
Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Jews can only win against E Michael Jones if they call out the idolatry of Christianity


4:00  The Trinity

At 1:08:30

10:00  Paralysis of Western government

11:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis refuses to protect the statues of his host country nor does he believe in due process.

The rallying cry ‘Black Lives Matter’ should be understood as more than a powerful slogan. It is a call for rehumanisation in a world that seems in danger of forsaking its humanity.

While the shocking and tragic murder of George Floyd and the resulting protests across the world are currently making the headlines, the racism and dehumanisation that they have exposed is not new. We cannot stand idly by as it takes hold of our societies. However, it is also not enough for us to simply join in with a superficial chorus of disapproval. Real change calls upon us to find the courage to challenge racism wherever we come across it: on social media, in the streets, in our communities and in our hearts.

The world remains in the grip of the most devastating global pandemic in memory, a tragedy which should have placed all of humankind on the same side as we face a common foe. Now more than ever, we must recognise that we are all part of one global family within which all people are created in the image of God, whoever they might be.

Jewish tradition teaches that one who saves a life has saved an entire world and one who destroys a life has destroyed an entire world. Such is the value we must place on each and every human life. That ‘Black Lives Matter’ needs affirming at all is utterly shameful. There is no doubt that this is an essential wake up call for each and every one of us.

12:00  Marginalised and junior Jews
13:00  Why E Michael Jones won't talk to me any more. Michael Voris
14:00  Michael Voris, Jared Taylor and American Renaissance
15:00  Catholics lost the Wars of the Reformation
16:00  The Protestants won the Spanish-American War and the Catholics lost.
17:00  Napoleon invaded the Iberian peninsula provoking rebellion in its New World territories.

18:00  The Civil War was really an American War of Unification.
19:00  What Lincoln said about slavery:

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.

21:00  The WASP supremacy
22:00  White guilt = imperial guilt
22:00  Kneeling policemen and kneeling National Guardsmen antithetical to global imperial glory
24:00  If E Michael Jones were dictator
25:00  Quicker to restore the patriarchy with Secular Koranism than with another Inquisition for which there is even less political will.
26:00  The Trinity

27:00  Jews suffer because they have failed to condemn the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. The soonest Jews could have effectively started Noahidising Christians and being light unto the nations was after the success of Islam in the Middle East.

Since Muslims did not admonish in a systematic way those who claim God has begotten a son as required them to, Europeans remained in a state of Christian ignorance killing each other with heretic burning and then from their Wars of the Reformation in their continent-wide European Wars of Religion. The neglect of this Islamic obligation soon came back to bite them in the bottom when Christians crusaded against them from the 1000s to the 1200s.

31:00  Jews were chosen by God for a purpose.

34:00  E Michael Jones and junior Jew talking about Jewish identity

36:00  E Michael Jones: "The Jew is a theological construct."

37:00  Jews come in four colours.

40:00  "American Renaissance is a Jewish operation."

41:00  Amy Dean the feminist Commie Jew on gay marriage in Tikkun Olam which antisemite E Michael Jones likes to pretend is the archetypal Jew.

42:00  The observant Jew is the only authentic Jew.

44:00  Only Jews get to live in Israel.

45:00  Jews who have converted to another religion would get struck off the Register of Jews that I propose. It is only a matter of time before the Israeli government gets Diaspora Jews to adopt my recommendation.

46:00  Places of worship under Secular Koranism would be on a level playing field.

48:00  The burned and bloody history of the Trinity

49:00  Michael Servetus ad William Tyndale - burned at the stake for what? 

50:00  My 14 questions for Ann Coulter

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #10 Healthcare under Secular Koranism