
Saturday, 25 July 2020

Apostate Prophet who lost debate to Muslim Skeptic claims Zakir Naik is scared of David Woods

10:00  The Normans were idolaters, Judaism forbids it.
12:00  Christianity is idolatrous, blasphemy, absurd and illegitimate.
13:00  Sanhedrin trial of Jesus 

15:00  The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
The Da Vinci Code follows "symbologist" Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris causes them to become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene having had a child together.
17:00  The Koran says Christ did not die of being crucified.

18:00  Christianity is a moral vacuum currently being filled by liberalism. Since liberalism and feminism is also a moral vacuum, it will be filled by Islam.

21:00  Questions Jews and Muslims should ask Christians to undermine the Doctrine of the Trinity.

22:00  Only around 6 million confirmed Anglicans in the UK

24:00  Confirmation service

26:00  Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox

27:00  Michael Servetus, Edward Wightman and Thomas Aikenhead

28:00 is the basis of the First Amendment.
29:00  Biden or Trump?
30:00  War would give the justification of greater censorship.
31:00  Geopolitics
32:00  Britain no longer has a working class because it has lost its manufacturing base and does not grow enough for its own needs.

33:00  A one-party state is the most rational and efficient way of governing your country.

34:00  Xi Jinping

From 1973, he applied to join the Communist Party of China ten times and was finally accepted on his tenth attempt in 1974.
35:00  The wisdom of having the humility of learning from one's mistakes

36:00  Narcissistic Personality Disorder is mostly caused by bad atheist liberal parenting.

37:00  The death Narcissus

39:00  Sociopaths and psychopaths in positions of political power
40:00  Diplomacy
43:00  Confirmation

54:00  How to challenge Christians on their absurdity, illegitimacy, idolatry and blasphemy

56:00  The capital crimes of the Old Testament

47:00  Slavery under Secular Koranism

1:07:00  Deuteronomy 28

1:09:00  Painting a picture of Secular Koranism

1:12:00  Zakir Naik should challenge Christians by asking them questions below.


  1. Ask the Christian how an executed revolutionary could be considered the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.
  2. Ask the Christian how the mortal and fallible men who wrote the New Testament exceed or equal the moral authority of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe who revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.
  3. Ask the Christian how worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe is not idolatry.
  4. Ask the Christian how worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe is not supreme blasphemy.
  5. Ask the Christian if he is really an atheist more invested in his idolatry and blasphemy than the correct worship of the Abrahamic God.  
  6. Ask the Christian if Christianity is kaput.
  7. If the Christian asserts that the West is Christian, ask him if the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human. 
  8. If the Christian asserts that Christianity is working, ask him how it is working when the American empire spreads the moral sewage of gay marriage and transgenderism which are against Biblical and Koranic principles.  
  9. If the Christian asserts that Christianity is working, ask him if the least your religion should be doing for your society is to ensure minimum standards of sexual morality ie that most parents in your society are married parents and ask the illegitimacy rate of his country. We already know that the illegitimacy rate of Jamaica is 86%, over 50% in the UK, 50% in Canada and 40% in America. 
  10. If the Christian asserts that Christianity is working, ask him how many confirmed Christians there are in the UK. Only around 6 million confirmed Anglicans in the UK
  11. Ask the Christian how many people he would be prepared to execute to effect a Christian revival. (Examples of Christians executed by other Christians for no good reason are: Michael Servetus, Edward Wightman and Thomas Aikenhead for denying the Trinity. William Tyndale was burned at the stake for daring to translate the Bible into English at the behest of the Catholic Church presumably because the priesthood was afraid of being asked to explain the nonsense that is Sermon on the Mount.)

1:13:00  The Disputation of Paris

1:15:00  The First Amendment

1:16:00  The Trinity is intellectually and morally indefensible.

1:17:00  Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn Christians about their idolatry and blasphemy because they administer a world empire.

1:18:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles. God divided humanity into Jews and gentiles. 

1:19:00  Christians have been proponents of might is right but their third global empire is now crumbling into division and possibly civil war because the religion and political system of the West have failed. 

1:20:00  Will Trump have the courage to criticise the matriarchy of the West?

1:21:00  The Chinese Communist Party is more in touch with Truth, Logic and Morality than the Elephant and Donkey parties of America.

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