
Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Discussing religion and morality with Ethos. Could Church of Entropy launch a thousand ships?

2:00  Secular Koranism and Ethos
4:00  What is the West?
5:00  Dharma is duty and logos is law.
6:00  Masking for Covid-19
7:00  The West is a divided society because of its egalitarianism while the East still adheres to hierarchy.
8:00  Ethos
9:00  Logos
10:00  Hierarchy and knowing one's place

11:00  Egalitarianism creates conflict and has resulted in intersectionality ie the inversion of the pyramid of the patriarchy, which has now become the matriarchy. BLM in America is  the matriarchy completing its revolution. 

12:00  The moral degradation of the West
13:00  Hierarchy and rank in the military
14:00  China's one party state
15:00  Democracy is dementia.
16:00  People who don't keep their promises and don't mean what they say.
17:00  The truth is there whether we admit it or not.
18:00  The meaning "dharmic"
19:00  The rules are not clear and reasons are not given.
20:00  Following orders.
21:00  The West no longer follows its own rules because their religion has failed.

22:00  The West prides itself on treating a man as innocent until proven guilty but is now wanting to do the opposite with its rape laws.

Chief whip defends lack of action against Tory MP accused of rape
Mark Spencer resists calls to remove whip from ex-minister as police investigate allegation

25:00  Deuteronomy 19:15

26:00  The Koran and the Old Testament
27:00  The Judeo-Christian heritage of the West which gave it the rule of law
28:00  The law must be clear.
29:00  Enforcing the law.
30:00  Thailand, the wearing of helmets and the taking of bribes.
31:00  Duterte, Guanxi
32:00  Political deadlock in the West
33:00  The rule of law is fine in principle.
34:00  The rule of law cannot be enforced by corrupt politicians.
35:00  Politicians in the West are despised and distrusted because they have been lying for decades.
36:00  Covid-19 in China
37:00  The elderly will not be missed.
38:00  Islam and Christianity
39:00  E Michael Jones
40:00  The design defects of Christianity
41:00  The Trinity is idolatrous.
42:00  Heresy
43:00  Muhammad
44:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God - who divided humanity into Jews and gentiles - and His two revelations: the Torah for Jews, the Koran for gentiles.
45:00  The Noahide laws, the Ten Commandments and 613 Laws
46:00  Islam is the most Noahide-observant while Christianity is bottom of the heap.
47:00  Christ was convicted of blasphemy.
49:00  Children of God
50:00  E Michael Jones on who is a Jew

The immediate revision of the "Law of Return", to ensure that it only grants citizenship to those who are halachically Jewish from birth, or through an authentic halachic conversion.

52: 00  Gilad Atzmon wants to be an ex-Jew.
53:00  Secular Jews are the ones in charge.
54:00  Israel
55:00  Principled people
56:00  Principles are to die for.
57:00  Religious Jews and their markedly different attitude towards Covid-19.
58:00  Politicians pandering to atheists/women/elderly with a short term view rather than monotheists/men/the young who have more of an interest in the future than the elderly.
59:00  We can't stay in lockdown forever.
1:00:00  The Balearic Islands and herd immunity


1:02:00  Covid-19 is a stress test for all nations. China passed with flying colours, America is failing dishonourably. God is a nationalist.
1:02:00  Dharma is also dying in the East.
1:03:00  Hedonism
1:04:00  Principle and Secular Koranism

The 21st century Christian is a liberal who thinks he is going to heaven. 

1:05:00  Heaven and hell
1:06:00  Living on planets after we are dead.
1:08:00  People who won't engage with you because they don't want to lose the argument

1:09:00  Secular Koranism is not a religion or belief system. It is only a legal system that would change the culture and laws of the West while guaranteeing freedom of belief with which is the basis of the First Amendment.

1:10:00  Secular Koranism makes belief in God optional.
1:11:00  Ethos and his book
1:12:00  The rule of law needs to be clear and easily accessible like the Twelve Tables of Rome.
1:14:00  Extracts from his book
1:16:00  Mein Kampf from page 51 at

1:21:00  Adultery is still a criminal offence in some states of America.

1:22:00  The family is dead in America.
1:23:00  No hierarchy or order in America.
1:24:00  Masculinity in America
1:25:00  Knowing our place in society and hierarchy in the military
1:26:00  Confucianism
1:27:00  Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution
1:28:00  When China falls
1:29:00  "Communist"
1:30:00  Social credit
1:34:00  Illuminati/Jews/Zionists
1:35:00  All political ideologies are moral systems.
1:36:00  Religion
1:38:00  Ethos
1:41:00  The Ethical Politician
1:43:00  The Black Death
1:47:00  Future generations, descendants and posterity
1:48:00  Our posthumous reputation as Aztecs of the 21st century
1:49:00  Covid-19 deaths
1:52:00  Honour and other abstract ideas
1:53:00  Democracy
1:54:00  Imperial Rome lasted longer than Republican Rome.
1:55:00  Ideology and culture
1:56:00  Secular Koranism
1:57:00  The Golden Mean
1:58:00  Law, culture and Guanxi
2:00:00  You scratch my back and I scratch yours.
2:01:00  Reciprocated goodwill and friendship
2:02:00  Platonic friendship
2:03:00  Transactional relationships and family relationships
2:04:00  Confucianism
2:05:00  Marriage contract
2:06:00  Civil unions
2:07:00  No fault divorce
2:09:00  Bad parenting, the crime rate and changing the rules of measuring crime
2:11:00  The role of the Western politician
2:12:00  Corruption
2:13:00  The Noahide laws and Secular Koranism
2:14:00  The least an atheist should do is submit to truth and logic.
2:15:00  The First Amendment
2:15:00  Universal minimum standard of morality
2:17:00  Theory and principle
2:18:00  Legitimacy
2:19:00  Mein Kampf
2:20:00  A palace coup
2:21:00  A momentum of engagement
2:22:00  NPCs and the Jenga Tower
2:23:00  "Homesteading"
2:24:00  Politics is as eternal as people having a civilisation.
2:26:00  Democrats, Republics and a one-party state
2:27:00  China is part of the solution.
2:28:00  India and China
2:29:00  How long China and Jews have been around
2:30:00  Did Jews only become Jews when God gave Jews the Torah?
2:31:00  Three Christian global empires and scripture
2:33:00  The New Testament and the Bhagavad Gita
2:35:00  Yoga
2:26:00  Reincarnation
2:41:00  A man's got to do what's a man gotta do.
2:42:00  Vishnu and his nine avatars
2:43:00  Polymorphic monotheism
2:44:00  Krishna
2:45:00  Samsara
2:46:00  Vaishnava
2:50:00  Shiva
2:51:00  Creator and Destroyer
2:52:00  Dharma
Dharma is religion and spiritual duty.
2:56:00  Morality and Reform Judaism
2:57:00  Who is more authentic: Orthodox Jews or Reform Jews?

2:58:00  A pyramid without its apex is not a pyramid.

2:59:00  Eating without gratitude
3:01:00  You can't renounce your race.
3:03:00  A Register of Jews and Gilad Atzmon
3:05:00  Bar Mizvah and comparing Western with Easter religions.
3:06:00  The European Wars of Religion
3:07:00  The unofficial religion of the West is Liberalism.
3:08:00  The three global empires have been Christian.
3:09:00  The rule of law of the Abrahamic faiths

3:38:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
3:40:00  Big idea words
3:41:00  Spacepan, morality and ethics
3:42:00  Ethics are required of people above us in a position of trust.
3:43:00  Serenading Church of Entropy
3:44:00  Have I behaved in an immoral way towards Jen?
3:45:00  Morality and laws require conformity.
3:46:00  All political ideologies are moral systems.
3:47:00  Hierarchy, morality and Judaism
3:49:00  "The Children of God"
3:50:00  Conops
3:51:00  Social democracy
3:52:00  I am accused of being deceptive and dishonest.
3:53:00  Mental illness
3:54:00  I am accused of lying.
3:55:00  Islam and Liberalism
3:56:00  Denial that Christianity is kaput.
3:57:00  Statecraft
3:58:00  Christian public intellectuals won't engage with me because they don't want to lose the argument to me.
3:59:00  Rabbis refuse to discuss the Noahide laws.
4:03:00  Who is the better teacher - Jen or me?
4:04:00  Submission
4:07:00  Why the Archetype of Western Woman is more important than the Archetype of Western Man?
4:09:00  Jen is higher status than Jay.
4:10:00  Feminism
4:11:00  Matriarchy and Patriarchy
4:12:00  Men are primarily motivated by sex.
4:13:00  Psychoanalysing the unmarriageable men in the chat
4:14:00  BDS,_Divestment_and_Sanctions
4:17:00  Antisemites in the chat
4:18:00  Aiming my message at the political establishment
4:19:00  Improving government and the working conditions of politicians
4:20:00  The Deep State and J P Morgan
4:21:00  Lehman Brothers
4:22:00  Military and Security Industrial Complex
4:23:00  Corporate America and the one-party state
4:24:00  China
4:25:00  My theocracy is better than your theocracy
4:26:00  Home-made face cream
4:27:00  Accepting Jen as she is.

4:28:00  Jen becoming a Secular Koranist would affect the fates of nations and she would be, like Helen of Troy, the face that launched a thousand ships ...

4:29:00  If only Jen would discuss serious ideas seriously.
4:30:00  The accuracy of my prediction would depend on Jen's decision to become a Secular Koranist.
4:31:00  Jen should join me on a journey of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality and see how it goes.
4:32:00  Influence

4:33:00  Secular Koranism is not a religion, but a legal system.

4:35:00  Whose theocracy is better?

4:36:00  My theocracy is better than Jen's theocracy because mine comes with the rule of law based on the Koran while Jen's is based on an oral tradition that has not been revealed to her and will probably never be.

4:38:00  Jen is the most high status person in my YouTube circle.
4:41:00  Jen evaluates people on "a ranking order of reciprocity".
4:42:00  My personal karma of trying to bend Jen to my will
4:43:00  Jen has not debunked Secular Koranism.
4:45:00  Velour sofa
4:46:00  French maid
4:47:00  The price of sex
4:48:00  Knowing one's place
4:49:00  People conspire to suppress my ideas.
4:50:00  Conspiracy theories
4:51:00  Jen says I have "a terrible reputation" because I have heretical views.

4:52:00  Secular Koranism is comprehensive and inclusive while being distinctive and radical.

4:53:00  Jen accuses me of being a psychopath.
4:54:00  Because Jen doesn't think I treat her as well as she would like, she accuses me of not valuing knowledge. 
4:55:00  I am part of Jen's narrative.
4:56:00  Kevin Michael Grace

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...