
Monday, 17 August 2020

Western media is much more powerful than Western politicians and is actually the Deep State

6:00  Matriarchy is cancer of the mind of your society and also motor neurone disease.
7:00  Nobody using Truth, Logic and Morality to solve and avoid problems.
8:00  Nassim Taleb describes the matriarchy.
9:00  Theocracy is defined as a society governed by God's laws.

10:00  Church of Entropy uses the wrong words for the wrong ideas and gets everything wrong.

11:00  I was expelled not "sacked" from the BNP and Conservative Party, as Church of Entropy claims using words wrongly again.

12:00  The Chinese Communist Party gives its members more rights than members of any Western political party. In this case, less is more.  

13:00  Before a news blackout was declared on me by Western media
16:00  The causes of Western malaise is feminism and sexual liberation which Western Man finds hard to acknowledge or correct
17:00  Church of Entropy cannot explain why her theocracy is better than my theocracy. If she really cared about her people and her idea, she would accept correction. However, since she only uses her theocracy to attract the attention of marginalised and vulnerable thirsty Western men who hate the idea of a one-party theocracy who are in any case not political activists but just lonely men wanting a white college-educated middle class woman who is passably attractive to speak kindly to them, she will probably continue to enjoy limited success in wasting the time and energy of herself and these vulnerable and marginalised low status  men. She should of course be  supporting a genuinely revolutionary idea that would be the only way of restoring the patriarchy in the West and protect Western women from the inevitable backlash.

18:00  Church of Entropy refuses to acknowledge that her theocracy is inferior to my theocracy because it does not have the rule of law based on the Koran that mine has, but on some "oral tradition" that she will keep pretending she is about to receive, but which she will in fact never receive. 

18:30  Church of Entropy's definition of morality - "minimising suffering" is nowhere as comprehensive as mine:

"Morality is a system of rules to keep the group in existence and apart from others. Judaism is the best exemplar of this."

19:00  Britain cannot even grade exams now.

20:00  Tests for potential employees

21:00  Essay tests to expose the failure of the education system

22:00  Herd immunity from the beginning

24:00  What I would do to Church of Entropy if she were my prisoner

26:00  The benefits of Secular Koranism

28:00  The government is not in control of the media.

32:00  Shooting the messenger

33:00  Government should be in control of the media. 

34:00  Who else should be in control of the media if not the government?

36:00  Luke Ford and Church of Entropy never reaching a correct conclusion about anything of importance. Their intention is to pass the time rather than that of focused political activism with stated political objectives.

37:00  Rejecting the religious identity of your parents

38:00  The nature and purpose of religion

39:00  I seem to be the highest status independent political activist in the West.

40:00  Islam in the West is a historical inevitability, assuming it will one day regain its senses and take Christianity, feminism and liberal democracy out with the trash and bury their stinking rotten corpses.

41:00  No time to invent a new religion now.

41:30  Scientology

43:00  Jews and their Messiah

44:00  The Great Disappointment

47:00  Ellen White

50:00  Schismatic nature of Christianity

51:00  Jews don't care about gentiles enough to warn and advise them, but they will if they think their fate is tied to the gentiles. If God is a parent, Jews are basically the first-born while gentiles are their younger sibling resentful of their eldest siblings natural advantages.

52:00  Secular Koranism is the legal system that would shorten the period of chaos between the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy. 

53:00  No one is in charge and US vassal states can't think for themselves. 

54:00  A Government of National Unity ie a one-party state is what is required.

56:00  Cult behaviour of doubling down

57:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes define themselves by their hatred of Jews and Muslims because of the innate emotional need for most of us to want to belong to a group. Only visionaries and prophets like me are able to create their own identity and adhere to them.   

58:00  Donald Trump should start his own YouTube channel and invite me on to prepare the ground for America becoming a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism. He should actually tell Americans to vote for him on that basis to restore the patriarchy as soon as possible for Americans instead of trying to pretend that liberal democracy is in any way still a viable way of running a nation, let alone a global empire.

 1:04:00  My sanity is being tested.

1:07:00  DONALD ROBERTSON joins.

1:08:00  Trump

1:09:00  Southern Californian, hanging chad and George W Bush

1:10:00  Trump not a globalist.

1:11:00  What is the media for and who should control it?

1:12:00  Jews are over-represented in politics, academia, the professions and the media.

1:13:00  The culture war is also between religious and secular Jews of Israel.

1:14:00  Feminism

1:15:00  Liberalism

1:16:00  The mother of Liberalism is the French Revolution.

1:17:00  The corrupt Western media

1:18:00  Anti-trust violation, AIPAC

1:19:00  Donald Robertson tells a joke.

1:22:00  My proposed Register of Jews

1:23:00  "Does Liberalism have to be all that [ie the bad things that go under the heading of liberalism]?"

1:24:00  The Golden Era when American comedians told Mother-in-Law jokes  

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