
Saturday 5 September 2020

AA, American exceptionalism and teshuvah



6:00  To-wit, to-woo!
9:00  B-52s

13:00  Being distinctive without being a freak
19:00  Living exhibits
20:00  Repentance
21:00  Confession
22:00  Teshuvah (RCCRR)
24:00  Four things for Westerners to regret: Feminism, Liberalism, Atheism, Democracy
25:00  Metaphysics
26:00  The matriarchy despises leaderless men with no organisational capacity.
27:00  Trump is the enemy of liberalism.
28:00  Free trade
29:00  Manchester Liberalism was a product of the Industrial Revolution
30:00  Britain as the Workshop of the World
31:00  What are the principles of Liberalism and Conservatism?
32:00  Slogans of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" do not a civilisation make.
33:00  The jungle is free.
34:00  Equality creates conflict.
36:00  Leaderless men with no codes of behaviour will forever be atomised and incapable of male co-operation.
37:00  Isolated individuals suffering from matriarchal degeneracy
38:00  Who are we and what are we supposed to do?
39:00  The link between illegitimacy and criminality is well-established.
40:00  Western Man denies that he lives in a matriarchy.
41:00  The moral imperative of restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
42:00  The humility to admit it when we are wrong
44:00  Free trade v Protectionism against Huawei
45:00  The defects of liberalism should be acknowledged.
46:00  The identity crisis of Church of Entropy rejecting her national and racial identity larping as a Hindu
47:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest. Caleb Maupin
48:00  The patient needs to acknowledge that he is ill to seek a cure.
49:00  The 5 stages of grief
50:00  Luke Ford the Islamophobe cannot see the moral and intellectual authority of the Koran.
51:00  The moral imperative of having a religion
52:00  Worshipping the most powerful God conceivable and rejecting inferior scripture written by mortal and fallible men

53:00  God has already revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.

54:00  Rabbis would have to acknowledge that Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions and Christianity the least.

55:00  The majority of the Founding Fathers of America rejected the Doctrine of the Trinity but believed in God. This means they were proto-Muslim.

56:00  The moment it became safe to deny the Trinity, the Americans did. America is the city upon an Islamic hill.
59:00  American exceptionalism

1:03:00  America was a created nation whose creation is rooted in time and properly documented.  

1:04:00  Canada and Australia

1:07:00  The American constitution is actually Islamic because it assumes that Man was created by God who revealed laws for Man to follow in the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. Implicit in the American Republic is the rejection of monarchy through equality before the law. If God created Man and created laws for Man to follow, then what else is Man to follow but God's laws? We know it is Islamic because the frieze in the US Supreme Court features Muhammad and the First Amendment is based on 

Church of the Holy Trinity v United States

1:09:00  Israel is the pilot scheme to God's grand scheme for mankind.  

1:10:00  Special Economic Zones

1:14:00  All the Abrahamic faiths are Zionist.


1:16:00  All societies need a system of morality whose laws are generally known by members of that society.

1:17:00  God > Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Epicurus

1:18:00  The nature and purpose of the Abrahamic God and His Chosen People

1:20:00  A Proposition Nation

1:24:00  We can only understand God through the wisdom of His laws and the purpose for which Jews were chosen by God to fulfil their mission ie to prescribe the Noahide laws for gentiles and to set standards and uphold them perhaps by adopting Secular Koranism. 

1:26:00  Our sins of omission and commission

1:27:00  "Conscious contact with God"

1:31:00  Man is not allowed to forbid what God has forbidden or allow what He has forbidden.

1:32:00  Knowing the attributes and the narrative of the Abrahamic God is key to understanding His Nature and Purpose

1:36:00  Slut-shaming, the banning of usury, the reintroduction of corporal and capital punishment as well as slavery

1:37:00  Men in a matriarchy

1:38:00  No liberal philosopher is prepared to engage or answer our questions.

1:40:00  The rules of the matriarchy/sexual liberation v the rules of the patriarchy/moral restraint

1:41:00  100 lashes per illegitimate offspring

1:42:00  The highest status person in your life that you trust to discuss matriarchy and patriarchy

1:43:00  Denial

1:44:00  The patient must first admit he is ill before he seeks a cure.

1:54:00  Iran

1:59:00  Secular Koranism is the antithesis of liberalism and representative democracy.

2:00:00  "My name is [fill in the blank] and I live in a matriarchy."

2:02:00  What does it mean "to behave like a Muslim"

2:03:00  What are the principles of liberalism?

2:04:00  What is "Muslim behaviour"?

2:05:00  As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.

2:07:00  Paganism and Christianity have already failed.

2:09:00  "My white skin will protect me from all the evils of the world."

2:10:00  Liberalism is "obsolete".

2:11:00  What are the principles of Liberalism?

2:12:00  Liberalism

2:13:00  Law of the Jungle is liberty.

2:14:00  The unread Koran

2:15:00  Wanting to know everything about your object or hatred

2:16:00  No official handbook for Liberalism or Conservatism

2:17:00  Sharia in Iran allows it to defy the might of America and its allies.

2:18:00  A list of theocracies in the world

2:19:00  Modernity = feminism

2:20:00  The  right religion will give your nation national independence and national sovereignty.

2:21:00  The parties to the Culture War

2:22:00  Nationalists v Liberals

2:25:00  City on a hill

2:26:00  Liberal interventionism and forcing people to be free for globalism.

2:28:00  American exceptionalism could have a happy Islamic outcome.  

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