
Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Asimov's Foundation and the purpose of Secular Koranism

5:00  Psychohistory
10:00  The Mule - possibly referring to the stubbornness of sinners
12:00  Hari Seldon explains psychohistory as being analogous to quantum mechanics
14:00  Psychohistory

16:00  Claire Khaw = Hari Seldon?

17:00  No demand for Truth, Logic and Morality in a world gone mad.

18:00  The burgeoning bastardy of the now mad matriarchy

19:00  34 years on, Japan finally prepares to swallow Pill

21:00  Western leaders are just sitting on their hands waiting for the results of the US Presidential elections on 3 November 2020 like a poodle waiting for the commands of its master.

22:00  A de jure one party state
23:00  The constitution of the Chinese Communist Party
24:00  Putin says liberalism is "obsolete"
26:00  Secular Koranism would make life easier for the Deep State and the puppeteers of politicians.

27:00  Americans must vote Trump to save Western civilisation or Biden and his VP will trash it. 

28:00  Yin and Yang

30:00  Yin = the preference for sexual liberation practised by unmarried parents.  
Yang = the necessity for moral restraint favoured by married parents

32:00  Li Hsien Loong kissing up to unmarried mother Jacinda Ardern. Does he want Singapore stuffed with degenerate sluts and bastards?

33:00  Hegel

35:00  White Sharia
37:00  Theocracy

40:00  Church of Entropy
41:00  An examination for the judiciary
42:00  The fun of Secular Koranism to come in terms of the arts, literature and light entertainment.

43:00  White people have been traumatised by the failure of Christianity and the knowledge that their ancestors were forcibly converted and kept Christian by the terrible threat of heretic burning. 

44:00  Prince Charles
46:00  Bets would become illegal contracts.
49:00  Nationalists and Israel
52:00  The British-American coup that ended Australian independence

54:00  Grace period for lashing unmarried parents is 9 months after Secular Koranism is formally adopted

56:00  Disestablishing the Church of England
1:01:00  A unicameral Parliament
1:02:00  The constitution the Sole Party of National Unity of Britain should model itself on, mutatis mutandis
1:03:00  Expulsion
1:04:00  LGBT rights in China
1:08:00  Central Party School of the Communist Party of China
1:10:00  Claire Khaw, Government Adviser for Secular Koranism
1:12:00  Secular Koranism was created to protect of Western Woman.
1:13:00  Church of Entropy is the Archetype of Western Woman.
1:14:00  Banning usury under Secular Koranism would give us all a more stable economy ending the boom-bust cycle.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #13 SK Israel and the Register of Race

Idolatry 7:00  Bigger and better than Star Wars and Dune? 8:00  [Reading of The Dawn of Reason begins.] 10:00  Good government 18:00  Israel...