
Sunday 5 July 2020

I explain to Kashif Shahzada why Secular Koranism is called Secular Koranism

47:00  Why Secular Koranism is called Secular Koranism

When Muhammad imposed Sharia on Mecca I bet not everyone was Muslim because it was a pagan city. He must have said "Look at these rules, Meccans: you could work within them. Chapter 2 verse 256 says you don't actually have to be Muslim to submit to sharia. Mecca will accommodate non-Muslims. Islam accommodates the People of the book: Jews and Christians. And also pagans. You just have to obey these laws but we won't force you to believe. 

We know that most people in the West are atheists and that is the problem. They no longer believe in Christianity which is why they don't follow it. They hate themselves and they hate their history. They're very confused about their place in the world and they have a problem with their sense of identity which is why the topple the statues of their ancestors. But if you say "I'm going to convert you to Islam and make you follow Sharia" they'll get even more angry and frightened and confused so I have to guarantee that their freedom of belief will be respected guaranteed otherwise they'll say "You're going to force us to believe in Islam and if we don't you're going to cut our heads off!" You know how they get hysterical so if you say: "You have to convert to Islam to get Sharia", it'll never happen and we'll be dead long before anything like that would happen.

The message of Secular Koranism:

Enjoy the benefits of Secular Koranism first, because you are going to like it so much when you get good results that you will be happy to become Muslim and bring up your children Muslim.

1:04:00  My position on idolatry is in harmony with Islam.

"There is something called hidden idolatry. The Prophet Muhammad himself acknowledged that even Jews and Muslims praying correctly could be guilty of it when they're praying if they just wanted to display their piety. They are not actually worshipping God in their mind and that was called hidden idolatry. So that would be my argument for Muslims allowing pagan temples in their country as a guarantee of religious freedom [prescribed by].

If Jews and Muslims praying correctly could be guilty of hidden idolatry, they have no business closing down the temples of other people.  The Koran does not express great hatred for idolatry and idolaters. It just asks people why they would worship idols that can neither help nor harm them. It asks a rhetorical question. doesn't it? "Why would you worship idols that can neither help nor harm you? The penalty for idolatry is not death as it would be for Jews. The penalty for idolatry for Jews is is death."

The people asked, "O messenger of Allah, what is secret Shirk?"

He replied, "When a man gets up to pray and strives to beautify his prayer because people are looking at him; that is secret Shirk."

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever swears by other than Allah has committed an act of kufr or shirk." (graded hasan by Al-Tirmidhi and saheeh by Al-Hakim)

According to Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Ibn Mas’ood, one of Muhammad's companions, said:

"That I should swear by Allah upon a lie is more preferable to me than that I should swear by another upon the truth.

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