
Tuesday, 11 August 2020

How to spot an antisemite at once

3:00  E Michael Jones, God's Chosen People
4:00  "Nationalists"
5:00  The national interest
7:00  Why is it in the national interest to ...  ?
8:00  Why not make the formerly working classes work?
9:00  Institute of Directors and the Confederation of British Industry
10:00  The NEETs of unmarried mothers
11:00  The sacred cows
12:00  Liberal Jews
13:00  Gay marriage is now Conservative, according to David Cameron.
14:00  The corrupt cartel that is liberal democracy
15:00  The miners' strike that brought the Conservative government
16:00  Marriage and family values
18:00  Zionism
19:00  Jewish privilege
20:00  Lockdown or herd immunity?
21:00  China
22:00  The female preference
23:00  For Britain and Patriotic Alternative
24:00  Peter Hitchens, Charles Moore, Douglas Murray, New Culture Forum, Cotto-Gottfried
25:00  God's Chosen People chosen to Noahidise gentiles through commending Islam to them
26:00  Shituf
27:00  The West is a degenerate matriarchy.
28:00  A matriarchy is a society of sluts and bastards whose leaders are unmarried parents eg Jacinda Arderne, Boris Johnson.
29:00  Does a nation of sluts and bastards deserve a President Biden?
30:00  In a matriarchy, all men - including POTUS - are lower in status than the unmarried mother.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents
The number of sluts and bastards Western politicians desperate for votes are prepared to alienate during an election: 0.Looks like Western civilisation is now totally fucked by the sluts and bastards of the matriarchy. 

32:00  Morally-compromised slut-fuckers
33:00  The illegitimacy rate of Jamaica
35:00  Discrimination against religious Jews by liberal Jews

Does how Israeli immigration operates remind you of what Breivik said in his manifesto about the Norwegian government always importing immigrants when those who objected to immigration looked like they were about to win an election? From 54:00 

38:00  The abhorrence of liberal elite of "vile views" expressed by the classes below them
39:00  Tommy Robinson
41:00  Usury
42:00  US Presidential elections 2020
43:00  The aristocracy of humanity

45:00  More Liberal Gentiles than there are Conservative Gentiles in the West
49:00  Summary
51:00  The systemic and structural political corruption of the West
53:00  Christianity is kaput.
54:00  Sluts and slut-fuckers will be shamed with in my proposed one-party theocracy. 

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Failures of communication and comprehension

1:00  Speakers Corner 2:00  Hatun Tash 4:00  Posie Parker 7:00  Trump's foreign policy 8:00  Zelensky 9:00  Neocons 12:00  Starmer 13:00...