
Thursday, 10 September 2020

Once America becomes a one-party state, Secular Koranism will ride into Capitol Hill

1:00  Lego
7:00  Inertia

10:00  Church of Entropy wants to stay small.

14:00  The prospect of Jen acquiring the virtue of humility delights and thrills me.
16:00  Perpetual motion
17:00  Trump's Enabling Act
18:00  The National Party of America
19:00  The American Declaration of Independence
20:00  God created Man for a purpose.
21:00  The failure of Christianity
22:00  Saddling the horse

24:00  Politics is horse-whispering.

29:00  Disestablishment of the Church of England

30:00  Charles III would be head of the Church of England.
31:00  If and when Charles exercises his option of converting to Islam
32:00  Freedom of belief should extend to the monarch.  
33:00  The First Amendment and American exceptionalism being that city on a hill
34:00  Herd immunity

36:00  The rational, moral and divine line to take on Covid-19

37:00  Western nations should stop behaving like a neurotic and fearful old woman and Western men should stop pandering to her neurotic and risk-averse preferences

39:00  The principles of the Chinese Communist Party

I can't seem to find the constitution of either the Donkey or Elephant Party. 

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