
Monday 20 July 2020

Wasting time discussing the Universe and its alleged Creator with Church of Entropy

1:00  Mistakes
2:00  Leisure and pleasure
3:00  Purpose
4:00  Only passing the time, larping, children's tea parties
5:00  Pleasurable conversations
6:00  Basket case
7:00  Purposeful activity
9:00  Occupational therapy
11:00  Identity, status, self-esteem, mental health
14:00  Therapeutic
15:00  Vincent Bruno

17:00  Noahide laws
19:00  Education and Sharing Day

The late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism. Schneerson wrote:

We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

Noahide ranking of the other four world religions

23:00  No demand Jews to live in a Torah theocracy. Jews get triggered even talking about Secular Koranism.

25:00  Spirituality shouldn't be drug-induced.

26:00  The need for prayer

25:00  Sufism

27:00  The public and private purpose of religion

29:00  Richard Dawkins

30:00  Education

33:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.

34:00  Big Bang Theory

37:00  If you see the wisdom of obeying God's laws, it will incline you to belief because it would be logical to believe in the being who caused the Big Bang and created those laws which would reinforce your obedience and that of others to those laws.

If you want to obey His laws, then you would logically and necessarily end up believing in Him.

If you choose to ignore His laws, then you would logically and necessarily deny His existence.

38:00  Lifestyle choice

39:00  Moral degeneracy caused by sexual liberation.

40:00  Belief in an afterlife

41:00  The worst people are the people who believe in hell, according to Church of Entropy, but cannot explain why.

42:00  Hindus who marry stay married because divorce is not really an option for the wife until the Marriage Laws (Amendment Bill) 2010.,_1955

43:00  The minimum standard of sexual morality is to ensure that the majority of parents in your society are married.

44:00  The self-loathing of a society of badly-parented illegitimate offspring deprived of their fathers by their mothers who are single parents

45:00  European History taught to the schoolchildren of North America

48:00  National identity

51:00  China

52:00  Aggregating the collective happiness of a nation

55:00  Was the Universe created or uncreated?

57:00  Conservation laws

58:00  Red shift

1:04:00  Matriarchy

1:05:00  Why are people who believe in heaven and hell morally inferior to people who believe in reincarnation? Church of Entropy asserts but does not explain how this is so.

1:09:00  According to Church of Entropy, I am a pervert who wants to lock her in my dungeon to torture her  psychologically until she becomes a Secular Koranist.

1:11:00  India is better than China.

1:15:00  Does America know what it's doing?

1:17:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY goes to bed.

1:18:00  Choosing our religion or being atheist is a lifestyle choice.

1:21:00  All political choices are moral choices and all moral choices are predicated on pragmatism.

1:22:00  Nihilists v Monotheists

1:24:00  Liberalism v Monotheism/

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