
Friday 4 September 2020

Trump's appeal is to Western Man with nationalist instincts whom Western Woman hates and fears

7:00  The West is now a matriarchy and therefore against the patriarchy. Feminism is intersectional. Because women use victimhood to raise their status, a matriarchy would have an inverted hierarchical structure. While the shape of patriarchy is a pyramid resting on its base, the shape of matriarchy is a pyramid spinning on its apex like a top. In a patriarchy, the alpha male leader who is married should also be chosen by its beta males who also should be married. In a matriarchy, its leader may be female (Margaret Thatcher), or a bachelor (Ted Heath) or even gay (Leo Varadkar).

8:00  Angry, spiteful, bitter - the feminist graduate who couldn't find a husband to father her children. These women will keep voting for stupid crazy policies to spite the men who won't marry them. Because they have no babies, foreign men and foreign children become their babies to be protected against the men of their own race who wouldn't marry them.

19:00  You won't be able to fight any of this until and unless you admit that the West is now a matriarchy and that Christianity is kaput. In other words, you won't get closer to solving the problem if you won't allow the problem to be articulated and have me on your channel to explain the problem and the solution because you don't want to upset the Christians and those who still believe in democracy. The number of Christians in the alt-right are vanishingly few anyway, and very few people still believe in democracy. Christianity is kaput and Islam operates through a legal system based on the Koran which would restore the patriarchy by in effect criminalising unmarried parenthood. All it requires is for alt-right women like Robyn Riley and ideally Ann Coulter to in principle support Secular Koranism through becoming a one-party theocracy, and you will have a peaceful revolution and an easy transition. (NB  There is no need to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism. I am not Muslim.) You won't even need to change the original US constitution because nothing I propose goes against it. Perhaps you will invite a constitutional historian to confirm that the First Amendment is indeed based on The US Supreme Court even has a frieze of Muhammad to express the legislative intent of the Founding Fathers: to found a republic based on the rule of divine law. Indeed, you can even use American exceptionalism to give weight to Secular Koranism since by becoming the first gentile nation to adopt it, you will be that city on a hill!

21:00  The matriarchy is a danger even to itself.

24:00  The Donkey and Elephant parties have no fixed principles. Have you considered that the problem of unprincipled politicians comes from them being members of unprincipled parties?

24:00  The Donkey and Elephant parties have no fixed principles. Have you considered that the problem of unprincipled politicians comes from them being members of unprincipled parties? The Chinese Communist Party on the other hand is replete with principles.

34:00  Do you think Christians could agree on what Christian principles are even if you locked them in a room and deprived them of food, drink and toilet facilities until they do?

43:00  The Communist Parties in the Soviet Union and China were indeed socially conservative.

1:06:00  I don't think Trump said "bigly" but "big league".

Posted by Claire Khaw on Friday, 4 September 2020

Posted by Claire Khaw on Friday, 4 September 2020

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