
Tuesday, 2 June 2020

My comments on the Luke Ford and Joseph Cotto discussion on the breakdown of social order in today's America

1:38 AM
Mark Miller
​Class is a magic key itself. Not everyone who is wealthy is functional socially

1:38 AM
Isaac Yi

1:39 AM
Matt Forney
​REPENT! The end is nigh

1:43 AM
​If you have a reasonable and responsible question or comment for the panel, please utilize YouTube's Super Chat function, which can be accessed at the bottom of this live-chat. Many thanks!

kmacks McDonald

Luke this is proof the Media does have effect on Gullible people. Stats show More Whites die at the hands of Cops per year. Does not matter. Still Media says Cops hunt them and not Chicago gangs.

1:44 AM
Prussian Junker1

1:44 AM
Sporties McNodrip
​Whenever antifa fights and infights it always helps neoliberalism in the end

1:45 AM
Mark Miller
​Not all individuals are responsible enough to create a social grand narrative by themselves.

1:45 AM
Trad Lyf
​The first one for free

1:45 AM
kmacks McDonald

1:46 AM
kmacks McDonald

1:46 AM

1:46 AM
kmacks McDonald
​I had to show her the stats from washington post

Mark Erjavec

Fellow aussie here! Isn't this an opportune time to destroy antifa? We could mass imprison them and designate them as terror org and kill off their $$

1:48 AM
Matt Forney
​half these antifa guys are probably gay

1:48 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Cotto-Gottfried most antifa guys seem like skinny weak and soft voiced

1:48 AM
kmacks McDonald
​not very alpha

1:48 AM
kmacks McDonald
​very beta

1:49 AM
Matt Forney
​Cotto, don't forget that a lot of these antifa are perverts, perverts don't have a problem finding other perverts. See: the antifa Molotov girl in New York who's into diaper play

1:49 AM
​Yep kmacks

1:49 AM
Trad Lyf
​Activist women are usually involved in drugs and criminal elements

1:49 AM
​True Matt. Hello, by the way

1:49 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​I want to get into a brawl at next Trump rally with antifa

1:49 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​they backed down last event I was at

1:49 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​took off

1:50 AM
​I don't want to get most antifa women in bed

1:50 AM
​There are some hot lefty chicks out there though

1:50 AM
Trad Lyf
​Loud obnoxious activist women are all on the left and the left is a sweeping international crime syndicate

1:51 AM
​I think the media have a cumulative effect, not an instant one.

1:52 AM
​Over years, decades, not a single story or film

1:52 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Mark Erjavec good question I like when you superchat Mark

kmacks McDonald

Luke for someone on the Right what would be the first thing you would have to do to get some balance in media? I think it's Big Education. My uncle said Whites in the 60's were hounded about their past sins as a group.

1:55 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Cotto-Gottfried In the college university system

1:55 AM
kmacks McDonald

1:55 AM
kmacks McDonald
​this then leade to far left media

1:55 AM
kmacks McDonald
​and now far left rich and corporate class also

1:55 AM
kmacks McDonald
​far left legal system

1:55 AM
Trad Lyf
​Antifa is from interwar Germany aka Spartacists

1:56 AM
Trad Lyf
​Antifa is from interwar Germany aka Spartacists

1:56 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​True Luke

1:56 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​thats not Trump's fault

1:56 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​thats the White conservatives fault

1:56 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​most White conservatives are weak

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​they dont support each other

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Trump cant invent that

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​You blame Trump for things that are beyond his control

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​White COnservatives arent loyal to each other

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​in general
Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our Community Guidelines.

1:57 AM
​The whole bureaucracy was against him.

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​White conservatives will hire a feminist over conservative male

1:57 AM
​or a large part of it anyway

1:57 AM
Trad Lyf
​Antifa exists in every European nation since the World Wars as an occupation

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Steve Bro its a weakness among whites in general

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​white conservatives dont support each other

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​dont give each other jobs

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​dont help each other in academoia

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone

1:57 AM
Ultra Testosterone

1:58 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​no white conservative helped me in anything from business to academia

1:58 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​liberals help each other constantly

1:58 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Liberals makes sure other liberals get good positions in business, academia, etc

1:59 AM
Claire Khaw
​Antifa could be declared to be a subversive organisation.

1:59 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Hi all

1:59 AM
Trad Lyf
​Antifa is kind of an Operation Gladio or stay behind cell planted for unrest

2:00 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​How will they go after Antifa?

2:00 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​its all kinds of liberals with alot of money behind them

2:00 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​they are hidden among liberals

2:00 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservatives dont do shit for each other

2:00 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Some people left behind stacks of bricks on purpose, lots of agent provocateurs

2:00 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@John Berkshire Respector so what?

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​liberals support each other

2:01 AM
Trad Lyf
​Antifa speaks for the remnant of the Soviet Union funded by the banks now controlling the international left

2:01 AM
kmacks McDonald
​get pro social sklls guys

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Luke is right on this

2:01 AM
Trad Lyf
​Antifa speaks for the remnant of the Soviet Union funded by the banks now controlling the international left

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Conservatives dont form relationships

2:01 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Ultra Testosterone pro social

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservatives throw each other under the bus

2:01 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Trad Lyf pro social

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@kmacks McDonald bro I remember my time in grad school

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​no conservative male ever helped me

2:01 AM
kmacks McDonald

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​in fact, "conservative" males would often support feminist over me

2:01 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​that is fact

2:02 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Cotto-Gottfried You can answer this question too I just asked

2:02 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​there was no friendships with conservatives

2:02 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​The government tries to subvert all opposition

2:02 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​its not just dissident right

2:02 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​its all right

2:02 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Operation Gladio is one example

2:02 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​this isnt just a "dissident" right issue

2:03 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​where are the "conservative" billionaires funding this?

2:03 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​liberals have all kinds of billionaires

2:03 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​yet no white conservatives will give money

2:04 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Ultra Testosterone exactly

2:04 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Rich people tend to be socially liberal

2:04 AM
kmacks McDonald
​no foster friess money

2:04 AM
kmacks McDonald
​koch brother

Mark Erjavec

Luke was right before about dysgenics... How can we implement a subversive eugenics program to breed out the left? Should we change our abortion laws?

2:04 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Only Bill Regnery

2:04 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Rich Whites dont give anything to social conservative movements

2:04 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​that is fact

2:04 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​RIch White males dont do anything for conservative movement

2:04 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Cordelia May Scaiffe before she died

2:04 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​these are nonJewish white males

2:04 AM
Trad Lyf
​Ultra I can’t think of any conservative who helped me either. I hold the values for the values per se.

2:04 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Bill Gates, Buffet, Walmart, etc

2:04 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​none of them give money to conservatives

2:05 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Trad Lyf Yeah but its a massive weakness

2:05 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Ron Unz is great

2:05 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Trad Lyf since Liberals help each other compared to conservatives

2:05 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​its a huge advantage liberals have

2:05 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservatives dont help each other out at all

2:05 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Trad Lyf Any rich guys you know

2:05 AM
kmacks McDonald
​culturally conservative?

2:05 AM
Trad Lyf
​Ultra I think the WASPs are whipped

2:05 AM
Trad Lyf
​Ultra I think the WASPs are whipped

2:06 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Its more than "whipped"

2:06 AM
kmacks McDonald
​not richard spencer types

2:06 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​I have found many "conservative" males will support Feminists over me

2:06 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​even though they are "conservative" in values

2:06 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​in real world, they give support to feminists for jobs

2:06 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​its a joke

2:07 AM
Trad Lyf
​I would never support a feminist

2:07 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Rich people tend to be globalists. They go to expensive boarding schools, their classmates are children of wealthy Indians, Africans and Chinese parents, and they look down on working class whites.

2:07 AM
Oswald Spengler
​luke looks exhausted after interviewing john david ebert

2:08 AM
Trad Lyf
​You’re talking about Affirmative Action

2:08 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Trad Lyf bro in the real world im telling you

2:08 AM
​Learn to write copy, Bucko.

2:08 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​"conservative" males often support feminists for a positive over another conservative male

2:08 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​I saw it in grad school constantly

2:08 AM
Claire Khaw
​Sounds like you badly need a revolution.

2:08 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservative males are neutral towards other conservative males at best

2:08 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​often they support feminists in jobs over other conservative males

2:09 AM
Trad Lyf
​I think a counter revolution is in order

2:09 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​A conservative revolution is necessary

2:09 AM
Ultra Testosterone

2:09 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservatives dont stick together

2:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​for a revolution you need people to stick together

2:10 AM
Trad Lyf
​Revolutions are liberal

2:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservative men are very disloyal and dont stick together

2:10 AM
Claire Khaw
​Once the alt-right support slut shaming, things will turn right again, but it seems atomised nihilistic atheist men cannot bring themselves to slay their sacred cow.

2:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​that is just reality bro

2:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​that is why they are so weak

2:10 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​We need right wing media, academia, entertainment industry and propaganda

2:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw Correct

2:10 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw Even in the "dissident" right you see these guys cucking to clearly feminist women

2:11 AM
Claire Khaw
​Lash unmarried parents 100 lashes per bastard.

2:11 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw its the norm for conservative males

2:11 AM
​If you have a reasonable and responsible question or comment for the panel, please utilize YouTube's Super Chat function, which can be accessed at the bottom of this live-chat. Many thanks!

2:11 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw conservative males are mostly frauds in the real world

2:11 AM
Trad Lyf
​The academic & corporate world was taken over by the new Constitution aka Affirmative Action. People swing left for status

2:12 AM
Alex Lang
​A 'war' of independence is in order, in the name of our independence & sovereignty, not in the name of a revolution nor a restoration of a lost state that will never return.

2:12 AM
Claire Khaw
​If Western Man cannot even support marriage and family values, nothing will ever turn right for him again. You need to support Secular Koranism, but I guess you are all too nihilistic to do this

2:12 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw yes they are

2:13 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw they are useless

2:13 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​I don't think the process of dysgenics is reversible. The cause for dygenics is progress, the industrial revolution, modern medicine, humanism, and you can't get rid of these causes.

2:13 AM
Oswald Spengler
​@Claire Khaw is secular koranism enough to save one from being raised by a single mother?

2:13 AM
Claire Khaw
​Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption, moral corruption to intellectual corruption, intellectual corruption to the inability to use Truth, Logic and Morality to solve and avoid problems.

2:14 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Rich people used to have more off springs than stupid people in medieval times where survival still required intelligence.

2:14 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Rich and intelligent *

2:14 AM
Trad Lyf
​And Ultra regarding loyalty yes I agree. The past century has been a hedonistic & disloyal age.

2:14 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Liberals are loyal to each other though

2:14 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​thats the difference

2:14 AM
Trad Lyf
​We bombed the heart of Christian Europe to the Stone Age.

2:14 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Liberals will help each other bigtime

2:14 AM
Claire Khaw
​Too bad @Cotto-Gottfried are still not prepared to platform Secular Koranism because they are too afraid of offending the men not prepared to make the necessary sacrifices.

2:14 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​unlike "conservative" males

2:15 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​you cant fix conservative lack of supoprt for each other

2:15 AM
Sporties McNodrip
​I think Andy wants to be a martyr so he can get Conservative Inc. cred but his coverage has nonetheless been good

2:15 AM
Ultra Testosterone

2:15 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​In Germany key members of antifa get into high positions of academia

2:15 AM
Alex Lang
​Criminal Justice reform was pursued perhaps in order to hold onto enough white suburban Republican women for 2020.

2:16 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Liberals are far more effective supporting each other

2:16 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Oswald Spengler Secular Koranism cannot completely eradicate all unmarried parents, but it will restore the patriarchy because enough sluts and slut-fuckers will be shamed.

2:16 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Liberal rich give tons of money to liberal causes

2:16 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​"Conservative" whites will only give money to lower taxes or some BS

2:16 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​they wont support other Whites

2:16 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​especially White males

2:16 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​You're talking about neoconservatives UT

kmacks McDonald

For Cotto and Gottfried I always ask why do super rich people fear giving money even to NumbersUSA?? Cotto and Luke can you name any few rich who have helped immigration restriction? Is it fear or few just believe in it?

2:17 AM
Sandy P
​@Cott-Gottfried, So you mean Donald Trump should be dictator. There's not to be democracy in U.S.

2:17 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​No im talking about "paleoconservatives" too

2:17 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​and "dissident" right too

2:17 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​thats fact bro

2:17 AM
Trad Lyf
​Ultra Testosterone regarding collective action and community we on the right are read the riot act when we bbq

2:17 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Trad Lyf thats an excuse bro

2:17 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservatives are mostly guilty of not supporting other conservatives

2:18 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​BillIionaire conservatives can easily give money to socially conservative movements

2:18 AM
Claire Khaw
​Conservatism is not enough to defeat the chaos that is going to come crashing down on you while you remain in denial that you live in a matriarchy.

2:18 AM
​kmacks, did you mean Cotto and Luke?

2:18 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Cotto-Gottfried Yes

2:18 AM
kmacks McDonald
​both of you to answer

2:18 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@kmacks McDonald its a good question bro

2:18 AM
Trad Lyf
​I think these billionaires are not conservatives

2:18 AM
kmacks McDonald
​sorry yes and typo

2:18 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Ultra Testosterone thanks

2:18 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@kmacks McDonald why arent any rich billionaire whites giving money?

2:19 AM
kmacks McDonald
​yes ultra

2:19 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@kmacks McDonald that just shows why "conservatives" are a joke

2:19 AM
kmacks McDonald
​I ponder too

2:19 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​they dont support anything

2:19 AM
Claire Khaw
​Conservatism is indistinguishable from Liberalism anyway. You need to take both out with the trash, but you don't quite dare say that yet.

2:19 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​Bro why couldnt Walmart who is worth 100B do it?

2:19 AM
kmacks McDonald
​@Cotto-Gottfried Sorry about the typo

2:19 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​it would only take one of them worth 20B

2:19 AM
kmacks McDonald
​Cotto and Luke

2:19 AM
Trad Lyf
​The fount of money for a century has been from the base of international leftism

2:20 AM
Claire Khaw
​Does Western Man deserve to live in an advanced civilisation?

2:20 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Trad Lyf why?

2:21 AM
Trad Lyf
​On that basis the left swallows up everything successful and or extorts it

2:21 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​I dont agree with Cotto on this

2:21 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​I dont see it

2:21 AM
Trad Lyf
​Andrew Jackson & Thomas Jefferson said it best

2:22 AM
Sandy P
​@Cotto-Gottfried, These protestors just demanding police violence reform and social equality in U.S.

2:22 AM
Trad Lyf
​The national aka central bank & corps who get its funding take all the property leaving our people penniless

2:23 AM
Claire Khaw
​Unprincipled and cowardly men unable to take a stronger line against subversives other than complain helplessly while refusing to platform Secular Koranism are really to blame.

2:24 AM
​Any comment on the recently released info that Floyd was high on fentanyl during his arrest?

2:24 AM
​If you have a reasonable and responsible question or comment for the panel, please utilize YouTube's Super Chat function, which can be accessed at the bottom of this live-chat. Many thanks!

2:24 AM
Trad Lyf
​Every decade’s bailout flushes the tax burden into paying banks as debt slaves and they fund leftist media & anti-social academia + Affirmative Action in corps

2:25 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw Dunno about the "secular koranism" but the rest is true

2:25 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​they wont take a strong line against feminists

2:25 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​they dont support each other

2:25 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​its a joke

2:25 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​conservatives are NOT loyal to each other or even back each other up

2:26 AM
​repeal the 19th 😉

2:26 AM
Claire Khaw
​Men who won't act against feminists when their civilisation is clearly under threat from feminism do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation.

2:26 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw truth

2:27 AM
White Southern God
​Vox Day had a good take, today.

2:27 AM
Claire Khaw
​Effeminate men are but women with penis extensions thinking, talking and acting like immoral and promiscuous women.

2:27 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw And that includes the "dissident" right

2:27 AM
Trad Lyf
​Conservatives are religious or they just want a tax break. Our religion has been hacked and all you get is tax policy

2:27 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw I find plenty of Paleocons and Dissident Right to be very weak on feminist

2:27 AM
Trad Lyf
​If there is no religious fidelity, there’s no personal fidelity either

2:28 AM
Claire Khaw
​Only when Western Man finally acknowledges that he lives in a matriarchy will he begin to seek a cure. Patriarchy is built on marriage, matriarchy is built on widespread bastardy.

2:28 AM
​Female domination of academia has been a disaster.

2:28 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw 100% truth

2:28 AM
Trad Lyf
​Rich powerful people don’t need fidelity

2:29 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw I think feminism was the downfall of the white race

2:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values ie marriage and family values. Fatherless children are the children of people who should be treated as sex offenders.

2:30 AM
​one of those lawyers was community board members

2:31 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Fatherless people are over-represented among criminals

2:31 AM
Claire Khaw
​@kmacks McDonald For some reason @Cotto-Gottfried doesn't want to read my comments which deal with the points raised in this conversation.

2:32 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw he is only reading superchats for this show

2:32 AM
​If you have a reasonable and responsible question or comment for the panel, please utilize YouTube's Super Chat function, which can be accessed at the bottom of this live-chat. Many thanks!

Row House

Cotto and Luke does the Virus have anything to do with these riots? The unemployment and being stuck inside? What if there were no virus in 2020?

2:33 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Ultra Testosterone My questions are better than the superchat questions though.

2:33 AM
​The culture of the lumpen proletariat has been mainstreamed.

2:33 AM
Trad Lyf
​Men need structure and neoliberalism removes it

2:35 AM
Trad Lyf
​True. The deconstructed social wreckage is romanticized by Hollywood low culture & people are flying by the seat of their pants on assumptions

2:36 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Claire Khaw I know but still

2:36 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Trad Lyf People need rules that encourage them to do the right thing and discourage them from doing the wrong thing.

2:37 AM
Trad Lyf
​Claire Khaw inshallah

2:37 AM
Claire Khaw
​A lot of men like being coddled.

Row House

I hear Antifa is hard to lock down on. What about a sites called Its Going Down or BAMN. Could Trump have IP addresses found who runs those and give 20 year prison sentences? Lock down cells of it?

2:42 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​African Americans are the lumpenproletariat of America

2:43 AM
Trad Lyf
​No admin has gone to the root of radicalism for at least half a century - probably since McCarthy

2:44 AM
Row House
​@Trad Lyf Mccarthy was right

2:44 AM
Row House
​and good

2:44 AM
Row House
​and just

2:44 AM
Trad Lyf
​Row House 100%

2:44 AM
Claire Khaw
​Corrupt men who live in their matriarchy who are hooked on extramarital sex are not prepared to give it up for the next generation, because they have no hope/intention of becoming married fathers.

2:46 AM
Trad Lyf
​Reagan was involved in - despite the wars on “crime” & “drugs” (aliases for African-Americans) - Iran Contra, a drug running operation to supply guns to mercenaries in South America

2:48 AM
Claire Khaw
​No religion, no national identity. If you have no religion, what you have by default is the moral sewage of mainstream culture.

2:48 AM
Trad Lyf
​And George Bushs I & II obviously had no interest in thwarting Communism despite fighting the controlled opposition Cold War

2:48 AM
Claire Khaw
​You need religion to make people agree on the rules but Western Man is too effete to even discuss this question.

2:50 AM
Mark Erjavec
​the right needs to adopt ends justify the means

2:50 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​I suspect most people take advantage of the lawlessness for hedonistic reasons not for political reasons

2:51 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Mark Erjavec Have you heard of Secular Koranism? That would solve all your problems, but Western Man thinks this medicine is too strong.

2:52 AM
Christiaan Tomatenpuree
​@claire khaw purchase a google gift cart and support the channel, I'd love to see your questions answered

2:52 AM
Curious Cretin

2:53 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Christiaan Tomatenpuree I should be on the show answering these questions though. I think I have sacrificed quite a lot already to state and restate my message.

2:54 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Cotto-Gottfried you should get Claire on your show bro

2:54 AM
Ultra Testosterone
​@Cotto-Gottfried She has good perspective on feminism

2:55 AM
Christiaan Tomatenpuree

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