
Wednesday, 1 July 2020

America's decline: More like Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome?

1:00  Self-imposed degeneracy
2:00  Montesquieu

Montesquieu did not consider theocracy at all, did he?

4:00  Liberal democracy is now communism
6:00  Athens was an empire that didn't know it was an empire.
7:00  America is an empire that does not it is an empire: super-preachy and lacking in self-awareness.

14:00  The self-loathing of people who are mostly atheists and nihilists without religion whose politicians insult their intelligence regularly by telling them ever more and more unbelievable lies 

16:00  Neoconservatism is sophistry.

17:00  Moralising invaders preaching liberal intervention

18:00  The nauseating spinelessness of the Post-Christian Western gentile who is an atheist and nihilist.

19:00  Protestant morality is hyper morality?

20:00  Veering from moral superiority to penitential sinners

21:00  Two-faced morality, hypocrisy, from imperialism to nauseating self-abnegation. If America were a real person, would she be diagnosed with a personality disorder?

26:00  Trump

27:00  The shabby reputation of Conservatism

28:00  Pozzed Western men too afraid to criticise Black Lives Matter publicly.

29:00  The left have completed its march through the institutions.

30:00  Opposition to Black Lives Matter disappeared the moment pozzed unprincipled Western Man felt in danger of violence.

34:00  Permanent revolution if Trump wins the 2020 election.

36:00  Multinationals seem to support BLM.

42:00  The extortion of Google

43:00  Bill Barr Attorney General

44:00  The government is not in control. Sclerosis

46:00  If the minute men and the alt-right had seized power as the left did in Seattle

47:00  No right-wing companies

48:00  The technocracy is our new priesthood

52:00  The generalised hatred for Western institutions is the hatred of disappointed white women for their spineless degenerate porn-entitled men.  

54:00  Sadistic white women who hate white men

56:00  Local and small business

57:00  Form your own community.

58:00  Stupid voting base means democracy is dementia.

1:21:00  The establishment is a school of fish with no one in charge, swimming hither and thither with no guiding principle other than their emotions, moods and fashions of the moment and their collective hatred of Trump. The matriarchy instinctively sees him as their Nemesis. 

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