
Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Mothers most likely to vote for anti-immigration parties are married mothers

2:00  Robyn Riley is Canadian.
4:00  Unmarried mothers
5:00  Left-wing mothers
6:00  Home schooling
7:00  Sex education in kindergarten
8:00  Conservative mothers
9:00  Benign neglect
10:00  Angry badly-parented children with mental health and drug issues
11:00  Grievance studies
12:00  Atheists acting out in a self-righteous way
13:00  A culture and religion of blame
14:00  Bad parenting and bad education
15:00  The politicisation of the pandemic
22:00  "Sensible liberal people"
23:00  Atomised and polarised
24:00  Nature and Nurture
25:00  Youthful rebellion
26:00  Solid foundations laid from childhood
27:00  Tik Tok
28:00  Graduates revert to their "genetic norm".
30:00  The mother vote. Western mothers are infected by feminism.
31:00  Feminists think hospitals are matriarchy.
33:00  Maternity care
34:00  Sex education
35:00  Hungary.  $100,000 loan for married couples
36:00  Trailer parks
37:00  SPLC
38:00  Protected classes
39:00  Abortion would send a clear and unambiguous message to anyone thinking of becoming an unmarried parent.
40:00  Immigration
42:00  Irreversible effects of immigration
44:00  Low birth rates

45:00  Robyn Riley says she is a "Christian woman" which means means she is neither woke nor feminist. (She was brought up Anglican but is now considering Orthodox Christianity. But how would changing her church effect political change in her country?) Perhaps it is time for her and others recognise that Christianity is kaput and it is this lack of a functioning moral system that has allowed so many toxic ideas to become the law and the operating orthodoxy of the West. To be Christian in the West now is to declare a minority interest in a society that is in fact Post-Christian and overwhelmingly atheist. It is time to have a debate on religion and the failure of Christianity but awkward to have this discussion whether or not you are Christian. The quickest way of making the point that Christianity is kaput is to ask anyone who still identifies as Christian to prove that Christianity is still working. Since this is impossible, its replacement should be considered as soon as possible to shorten the period of chaos between matriarchy back to patriarchy. 

46:00  Abortion to the point of birth

47:00  Parenthood makes your life having meaning.

49:00  What makes people want to have a child? Marriage, obviously. If you want most women to be married mothers, then men and women need to become more marriageable and this can only be done by understanding gender roles ie what men and women want from each other. This means restoring the patriarchy since the indispensable ingredient of patriarchy is stable marriages and stable families with the minimum of state interference. Do women who want to become married mothers dare to ask for this and are they prepared to give up feminism in order to do this? Are we even allowed to have this discussion?

50:00  Stefan Molyneux

51:00  The empty egg carton joke

52:00  Angry feminists

55:00  "If I had met my husband in my early 20s ... "

56:00  Mocking women increases stress and stress affects fertility.

57:00  Only Fans

58:00  A Canadian Trump

59:00  Canadians define themselves as not Americans.

1:00:00  Huge left-wing population in Canada

1:01:00  State handouts in New Foundland

1:02:00  Working in a call centre

1:04:00  British colonial work ethic, Gore Vidal

1:05:00  Covid in Canada

1:06:00  Old stock Canadians

1:08:00  Jordan Peterson

Female voters most likely to vote Trump are married mothers. Most mothers in the US and Canada are not married. I suspect not that many racially concerned white North American men are prepared to marry women of their own race to stop them voting for pro-immigration parties.

Racially concerned white North American men are not even prepared to propose the abolition of no fault divorce to make it safe for men to marry.  Presumably this is because  the culture has normalised premarital sex and most men are happy being distracted with that.

I wonder if Robyn Riley is prepared to discuss this with me. If Western women decided that Secular Koranism would be the only way to restore the patriarchy, then Western men would have to fall in line with this.  There is no need to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism, by the way. You would only support it as a legal system if you believe that the patriarchy needs to be restored and nothing short of Secular Koranism is capable of doing the job. Secular Koranism is a one-size fits all legal system guaranteeing freedom of belief with while forbidding and punishing extramarital sex with, and Forbidding and punishing extramarital sex is in fact the only way of restoring the patriarchy and discouraging unmarried parents by treating them as sex offenders attracting a punishment of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring.

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