
Wednesday 8 July 2020

Travelling Home by Abdal Hakim Murad: Can Liberalism tolerate Islam?

1:00  Travelling Home by Abdal Hakim Murad
4:00  Choosing our gang
5:00  Identity is fluid.
6:00  The role of religion
7:00  National identity is tied up with our personal identity. Our nationality identity is also our personal identity making us feel shame or pride. 
8:00  The rules of behaviour
9:00  Following the rules
10:00  The Book of Rules that is the Koran
11:00  Jew or gentile?
12:00  Feminists and slut-fuckers
13:00  Liberalism rode into town on the coat tails of Christianity.
14:00  3 global Christian empires
15:00  Competent and principled politicians
16:00  The only rational and moral choice
17:00  Collapse of empire
18:00  Sex offenders
20:00  McJihad
21:00  American mercenaries
22:00  Europe lurching from thesis to antithesis
24:00  Communism
25:00  Khums
26:00  My proposed one party theocracy
27:00  Generation Gap
28:00  Laws that are obeyed from generation to generation
29:00  America is Rome, Europe is Athens, Islam is Judea
30:00  Aquinas
31:00  Becoming a one party state
33:00  W S Gilbert on Thomas Aquinas
34:00  Aquinas prostituting his intellect to prop up the Trinity

35:00  Worshipping a crucified revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God that created the Universe is surely blasphemy to God who has already forbidden idolatry in the Ten Commandments.

36:00  Wars of the Reformation
38:00  Hilary Mantel on the Tudors, the Pope and Brexit
41:00  The advantages of being conquered by a great empire
42:00  Neo-liberalism
45:00  Vatican II
47:00  Sharia
48:00  Citizenship classes are a way of regulating national consciousness.
51:00  Delegitimising the older generation
52:00  Marriage and family values
53:00  Liberalism
54:00  Changing the rules
55:00  Globohomo
56:00  The unexamined conclusions of liberalism
57:00  Soft totalitarianism
58:00  Socially prescriptive liberalism
59:00  Demographics and minorities
1:00:00  Islam will preserve Europe better than Christianity. 
1:01:00  Christians are really Liberals and Liberals are really atheists and nihilists.
1:02:00  A holy alliance
1:03:00  Muslims a political football
1:04:00  Orthodox Jewry
1:05:00  Which gentile religion is most Noahide?
1:06:00  Gentiles are now tired of being nice to Jews.
1:07:00  The spat between the two blondes Marie and Rebecca
1:09:00  The rules
1:10:00  Secular Koranism and the rules
1:11:00  Haredim v Secularim
1:12:00  Shitlibs
1:13:00  Changing the rules
1:15:00  Special and different
1:18:00  Providential Muslims
1:20:00  The illegitimacy of Archbishop of Canterbury

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Bananas/Coconuts/Nationalists - would you repeal the Equality Act?

Bananas and coconuts, how much do you care about white people? Do you care enough about them to support Claire Khaw’s proposal to the repeal...