
Thursday 16 July 2020

Jews are between Scylla and Charybdis

Jews are between Scylla and Charybdis. What should they do to be true to themselves and live authentically as Jews, as Heidegger urged people to do?
The authentic Jew is surely the observant Jew, but they are now in the minority.

Should Jews

a) supplicate idolaters and blasphemers who to this day worship a man their Sanhedrin convicted of blasphemy for saying that his papa was Hashem

b) rely on the Holy Book of Hamas to protect their rights

Which do you think God would prefer them to do?

I am sure there are enough good Jewish lawyers to accomplish the task of protecting Jewish rights using the Koran. After all, Islam is considered by Jews to be the most Noahide of all gentile religions and Jews who have read the Koran have reluctantly admitted that there is nothing in its commandments and prohibitions that violate the Noahide laws, which was what Jews were chosen by God to promote, according to the Talmud.

Have Jews been doing this? Aren't most Jews liberal? Isn't liberalism atheism and isn't atheism the nihilism of globohomo? If Jews won't apologise to gentiles for having failed them, will they apologise to God for failing to carry out what He had chosen them to do at the earliest opportunity now that Tisha B'Av is coming up?

It is most unlikely that Western Christians are now going to persecute Jews for pointing out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. It is even quite likely that Christians would be the first to admit Christianity is kaput and will immediately put up their hands in surrender if asked to justify the Trinity which has been violating God's Commandments against blasphemy and idolatry for 2000 years.

There is only one moral and rational choice of a religion to replace Christianity, is there not?

The Harvesting of Monotheism:

1) The Jewish diaspora was the ploughing of the field.

2) Christianity is the planting of the seeds.

3) Islam would be the harvest.

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