
Thursday 2 July 2020

Should wasting time be considered a sin?

4:00  Leisure
5:00  Work-life balance and the real purpose of the activity alleged to be time-wasting
6:00  The purpose of therapy
7:00  Being a basket case
8:00  Specialisation
9:00  Fast food outlets came from a shortage of short order chefs
10:00  Treating employees like spare parts
11:00  Having goals in life
12:00  The meaning/purpose of life
13:00  What is the purpose of our life?
14:00  What we are not supposed to do
15:00  Theocracy protects patriarchy
16:00  Unmarried parents tend to be atheists and nihilists.
17:00  Memento mori
18:00  Regrets
19:00  If you only had a day to live, what would you do?
21:00  Children who disgrace their parents
23:00  Good state education
24:00  Rational political and moral choices
25:00  Following the rules
25:00  Top five regrets of the dying
29:00  Integrity
30:00  Opportunity cost
32::00  Permissive liberal parenting
34:00  Shitlib parents
35:00  God's view on people who waste time
36:00  Bad government produces bad parenting.
37:00  Blaming the government in a democracy
38:00  Immigration
39:00  Being forced to defend our positions
40:00  Ideas cannot die, only temporarily suppressed.
41:00  Secular Koranism > Pogrom
42:00  Unpopular does not mean impossible
43:00  3M Hongkongese coming to the UK
44:00  Directions are principles.
45:00  Religion creates for us a path with which to navigate featureless landscapes.
49:00  Unprincipled politicians like Boris Johnson
51:00  The political activist is by definition an optimist.
55:00  People who lie to themselves
56:00  Neurosis
57:00  Overseeing the phased stages of Secular Koranism in America
58:00  "The pursuit of justice" to be substituted for "the pursuit of happiness"
59:00  Women can choose whether to live in a matriarchy or patriarchy
1:01:00  Rape is criminal both in a matriarchy or patriarchy.
1:04:00  Ann Coulter
14 questions for Ann Coulter
1:05:00  Right Ruminations on Cotto-Gottfried
1:07:00  A news blackout has been declared on me.
1:08:00  The Deep State

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