting descendants of the slaves his ancestors owned. After all his policemen and National Guardsmen have already done so.

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Discussing Noahides, the Noahide laws and Hinduism with @vincentbruno2514

Wrongthink 1:00  Moral imperative Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps  on X