
Monday, 22 June 2020

Who is being pandered to and who is being undermined in the eternal battle of the sexes? Yin & Yang

2:00  White Nationalism, racism and stranger danger
3:00  Identity politics is status politics.
4:00  Equality and fairness
5:00  Playing by the rules
6:00  The rules are opaque.
7:00  Self-censorship
8:00  YouTube
9:00  I reject conspiracy theories.
10:00  Psychology of the unconscious mind
11:00  Legitimacy
12:00  Even-stevens
13:00  Practical wisdom
15:00  Secular Koranism
16:00  alt-right
17:00  Non-independent media are conspiring to deprive me of the oxygen of publicity.
18:00  Jews and Muslims
22:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz
25:00  Alpha male leader
26:00  One party state
27:00  Trump's Tulsa Rally

30:00  Liberal democracy, operating on margin and futures trading
31:00  Key politicians
32:00  Democracy should be taken out with the trash.
33:00  Party training school in a one party state
34:00  Becoming Prime Minister
34:00  Metanarrative
36:00  Francis Fukuyama's End of History
37:00  Opinion pollsters
38:00  Theory of case
39:00  My limited objectives
40:00  A proposal that is unpopular is not necessarily unsound principle. 
41:00  Restoring the patriarchy
42:00  Perennial Koenig
43:00  Perennials
47:00  Sub-beta males
52:00  Jacinda Ardern
54:00  One party state
57:00  Secular Koranism
58:00  Secular Twin Towerism
59:00  Patriarchy
1:00:00  You have nothing to lose but your chains.
1:01:00  What women like in men and what men like in women
1:05:00  Marriage
1:06:00  Philosophy
1:08:00  Female psychology
1:09:00  The opposite sex
1:10:00  Dictator of Britain
1:11:00  Church of Entropy

1:13:00  Richard Spencer

1:17:00  Christian Science and Unitarian Christianity in the US
1:23:00  Who is being pandered to under lockdown?
1:24:00  Matriarchy
1:25:00  Pandering to the female voter
1:26:00  Hitler on democracy

1:27:00  Sexual morality and genetic hygiene
1:28:00  No fault divorce
1:30:00  The national interest
1:31:00  Community Centre
1:34:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
1:35:00  Principles
1:36:00  Shit tests and Richard Spencer
1:40:00  Boris Johnson
1:44:00  Alpha female
1:45:00  A female with alpha male qualities
1:46:00  Theocracy
1:47:00  Reading terror suspect had PTSD and other mental health issues
Official documents show Khairi Saadallah had been diagnosed with various conditions
1:49:00  My roadmap to power
1:50:00  Jews
1:51:00  Antisemitism
1:52:00  Liberalism
1:53:00  Noahide laws
1:55:00  Matriarchy
1:56:00  One party state
1:58:00  The qualifications of an alpha male leader in a patriarchy
2:01:00  How you could help
2:02:00  Official Spokesperson
2:03:00  Lee Rigby
2:04:00  Matriarchy and Patriarchy
2:05:00  Homo sapiens v Neanderthal Man
2:07:00  Yin and Yang
2:09:00  Division of labour, specialisation and efficiency
2:11:00  Jews speaking truth to power

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