
Sunday, 26 July 2020

How European monarchs were converted by Christian missionaries from Rome [from 48:00]

1:00  Streaming as therapy
3:00  Secular Koranism would help White Nationalists.
5:00  A one party theocracy
6:00  You would need a DNA test to be part of Daniel's White Nation.

7:00  The "unionisation" of white people without imposing a slut-shaming religion on them would be as effective as herding cats.   

8:00  The hopelessness of Western men who refuse to admit they need a leader which they must loyally support because they don't want the burden of obeying him only to be betrayed and disappointed by him is evidence of their degeneracy and weak character and their lack of charismatic, honourable and influential men with leadership qualities.

9:00  Verbose but inarticulate

10:00  A proposed shadow state

14:00  After George Floyd, Ghana’s simple message to African Americans: “Come home”


While populism can, at its best, override the contradictions and misdirection of popular philosophy by dint of the underlying natural biological imperative of species to maintain their kind, at its worst, it does allow for backdoors and entryism, by which rogue forces can manipulate said contradictions and misdirections by true antagonists to the native kind in disregard and result in overcompensating reaction which only makes our situation worse - as in the case of WWII.

 19:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz is a a male version of Church of Entropy.

As Dangerfield is promoting a populist nationalism which upholds these liabilities, while gaining in popularity indeed, I will be stewarding this platform, the correct platform, where the populists, by contrast think they are being "rebellious" by identifying as "right wing" or "third position" ...against "the left".... against "post modernity" (as they understand it) defending "their Christian religion" when in fact they are acting into the altercast trap set for them.

21:00  Dangerfield - it such a terrible channel I wouldn't want to be on it even if he asked me.

26:00  I know will be tarred with the same brush for associating with antisemites, Islamophobes, racists, social retards, marginalised and left behind bitter isolated and atomised unmarriageable men suffering from an inadequate education aggravated by learning disabilities and personality disorders. Such men nevertheless deserve our consideration and sympathy. It is ironic that I, a female and a foreigner, should care about them enough to tell them the truth about what happened to them when no one of their own race and nationality cares enough to do so. People like Nick Griffin only wanted to exploit them, which was why he only pandered to their prejudices ie blaming Jews and Muslims while not giving them the full picture: the failure of their religion (that their ancestors were forcibly converted into) leading to their now failed political system. They are now in a state of rage and fear caused by the incompetence, hypocrisy and mendacity of their government as well as the humiliation of being forced to listen to liberal lies from the BBC every day, which they have to pay for.

27:00  Bread and circuses

29:00  Taboo

31:00  Seven Deadly Sins

38:00  Matriarchy

39:00  UKIP and Tory

43:00  China-bashing and refusing to read the Koran

45:00  Why would anyone do something difficult in order to be proven wrong eg read the Koran or visit China?

48:00  The public intellectuals who refuse to admit that Christianity is kaput.

49:00  Christian missionaries from Rome

50:00  Cardinals

51:00  How the ancestors of the Post-Christian Westerner were forcibly converted into Christianity by cunning Catholic missionaries and kept Christian through state intimidation

52:00  Michael Servetus, Edward Wightman and Thomas Aikenhead

53:00  Peter Hitchens, Charles Moore

54:00  The con-trick of Christianity

1:03:00  If the West has a personality, it has the personality of Blanche Dubois.

1:10:00  Narcissistic Personality Disorder

1:11:00  The Seven Deadly Sins and the Mortal Sin

1:12:00  Only pride and chauvinism prevents the religionless West from submitting to Islam.

1:13:00  The Church of England is now a creature of the liberal state.

1:14:00  Idolatry

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Failing to explain the harm of idolatry to someone who clearly doesn't care

A failed attempt to explain why it is necessary to conceive of God correctly to derive the full benefits of a self-correcting moral system. ...