
Sunday, 14 June 2020

My care and concern and love and affection for white people and their statues

2:00  The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show on BBC 6 Music
6:00  The nature and purpose of religion
7:00  The complaints of gentile non-Muslims about Jews and Muslims
8:00  Agreeing on the rules to obey
9:00  Fatherless homes
10:00  Unemployable NEETs of unmarried parents
11:00  White people's statues
12:00  Why certain statues are no longer fashionable
13:00  Secular Koranism
15:00  Antisemitic underclass both white and black
16:00  Elitist
17:00  Unprincipled public schoolboys

18:00  Luke Ford thinks there can be a principle of looking after one's own self-interest demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of principles which is to ensure that they act for the group interest. People already incline towards following their own self-interest. Therefore principles should be created which people should follow, even if it goes against their own self-interest/

1:56:44Claire Khaw​Principled behaviour and pursuing your own self interest are quite different things. Our principles come from religion.

1:58:30Glib Medley​In a homogeneous society it would be easier to vote on principles

1:59:16Manfred von Thistlebalm​Republicans and democrats used to be much closer together in ideology

1:59:17Glib Medley​Though the principles would more likely be shared, so it would be easier to vote on character

2:02:05Claire Khaw​I am mildly surprised to discover that I have streamed so much on principles.

2:04:50Claire Khaw​The purpose of having principles is to measure the difference between what we say we should do and what we actually do to test our honesty and ability to follow rules.

2:06:44Claire Khaw​Since religion gives us our principles, having a religion allows our co-religionists to measure our character and for those from other groups to see how well we adhere to our stated principles.

2:07:50Claire Khaw​There are plenty of principles in the Old Testament and the Koran but hardly any at all in the New Testament.

2:09:41Claire Khaw​@sio wat That actually comes from the Old Testament.

2:10:46sio wat​The New Testament is a fulfilment of the Old Testament and both are a prophesy for the endtimes.

2:11:06Claire Khaw​I think you will end watching the Statue of Liberty burn at this rate. The Chinese are so shocked at what is happening to you they actually don't know what to say or what line to take.

2:11:23sio wat​Jesus said he came to fulfil the prophesies of the Old Testament.

2:12:14Claire Khaw​@sio wat Christianity is an illegitimate, idolatrous and blasphemous religion. It is a sign of God's forbearance that Western civilisation still exists, but it will be gone soon if you do not repent.

2:15:43Claire Khaw​The body politic of the West is suffering from motor neuron disease, I have concluded. Its reflexes are fucked. If you make to hit it, it will not even raise its arm to protect itself.

2:16:55Claire Khaw​It is not so shocking that they are doing it, but that you are letting it happen and propose to keep letting it happen without organising yourselves to fight back.

2:17:01Skymning Forelsket​America as it was conceived really only lasted from 1789 - 1861

2:17:50Claire Khaw​You cannot even bestir yourselves to speak against it.

19:00  Hinduism is an ethno-religion.
20:00  Buddhism is an atheist and incomplete ideology. 
21:00  Three forms of afterlife.
22:00  Ignore the Eastern religions.
23:00  The clarity and practicability of rules
24:00  Knowing what our principles should be is very stabilising even if we can't always live up to them.
25:00  Guiding the revolution
26:00  Global Christian empires
27:00  WASP supremacy
28:00  Christianity is already a dead religion.
29:00  Imperial wars
30:00  Tolstoy's War and Peace
31:00  Bread and circuses
32:00  The rise and fall of empires
33:00  Empires are run on a margin.
34:00  An imperial mindset
35:00  The Koran
36:00  Christianity is kaput.
37:00  The West is a degenerate matriarchy.
38:00  Generation gaps
39:00  A theocracy will mean laws stay the same from generation to generation.
40:00  The West adopting Secular Koranism would make me happy. 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...