
Wednesday 15 July 2020

Is our globohomo matriarchy making us mentally ill?

4:00  Feminism is making men who want to be married fathers mentally ill.
5:00  LGBT being treated as equal to married fathers is making married fathers mentally ill.
6:00  Christianity
7:00  Globohomo moved into the moral vacuum that is Christianity.
8:00  When Christianity began to die
9:00  History
10:00  The purpose of religion is patriarchy
11:00  Unmarriageable bachelors won't support patriarchy
16:00  Principles
17:00  Socialism with Chinese characteristics
18:00  National Socialism
19:00  The Deadly Sin of Gentile Envy for Jews
20:00  Western non-Muslim gentiles
23:00  Mentally ill marginalised men and women of the West will have their mental illness cured by supporting Secular Koranism
29:00  Socialism with Chinese characteristics
30:00  Huawei and British Telecom
31:00  The shame and self-loathing of Westerners misgoverned by their incompetent and corrupt governments

2:00  Why can't BT do what Huawei does?
3:00  The self-esteem of the average Briton
4:00  Trump pandering to Sinophobic voters
5:00  Notice to quit
6:00  Britain is an indecisive woman.
7:00  Jacob and Esau
8:00  "My word is my bond."
9:00  Jingoism and chauvinism
10:00  When war becomes a behavioural addiction
11:00  Wise leaders
12:00  Successful generals are trusted by their men.
13:00  Liars are not listened to.
14:00  Sclerosis
15:00  Being respected as a nation
16:00  Huawei in America
17:00  Spying
18:00  Encryption
19:00  Trade war
20:00  China, Muslims and Jews blamed by the alt-right.
21:00  Jordan Peterson
22:00  Becoming a one party state
23:00  Lies, hatred and fear
24:00  High-tech China - the Zoetrope system in Shanghai
26:00  Confusing yourself with your own lies
27:00  The Deep State throughout history
28:00  The demonisation of critics
29:00  Unprincipled politicians
30:00  Who should Britain listen to?
31:00  Being open to threats and bribes

33:00  Lord Palmerston on British interests.

We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.

34:00  Spying

38:00  The concept of promoting the long term national interest does not compute with Western politicians.

39:00  Morally compromised male politicians
40:00  The legacy of Marx
41:00  The one party state
42:00  Sexual corruption has turned the West into a matriarchy.
48:00  It started with the Pill.

49:00  Unmarried parents are now the majority in the West which is now a matriarchy.

50:00  Livy: "We can neither bear our sins nor their cure."
51:00  Surrounded by sluts and bastards in our matriarchy

53:00  Period of grace for unmarried parents whose bastard is born after Secular Koranism comes into force.

54:00  No requirement for me to be morally perfect.
55:00  Fornication
56:00  The length of an unhurried courtship
57:00  Finding a gang to join
58:00  Our nation is a microcosm of our individual identity.
1:00:00  A one party theocracy
1:01:00  Man cannot live on bread alone.  

1:02:00  The understandable aspiration to be better than other groups could be harnessed in the promotion of the long term national interest.

1:03:00  "We just want you to make yourselves extinct."
1:04:00  Globohomo is the antithesis of "Go forth and multiply"
1:05:00  The social and institutional consequences of globohomo
1:06:00  We are rotting in our own echo chambers.

1:07:00  Conservatism is an inadequate and merely defensive ideology.

1:08:00  The Koran clearly shames sluts and slut-fuckers in a non-lethal way.
1:10:00  Antimonianism
1:13:00  The private and public purposes of religion
1:14:00  Morality
1:15:00  Statecraft
1:16:00  Judaism
1:17:00  Noahide laws
1:18:00  Isolationism
1:19:00  China could give the West advice on becoming a one party state.

1:27:00  No ethno-nationalism could ever be stronger than Judaism which is the divine ethno-nationalism of God's Chosen People.

1:28:00  The Koran does not give Arabs a higher status. 
1:29:00  Non-Arab Muslims dislike the Saudis.
1:30:00  The redemptive power of sexual anarchy
1:31:00  We want the rules to stay the same and life to be predictable. 
1:32:00  What happens when people don't do what they are supposed to do
1:33:00  Neurosis, sclerosis and denial
1:34:00  We are abused children and the government is our abuser. 
1:35:00  Enoch Powell and Keith Joseph
1:36:00  David Starkey
1:37:00  Atheists and nihilists
1:38:00  JF Gariepy (nihilist) v Stefan Molyneux (moral absolutist)
1:39:00  Who would you choose to be your leader - JF or Molly?
1:40:00  Sociopaths in politics

1:41:00  The Conservative Party literally has no principles even though its constitution mentions them. 

1:44:00  In a landmark ruling, Central Information Commission puts political parties under the RTI Act
After the order of the full bench of CIC, the parties will be answerable to the citizens regarding their source of funding, how they spend money and choice of candidates for elections, among other issues.

1:45:00  Inexperienced judiciary roped into decide important cases and "advised" into the government-approved decision

1:46:00  Saying what is necessary to be done

1:47:00  MP's oath of allegiance

I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.

1:48:00  Oath of Communist Party member:

It is my will to join the Communist Party of China, uphold the Party’s program, observe the provisions of the Party Constitution, fulfill the obligations of a Party member, carry out the Party’s decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, protect Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism for the rest of my life, always be prepared to sacrifice my all for the Party and the people, and never betray the Party. 

1:52:00  Herd immunity

1:54:00  US anti-trust laws and protecting free speech on social media platforms

1:55:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty mirrors the prerogative of woman who can never make up her mind. 

1:59:00  Matriarchy, Dumb and Dumber, Idiocracy

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