
Tuesday, 15 September 2020

When Millennial Woes and I were in the live chat of Luke Ford

Millennial Woes Says He's Not A Sex Pest

11:14 PM
​the fall of western man, Claire?

11:15 PM
​luke invite claire to talk about woes

11:15 PM
Church of Entropy

11:15 PM
Claire Khaw
​@John Western Woman and minorities will fall with him.

11:15 PM
Church of Entropy
​"And "treated as a composite, the Dark Triad traits were significant predictors of virtuous victim signaling.""

11:15 PM
​Jen will you debate Claire about woes?

11:15 PM
Church of Entropy
​does anyone virtuous victim signal more than claire

11:15 PM
​MW is a sensative boi

11:16 PM
Church of Entropy
​im not going to speak my opinions on this publicly

11:16 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Come on Luke. Be fair. The alt right are not nearly as messed up as Antifa. You've had some of these guys on your show. When are you getting a member of Antifa on? LOL

11:16 PM
​Johnson spent just enough time with Spencer to sound like him.

11:16 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy How am I virtue signalling?

11:16 PM
Philip Daniel
​We live in a society, guise

11:16 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​I was nose to nose with antifa and blm in Portland a few months ago. They need a 12 step program and some Jesus bros

11:16 PM
vi hu
​i like my candy and my videogames

11:16 PM
Claire Khaw
​They are really not saying anything new, are they?

11:16 PM
Church of Entropy
​sup @Philip Daniel

11:17 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​And some tear gas. @Josh Randall Forgives

11:17 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​Woes has really bearhugged that self-honesty thing.

11:17 PM
​@vi hu I chug those tendies

11:17 PM
Not Bored
​I agree with that, SAVE THE TOMBOYS

11:17 PM
​what about tomgirls?

11:17 PM
​I blame society because we all live in one

11:18 PM
Not Bored
​@John that effeminate weirdo should be disciplined

11:18 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Except he's not burning down stuff.

11:18 PM
​institutional anti-woesism

11:19 PM
Stefan Molyneux
​MW is a good goy

11:19 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​I wonder how King Kyle is doing?

11:19 PM
Elliott Blatt
​@Luke Ford Livestreams this is not a character issue. Character is downstream from physiology. He needs to stop eating sugar, and he'll have more energy.

11:19 PM
​I'm pretty sure MW has talked about why is the way he is in the past

11:19 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Not an argument. @Stefan Molyneux

11:19 PM
Josh Randall Forgives

11:19 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:19 PM
Tim Humphries
​Is that topher grace’ voice?

11:19 PM
Not Bored
​@Luke Ford Livestreams its about his victim typology

11:20 PM
nitrogen 15
​Pound it out, lol

11:20 PM
​Woes' man cave....

11:20 PM
Wandering Sperg
​@Luke Ford Livestreams Is Millennial Woes an underearner?

11:20 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Stefan Molyneux we need to get philosophical before this stream goes off the rails

11:20 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Only someone like Prager should be visible.

11:21 PM
Stefan Molyneux
​MW dindu nuffin

11:21 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Prager is prepared and has a high IQ. That's why he's still going strong. LOL.

11:21 PM
Tim Humphries
​Wise words luke

11:22 PM
Dennis Prager
​Luke Ford is nobody compared to me

11:22 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​True Dennis.

11:22 PM
​Your a disgusting degenerate Greg

11:22 PM
​you have no right to speak on this issue

11:23 PM
Philip Daniel
​@Dennis Prager Your veggie burgers are terrible, Dr. Praeger

11:23 PM
Wandering Sperg
​they are both facedoxxed

11:23 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​MW has shown his face plenty.

11:23 PM
Stefan Molyneux
​Even watching this dlive stream is making me gay

11:23 PM
Glib Medley
​Greetings to all the sex pests and wallflowers

11:24 PM
Millennial Woes

11:24 PM
Glib Medley

11:24 PM
Claire Khaw
​I do think Luke is being rather harsh on Woes. He was just having a cosy little chat with Greg.

11:24 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:25 PM
Millennial Woes
​Luke, you are driveling.

11:25 PM
John Berkshire Respector

11:25 PM
Elliott Blatt
​Bring on Claire!

11:25 PM
vi hu

11:25 PM
​good point, Claire

11:25 PM
Elliott Blatt
​Bring on Woes!

11:25 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Bring on Woes Luke! @Luke Ford Livestreams

11:25 PM
Church of Entropy

11:25 PM
vi hu
​this Will be good

11:25 PM
John Berkshire Respector
​Luke is harsh, but fair @Millennial Woes

11:25 PM
Luke Ford Livestreams
​Woes want to come on?

11:25 PM
One Eye Moon
​❤ Woes!!! ❤

11:25 PM
vi hu
​woes woes woes bloodsports

11:25 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Ford is tough but fair bros!

11:26 PM
One Eye Moon
​Welcome back Woes! 😀

11:26 PM
Elliott Blatt
​Let's get this all sorted out. Love and Inclusion for all.

11:26 PM
Millennial Woes
​Well of course people need to be prepared.

11:26 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Radical love bros.

11:26 PM
Church of Entropy
​is this really happening rn

11:26 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​Radical sorting out bros

11:26 PM
nitrogen 15
​Is that the real woes?

11:26 PM
Millennial Woes
​I wasn't referring to people entering the public eye and being e-celebs or whatever.

11:26 PM
Stefan Molyneux
​Bloodsports NOW

11:26 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Millennial Woes I You can come on my show if you want.

11:26 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​It's happening! @Church of Entropy

11:26 PM
vi hu
​love and inclusion

11:27 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Millennial Woes Luke was really slagging me off the other day.

11:27 PM
Millennial Woes
​You are caricaturing what I said.

11:27 PM
​not everybody

11:27 PM
vi hu
​we all need black girlfriends

11:27 PM
​not Greg

11:27 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Millennial Woes I'll be gentle with you.

11:27 PM
half- galician
​'Society needs Claire Khaw'

11:27 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Get on the show bro @Millennial Woes

11:28 PM
Millennial Woes
​Yes, you also misinterpreted the press release for your own purposes.

11:28 PM
Claire Khaw
​@half- galician You are such a dear man.

11:28 PM
Wandering Sperg
​i don't remember MW saying anything about blasting one's DR opinions out in public

11:28 PM
vi hu
​get on

11:28 PM
Tim Humphries
​Lukes being honest i like that..

11:28 PM
Glib Medley
​Woes is likable for the expression of his vulnerability

11:28 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​The Universe needs Claire Khaw @half- galician

11:28 PM
John Berkshire Respector
​@Millennial Woes Come on Luke and Claire's show

11:28 PM
Church of Entropy
​id like to see MW curbstomp madame khawful

11:29 PM
Millennial Woes
​Well then, we agree that people should be prepared.

11:29 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:29 PM
Church of Entropy
​the people who like claire just like the idea that someone can beat me in a debate, which they obviously can't

11:29 PM
Church of Entropy
​but its a nice dream innit

11:29 PM
half- galician
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius That was a real quote in article written in British media about Claire.

11:29 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Millennial Woes I would like to showcase my conversational skills in allowing you to express yourself on my channel. I haven't listened to your chat with Greg though.

11:29 PM

11:29 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​I'm prepared Mr. Ford. I'm stepping out into the public eye. Thanks!

11:29 PM
Millennial Woes
​I wasn't saying that people should self-promote dishonestly, ie. pretending to have skills or talents they don't have.

11:29 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​I've lived to regret blocking Claire lol

11:29 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​@half- galician Oh Lord!

11:30 PM
One Eye Moon
​I've never seen Woes drag up old dramafor clicks, just saying

11:30 PM
​@Millenial Woes give us the goods on Collette

11:30 PM
Millennial Woes
​You are reading far too much into what was a necessarily ambiguous statement about the controversy.

11:30 PM
Not Bored
​being to trusting confers a gullible nature, not so much noble

11:30 PM
Elliott Blatt
​Press 3 if you'd like to see Woes, Luke and Claire on the same stream.

11:30 PM
Elliott Blatt

11:30 PM
Church of Entropy
​this is pretty much why im not offering a public opinion on this matter

11:30 PM
half- galician

11:30 PM
Wandering Sperg

11:30 PM
nitrogen 15
​This is top tier drama.

11:30 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Millennial Woes You didn't come across as being particularly bad from what I heard so far of your chat with Greg.

11:30 PM
Church of Entropy
​sometimes no opinion is the best opinion

11:31 PM

11:31 PM
Millennial Woes
​Thank you, Claire.

11:31 PM
Church of Entropy
​I think Claire would wilt like a Korean flower that blooms once per year

11:31 PM
7 Spirits

11:31 PM
John Berkshire Respector

11:31 PM
Church of Entropy
​i think claires extra rudeness to me is mysogynistic in nature

11:31 PM
Minerva Shrine

11:32 PM
Church of Entropy
​Lukes a good interviewer @Millennial Woes Id go on if i were you

11:32 PM
Colin Liddell
​Stop attacking Woes's character, Luke. People like him. Attack his ideology. He's a Nazi, like Grindr Greg.

11:32 PM
Church of Entropy
​in fact i have been on this show before and even tho drunk KMG was mean to me, it was overall positive

11:32 PM
Millennial Woes
​I am absolutely not going to discuss criminal allegations in a live-stream.

11:32 PM
Church of Entropy

11:32 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Millennial Woes I am capable of being fair, I like to think.

11:32 PM
Thomas Bergman
​Thank you for offering me so many insights, @Millennial Woes

11:33 PM
Millennial Woes

11:33 PM
Millennial Woes
​Yes, I did all of those things.

11:33 PM
Claire Khaw
​Woes has not said anything ideological so far and is just being basically motherhood and apple pie in his first venture into the public for months. Bit harsh to be so mean.

11:33 PM
Janus Ludi
​Beg the question much?

11:34 PM
Church of Entropy
​2020 does seem to be the year of gettinng cyberbullied into a better life

11:34 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Liddell is just a horrible human being.

11:34 PM
hungowapower yes
​I’ve watched many Woes videos. He always talks about self improvement as well as helping people choose to help themselves

11:34 PM
Church of Entropy
​conops is getting married now

11:34 PM
One Eye Moon
​Thanks from me too Woes.

11:35 PM
Church of Entropy
​most young men are doing horribly

11:35 PM
Millennial Woes
​This is just vindictive bitching and drama-seeking. I'm off. Knock yourself out, Luke.

11:35 PM
nitrogen 15
​most young men have six figure jobs?

11:35 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​They don't.

11:35 PM
One Eye Moon

11:36 PM
Glib Medley
​And graduate degrees

11:36 PM
One Eye Moon
​More power to you Woes!

11:36 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Millennial Woes be well

11:36 PM
Janus Ludi
​Didn't he address this in the livestream?

11:36 PM
hungowapower yes
​Bye Woes. Can’t wait to see your new content when you come back

11:36 PM
Janus Ludi
​Like right at the start?

11:37 PM
Claire Khaw
​I hope to improve myself too.

11:37 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Good Luck!

11:37 PM
Glib Medley
​Bloody Woes

11:37 PM
Church of Entropy
​""that a dimension referred to as amoral manipulation was the most reliable predictor of virtuous victim signaling.""

11:37 PM
​I think Luke's hanging with members of the tribe has skewed his perception of how young men are doing.

11:37 PM
Church of Entropy
​reliable predictor!!!!!!

11:37 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:38 PM
Glib Medley
​I bought my first multivitamin today

11:38 PM
Wandering Sperg
​@Oxylus i had the same thought

11:39 PM
Claire Khaw
​There really is no need to kick a man when he is down. I don't think MW is a the sex pest type and would stop if asked.

11:39 PM
hungowapower yes
​Woes was talking about being “burned out” and leaving alt-right commentary and self improvement for well over a year before he made this statement

11:39 PM
Stefan Molyneux
​Have you contributed to white well being today?

11:39 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Not an argument bro.

11:40 PM
One Eye Moon
​Willful ignorance here. Shallow gossip. Disingenuous.

11:40 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Stefan Molyneux Are you the real @Stefan Molyneux ?

11:40 PM
nitrogen 15
​It means that they see them as allies

11:40 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Higher IQ?

11:41 PM
hungowapower yes
​Real Stefan is banned

11:41 PM
Daniel Sienkiewicz
​Millennial Woes demanded his link be removed from MR bc I shouldn't object to Vivian Veritas defining terms for WN.. add his his gay phase ..all else compounds annoyingness of his being a movement rep

11:41 PM
Wandering Sperg
​I think we need to remember what is important...MW is now a moderator in Luke Ford's channel

11:42 PM
Stefan Molyneux
​@Claire Khaw Yes and I want to have a talk about secular koranism with you

11:42 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​To be fair Luke, Luskin looks like a mess and is still giving advice to people.

11:42 PM
nitrogen 15
​It's cool that he came on your stream.

11:42 PM
Glib Medley
​Lol @Wandering Sperg attention must be paid

11:43 PM
Wandering Sperg
​i'm still wondering whether MW is an underearner

11:43 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​It's not the real Molyneux Claire. @Claire Khaw

11:43 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Stefan Molyneux Very happy to help!

11:43 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius I rather suspected that, but I enjoyed the joke.

11:43 PM
​Sperg, don8 and he won't be

11:43 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:44 PM
Stefan Molyneux
​Thank you Claire! @Claire Khaw

11:44 PM
Tim Humphries
​Calling out contradiction is an msm approach

11:44 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Not an argument Molyneux.

11:44 PM
Glib Medley
​Luke likes that red shirt, but his face matches it too much today

11:44 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Call in the makeup crew.

11:44 PM
Wandering Sperg
​i like MW...but donating to him would be enabling him

11:45 PM
Church of Entropy
​its not normal for a psychotherapist to be messed up in the head if your civilisation is functioning

11:45 PM
Church of Entropy
​its the mentality of teaching math by remaining 1 lesson ahead of the students

11:45 PM
Church of Entropy

11:45 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​@Church of Entropy Most psychotherapists are messed up in the head.

11:45 PM
Minerva Shrine
​I was brought up in UK like Woes . Every Jew we ( us uneducated plebs ) saw on TV told us we should hate ourselves , should be ashamed of ourselves . Get your house in order . Or stop complaining

11:45 PM
Church of Entropy
​not unconnected to the fact civilisation is in the crapper @Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:46 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:46 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​We get the psychotherapists we deserve.

11:46 PM
Church of Entropy
​i just couldnt do that id be consumed by paranoia

11:47 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​How do we know he didn't do all those things Luke?

11:47 PM
half- galician
​Dooov > MW discussion

11:47 PM
Blue Monday

11:47 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius

11:48 PM
Wandering Sperg
​I hope there is more MW news in a few months, so we can hear LF on double speed playing LF on double speed listening to MW on double speed

11:48 PM
Church of Entropy

11:48 PM
Wandering Sperg
​Octuple speed

11:48 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Is Youtube even capable of quadruple speed or would it crash?

11:49 PM
Blue Monday
​Luke you seem to forget some of us in the BritNat side were friends with Melchy

11:49 PM
Church of Entropy
​double speed double speed = quadruple speed

11:49 PM
Colin Liddell
​Check out this somewhat relevant article:

11:49 PM
Blue Monday
​+ hi jen x

11:49 PM
Wandering Sperg
​2^3 = 8

11:49 PM
hungowapower yes
​This video is pathetic. “It’s better to try and fail then never try at all is bad advice, what if you die?” So sad.... You’re gonna embarrassing yourself.

11:49 PM
half- galician
​J influence is way overblown.,,,in other news Steve Cohen just bought the Mets.

11:49 PM
Church of Entropy
​hi @Blue Monday

11:49 PM
Wandering Sperg
​who did that art?

11:50 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Who needs the extreme left when you have counter signalers like Liddell.

11:50 PM
Wandering Sperg
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius truf

11:50 PM
hungowapower yes
​One thing about charlottesville is the Alt-right and ethno nationalist have learned not to make that mistake again

11:50 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Luke Ford Livestreams looks like cannabis is getting the better of Hyde

11:51 PM
Wandering Sperg
​where does he get his money?

11:51 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Liddell acts exactly like a communist. And that is because he actually is one.

11:51 PM
Blue Monday
​Luke you were merchant obsessed until you got compromised

11:51 PM
Daniel Sienkiewicz
​That's another Millennial Woes shit: WWII shouln't have happened. Yes, but take it to Hitler not Churchill, kiddo.

11:51 PM
hungowapower yes
​It actually turned out to be a very valuable lesson. Led to more covert campaigning like “it’s okay to be white” and “Islam is right about women”

11:52 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Ever notice that Liddell never actually counters the arguments but goes straight to personal attacks and guilt by association?

11:52 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius Liddell is such a warm and soulful dude................

11:52 PM
Wandering Sperg
​TRAD NEWS knows what's up in this case

11:52 PM
Blue Monday
​in what world isn't this gay calumny

11:53 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​@Josh Randall Forgives In other words, he's a piece of crap. LOL.

11:54 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius lol I could listen to Liddell second bro

11:54 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​haha. can't stand him.

11:55 PM
Glib Medley
​Greg wrote a good piece on not blaming parents for your woes

11:55 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​A Luke Ford stream tearing apart the self righteous know it all Collin Liddell would be great. Luke?

11:55 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Just a suggestion bro.

11:56 PM
Glib Medley
​Is Liddell underearning

11:56 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius Me neither.

11:57 PM
​Perhaps he's overspending.

11:57 PM
John Berkshire Respector
​Liddell is an islamophobe

11:57 PM
Blue Monday
​and your responsibilities to Melchy o

11:57 PM
Blue Monday
​where were they

11:57 PM
half- galician
​There are like 10 J's in Scotland, how did he get onto the JQ

11:57 PM
Glib Medley
​He spends like the devil on geisha girls

11:58 PM
​Follow Luke Ford on Twitter:

11:58 PM
Claire Khaw
​@John Berkshire Respector I thought Colin was moving towards Islam.

11:58 PM
Janus Ludi
​Did you plan for this stream at all?

11:58 PM
Blue Monday
​there's actually lots of Jews in Scotland

11:58 PM
Josh Randall Forgives
​There's been plenty of vinegar during this stream.

11:58 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​@half- galician Right, because the influence is localized. LOL.

11:58 PM
Blue Monday
​You screwed Melchy and we've all seen the clips of you deniying responsibilities to Melchy.

11:59 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Blue Monday I know of a rather quaint ginger Scottish rabbi who lives in New York.

11:59 PM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​You destroyed sweet Melchy Luke! Bro!!!!!!!!!!!

11:59 PM
Colin Liddell
​@Blue Monday There are almost no Jews in Scotland as their niche is already filled.

11:59 PM
Blue Monday
​yeah we'll pretend the whole Paul-talk dialogue didn't happen

11:59 PM
Glib Medley
​The land of Melch and honey

12:00 AM
Blue Monday
​Colin stfu I'm literally Scottish

12:00 AM
half- galician
​Melchy couldn't handle the intensity of torah

12:00 AM
Elliott Blatt
​Let's discuss The Gunt

12:00 AM
Daniel Sienkiewicz
​Melchy tried to stigmatize me because I reject Christianity. and he's been another Vivian Veritas White Knight.

12:00 AM
Wandering Sperg
​at one point i tried to find Melchy's video but couldn't find them...guess i'm too much of a casual

12:00 AM
Wandering Sperg

12:00 AM
Blue Monday
​Ah yes you aren't a self admitted sociopath kk

12:01 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Love and inclusion bros

12:01 AM
half- galician
​@Blue Monday The Luke/Paul Talk kerfuffle was legendary.

12:02 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​I was kidding bro.

12:02 AM
Good Ide
​Doesn’t melchy’s case prove that everyone is living under J power to some extent? And that’s all he was saying. Trying to raise awareness.

12:02 AM
nitrogen 15
​Who is Melchy?

12:02 AM
Blue Monday
​Then how can you call Melchy a friend

12:02 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​A badass.

12:02 AM
​General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett

12:02 AM
Glib Medley
​A participant in Alt-Right Torah sunday sermons

12:03 AM
Wandering Sperg
​Melkizidek was the king of Salem

12:03 AM
Blue Monday
​You have a friend who you give no responsibility to? your apparent best friend

12:03 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​A very wise man.

12:04 AM
Dennis Prager
​@nitrogen 15 Some crazy guy who wanted to go to the middle east to fight muslims

12:04 AM
half- galician
​Melchy is a mystery wrapped in an enigma

12:04 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Luke has power over me. Help me bro.

12:04 AM
Blue Monday
​you should feel responsibility for how YOU act towards your own friends

12:05 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Luke beats me.

12:05 AM
Blue Monday
​stop projecting sophistry chief.

12:05 AM
Blue Monday
​You don't know me but suddenly you can analyse me. LOL

12:05 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Luke kept me tied up in his laundry room for weeks.

12:06 AM
half- galician
​Blue Monday is intense bro

12:06 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Blue Monday How come Luke knows so much about your sexual proclivities?

12:06 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​It's okay bro.

12:06 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Blue Monday is high T

12:06 AM
Blue Monday
​do you have choice over how you act towards your own self described Close friends

12:07 AM
Blue Monday
​this embarrassing ad hominen

12:07 AM
Rob Williams
​What is a sex pest these days? A wholf whistle?

12:07 AM
Blue Monday
​you take responsibility for your own actions towards Melchy? no. you invert ownership of your responsibility

12:08 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Take responsibility for actions, not reactions.

12:08 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​I forgive you bros ❤

12:08 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​I forgive you too bro.

12:09 AM
Blue Monday
​so you invert ownership and try to gaslight your audience away from your own actions on others

12:09 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius I respect you bro

12:09 AM
Blue Monday

12:09 AM
Elliott Blatt
​Bring on Blue Monday!

12:09 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Me too bro. @Josh Randall Forgives

12:09 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​You are safe with me bro. @Josh Randall Forgives

12:09 AM
Janus Ludi
​When did you go bald?

12:09 AM
John Berkshire Respector

12:09 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​You are all beautiful children of God and I love you bros ❤

12:09 AM
Wandering Sperg
​I'm so happy, this is like the old bloodsports days

12:10 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Luke is a skinhead now @Janus Ludi

12:10 AM
Blue Monday
​How did he not just self own himself?

12:10 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Liponius Maximus Meridius LOL

12:10 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Or coddle?

12:11 AM
Blue Monday
​you've admitted your own dark triad tendencies yet state you don't have control over others when challenged on Paul-talk points about your irresponsible approach to Melchy who you admit was close to u

12:11 AM
​I think Luke should grow a beard. Again.

12:11 AM
Blue Monday

12:12 AM
Brother Obstreperous
​Come on people now. Smile on your brothers. Everybody get together. Try to love one another RIGHT NOW!

12:12 AM
half- galician
​@Blue Monday Are you Melchy's special pleader?

12:13 AM
Wandering Sperg
​@Luke Ford Livestreams Serious question: Don't Orthodox Jews need to have beards, or not shave? (honest question)

12:14 AM
Minerva Shrine
​Netflix is Jewish . How many Jews have condemned ' Cuties ' ?

12:14 AM
Glib Medley
​Certain electric razors are kosher

12:15 AM
Not Bored
​@Luke Ford Livestreams shaved head is not a good look for you

12:15 AM
Blue Monday
​damn i triggered him hard

12:15 AM
Blue Monday
​i almost feel bad

12:16 AM
Wandering Sperg
​Electric razors changed my life

12:16 AM
Not Bored
​@Luke Ford Livestreams red is not your color

12:16 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​I just start swinging when I'm triggered

12:16 AM
Glib Medley
​I need a skull shaver

12:17 AM
Wandering Sperg
​Skull shavers are overrated and expensive, in my experience

12:18 AM
Millennial Woes
​Fucking hell...

12:18 AM
Not Bored
​@Blue Monday criticisms lack substance or even predicate

12:18 AM
Millennial Woes
​I dropped back in to see if he was still talking about me... LOL

12:18 AM
Henry Clamore
​Gossip loving narcissistic sex addict Luke Ford insult MW for his flaws.

12:18 AM
Millennial Woes
​Yes, Luke, legitimate criticism is helpful.

12:18 AM
Blue Monday
​Kinda but i sidetracked on his abuse of my friend

12:18 AM
Henry Clamore
​Glad your back MW

12:18 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​Let's take 15 mins and talk about the glory of boobs.

12:19 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Millennial Woes There was about a 20 minute break before he started talking about you again.

12:19 AM
Driss Doudouh
​Man, they are great aren't they ?

12:19 AM
Elliott Blatt
​@Millennial Woes well done on kicking smoking, bro. If you kick sugar, you'll mood will improve. You're have to go through hell first.

12:19 AM
Glib Medley
​@Wandering Sperg I've seen some going for $35, makes more sense than going to the barber every two weeks

12:19 AM
Millennial Woes
​Thank you, @Elliott Blatt . I believe I will manage it.

12:20 AM
​Sugar consumption is probably worse than smoking tbh.

12:20 AM
Wandering Sperg
​@Glib Medley yeah, maybe i didn't look hard enough...everything i say was 100 bucks or so

12:20 AM
Blue Monday
​narcissistic personality disorder

12:20 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Millennial Woes I gave up vaping on new years. I was pissed for a month a half lol

12:20 AM
Josh Randall Forgives

12:21 AM
Blue Monday
​vulnerable narcissist variant.

12:21 AM
Minerva Shrine
​Not one Halakhic Jew - not none - has complained about immigration in the UK

12:21 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Luke is very open about this @Blue Monday

12:21 AM
Blue Monday
​he sure is

12:21 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Maybe that's part of his narcissism

12:22 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​Think I'm done with coffee bros.

12:22 AM
Blue Monday
​he's very open about his own sociopathic behaviours yet then rejects responsibility for his actions repercussions on those close to him. wild.

12:22 AM
Blue Monday
​what's logical about that?

12:23 AM
Blue Monday
​do any of you nihilists have a good response to what I just said

12:23 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Luke has a weird theory about agency in which he has no influence over what people do

12:23 AM
Wandering Sperg
​that seems messed somebody's family member the diagnosis before they give it to the patient

12:23 AM
Daniel D
​Did Josh forgive Woes?

12:23 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​It absolves him of all responsibility

12:23 AM
​2016 Alt Right largely irrelevant in 2020

12:24 AM
Blue Monday
​No NPD is not requisite to have self confidence.

12:24 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​What is Trump? @Luke Ford Livestreams

12:24 AM
Daniel D
​@doooovid bro my favorite quote from you is when you said - "I am the alt right"

12:24 AM
Daniel D

12:24 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Probably very high

12:25 AM
Daniel D
​the alt right is beyond dead

12:25 AM
Affirmative Right
​2020 Alt Right largely irrelevant in 2020 @doooovid

12:25 AM
Blue Monday
​so Luke claims no agency over others yet armors to a mental illness which at its core is about manipulating people.

12:25 AM
Blue Monday

12:25 AM
​Alt-right is mostly just feds now. Probably always was.

12:25 AM
Blue Monday

12:26 AM
​Kushner's buddies are the only one's left in the Alt-Right

12:26 AM
​big covid19 party at the White House tomorrow

12:27 AM
​was always a Jewish ploy to get Trump in the White House so we can rebuild the Temple! Speedily in our days, Amen, may it be Hashem's Will!

12:27 AM
Good Ide
​Branch Doooovidianism proved stronger!

12:27 AM
Blue Monday
​admits to manipulation mental illness - says his actions don't affect people. hello?

12:28 AM
Wandering Sperg
​greg johnson on 2x speed sounds like richard spencer

12:28 AM
Karl John
​Bath House nationalism wont save the West - navel-gazing degenerates can't help themselves...

12:28 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​Yes I think you're right, Luke rationalizes his behavior to not feel guilt. Especially after some synagogue shootings I think Luke became shocked at what the alt right is capable of and he wants to

12:29 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​have nothing to do with radicalism*

12:29 AM
​im out

12:29 AM
​@Claire Khaw has emerged as the leader of the Alt-Right

12:29 AM
Josh Randall Forgives
​@Franz lol

12:29 AM
​Luke couldn't handle the heat

12:29 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​@Blue Monday

12:29 AM
Daniel Sienkiewicz
​Claire, "Hitler just wanted his day in the sun" Khaw.

12:29 AM
Blue Monday
​I could break this man's nonsense down so easily and you people just like gay drama and encourage his own illness.

12:30 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Oh bloody hell. More drama.

12:30 AM
​KMG is on the rise.

12:30 AM
Blue Monday
​Luke needs healed not encourages

12:30 AM
John Berkshire Respector
​OV is insane

12:31 AM
Daniel Sienkiewicz
​OV is a piece of shit.

12:32 AM
Wandering Sperg
​this guy seems fun

12:32 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​Accurate and fair is not entertaining.

12:32 AM
Elliott Blatt
​This show is the Grand Finale of all sperg fights.

12:33 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​It's where sperg fights come to die.

12:33 AM
Blue Monday
​nationalism isn't entertainment

12:33 AM
Glib Medley
​To his credit, ov has never blamed his drinking problem on the Jews

12:33 AM
Wandering Sperg
​sounds like a woman

12:33 AM
Minerva Shrine
​There is not one known Jew publicly in the UK at the moment who is signalling explicitly to the people that they oppose the erosion of their national identity .

12:33 AM
Daniel Sienkiewicz
​Claire's promotion of OV and his Hitlerism is only more indication of her irresponsibility and absence of organic concern for White people.

12:34 AM
Glib Medley
​Excellent pronunciation of Taibbi

12:34 AM
Liponius Maximus Meridius
​White well being bro.

12:35 AM
Blue Monday
​The merchant dissaproves of the natsoc what a surprise

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