
Friday, 12 June 2020

Why I want Lord Sumption to be Britain's Lord Protector administering Secular Koranism

4:00  Lord Sumption,_Lord_Sumption
6:00  British masculinity resides in Lord Sumption who should be made Dictator of Britain

8:00  Has Lord Sumption read the Koran?

Is Lord Sumption a confirmed and believing Christian?

If he is not a believing Christian or even an atheist, would he nevertheless agree with me that even atheists need a hypothetical supreme being so they can order their thinking in a way similar to that of lawyer organising his legal research to find the most apt, persuasive and legally authoritative precedent to pursue his client's claim?

If so, does Lord Sumption really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe and now exists outside it as pure spirit?

Whether or not Lord Sumption is a believing Christian, does he not think that the Doctrine of the Trinity is ipso facto idolatry?

Is Lord Sumption aware that the Ten Commandments forbid blasphemy and idolatry?

Would Lord Sumption agree that the Koran is a better source for the rule of law for the gentile than the New Testament which Christians never even claimed was from Christ, let alone God Himself?

Is Lord Sumption aware that the Koran completes the revelation for humanity since He divided humanity between Jew and Gentile, with the Torah being for Jews and the Koran being for gentiles?

Would Lord Sumption agree with me that Christianity is kaput?

If Lord Sumption disagrees with me that Christianity is kaput, is he aware that there are only 6 million confirmed Anglicans in the UK?

Because Christians are required to believe in the absurdity of the Trinity, would Lord Sumption agree with me that no one claiming to be a Christian should be accepted as one until and unless he also confirms that he worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?

Is Lord Sumption aware that the Catholic Church does not even release figures of confirmed Catholics, presumably because it wants to hide its failure?

Would Lord Sumption agree with me that the failure of the Catholic Church was conclusive and undeniable when Catholic Ireland fell to gay marriage? 

Is Lord Sumption aware of that the priests of the Catholic Church are but fattened maggots feeding off the corpse of Catholicism?

Would Lord Sumption agree that the very least your religion should be doing for your society is ensuring that most parents are married, to prevent degeneracy, dementia and the decline of your civilisation?

If it is accepted that Christianity is kaput, would Lord Sumption agree with me that it should be replaced? 

If Lord Sumption agrees that a failed religion must be replaced, would he agree with me that its replacement must be one effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality that is also in conformity with the Noahid laws to be in keeping with Britain's Judeo-Christian heritage?

9:00  What would Lord Sumption think of Secular Koranism?
What would Lord Sumption think of a flat rate income tax of 20%?

10:00 What does Lord Sumption think of a Government of National Unity governed by the principles of Secular Koranism ie a one party theocracy?

11:00  Lord Sumption, Lord Protector to the British from Matriarchal Madness?

12:00  The damage of liberal democracy

14:00  The Sykes-Picot Agreement is a system of booby traps and poison pills left all over the Middle East to smother Pan-Arabism at birth. 

15:00  Putin: Russian president says liberalism 'obsolete'

18:00  It is not only the alt-right that make a point of ignoring Truth, Logic and Morality. Soon, the entire West will be drowning its in its lies, irrationality and immorality. The New Culture Forum is socially conservative but Islamophobic, presented by Peter Whittle who is gay.

19:00  LGBTs will not be discussing the criminalisation of extramarital sex prescribed in

Those with vested interests in the matriarchy are:

  1. LGBTs 
  2. unmarried parents
  3. the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents who would dislike having to acknowledge that both their parents would be treated as sex offenders under Secular Koranism
  4. those whose legitimate offspring have given them illegitimate grandchildren
  5. those who expect their legitimate offspring to give them illegitimate offspring 
  6. those who indulge in fornication
  7. those in a relationship with an unmarried parent
  8. those who have family members and friends who are unmarried parents
  9. those contemplating unmarried parenthood
  10. confirmed bachelors who have no intention or prospect of becoming married fathers 

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

There are therefore ten groups that need to be persuaded and brought into line and I know exactly how to deal with them using a combination of incentives and disincentives. 


22:00  Why I propose as theocracy
23:00  UK laws should be in conformity with the Noahide laws. 
24:00  Why Christianity is kaput
25:00  The European Wars of Religion
26:00  Protestantism was really national independence from the Pope and a manifestation of national consciousness.

27:00  The Koran is a superior source of theocracy to the New Testament that even Christians do not claim was from Christ, let alone God. If the distillation of Christian wisdom is the Sermon on the Mount, then the New Testament is an undeniably inferior source since nothing in that sermon was stated clearly and what is stated clearly is hardly wisdom. 

28:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy is the Doctrine of a Woman's Prerogative to Change Her Mind

29:00  The woman in question is an irresponsible and immoral woman suffering from delusions and dementia in denial of the sins of her past and the flaws of her character caused by a lack of moral education due to bad parenting that led to her sinning and denial thereof.

30:00  Disestablishing the Church of England

Arguments for disestablishing the Church of England after the adoption of Secular Koranism and why Charles might secretly support this

37:00  Why it not viable to return to paganism

41:00  Derek Chauvin is overcharged for his manslaughter of George Floyd. In the UK, he would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. 

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