
Friday, 11 September 2020

Why the Post-Christian hates Christianity

3:00  Formal membership of the Abrahamic faiths
4:00  Jay calls himself a "Christian Scientist".

5:00  The alt-right are antisemites and Islamophobes too dim to recognise that the people they are always complaining about have a religion while they do not. They think their magic white skin will protect them from all evil.  

7:00  Atheist nihilist antisemites, Islamophobes and racists have no religion. Therefore they have no moral principles. If you have no moral principles, you have no rules of behaviour that would keep your group in existence and apart from others.  

8:00  Atheist nihilist antisemites, Islamophobes and racists do not care that Christianity has failed because they are atheists. Atheists have no system of morality and therefore no rules of behaviour or thinking that they collectively submit to. They tell lies to get attention or lower the status of their rivals and opponents. The trouble of being a compulsive liar is that you end up lying to yourself.  

9:00  The political establishment and the liberal elite who despise these low status marginalised men  also suffer from the same character defects.  

10:00  If Europe had been Muslim, there would have been no need for the Wars of the Reformation.  

11:00  You would expect Christians to hate and fear Jews for ideological reasons as well as the knowledge that Christian scripture - being written by mortal and fallible men who was not even their prophet Jesus - is inferior and defective. Jews believe their Torah came from God and was handed to Moses on Mount Sinai witnessed by many Jews. Muslims believe that the Koran is the directly revealed Word of God in Arabic which was revealed through the last prophet of God Muhammad. God knows what people claiming to be Christian - even if they have already been confirmed - really believe. They are people more invested in their idolatry and blasphemy than in the correct worship of God. If it is true that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, Christianity is very unwise indeed.   

12:00  Before the disease, the cure already exists.  

13:00  Dawah

14:00  King John

15:00  The Pope in Rome, Henry VIII, William Tyndale

16:00  Interdict

18:00  King John considered converting to Islam, apparently. 

19:00  Pope Innocent III

34:00  It was only a matter of time before European monarchs would want to interpret Christianity for themselves and rebel against the centralised control of the Pope.  

35:00  Christianity made Europeans fight making them good at war and militarily aggressive.  

37:00  An imperial mindset

38:00  Western men are basically sex addicted feminised degenerates in denial that they live in a matriarchy. They may have nuclear weapons but you cannot use nuclear weapons against people already in your country. They are not even up to verbally defending their own statues against their women and minorities because women are already in charge of the important institutions of state eg the police and the media. German men cannot prevent their country from being filled by migrants invited by their female President because they are too afraid of defying her.  The fact that they can only virtue signal to feminists in order to gain sexual access to them is noticed and noted by men of other races and nations who will continue to invade the West knowing that Western men are helpless against their matriarchy who prevents them from even complaining about immigration on social media. 

39:00  Unmarriageable men waiting to die before the shit hits the fan

40:00  Men who are afraid to defend a principle cannot defend anything.  

41:00  The extent and enormity of the fraud of Christianity

42:00  The American Republic was about rejecting monarchy and the Trinity.

43:00  The First Amendment is based on

44:00  Men who have spent their entire lives denying Truth, Logic and Morality will not be defending any principle. Anyone who thinks Sermon on the Mount is better than the Koran is basically saying that any Christian nonsense is better than any Muslim truth. It is the equivalent of saying "My shit is better than your banquet." 

The most important things to note about Jay:

  1. He claims Christianity is working but cannot give a single example to show how it is still working.
  2. He is not Christian but hypocritically claims to defend Christianity.  
  3. He says religion is important but not important enough for his society to have one that maintains minimum standards of sexual morality.  
  4. He is an atheist and a nihilist who uses his fake Christianity to make himself more important.

46:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles, the New Testament is for idolaters and blasphemers.  

47:00  People who deny that Jews are God's Chosen People are in fact declaring themselves to be above the God they claim to believe in. 

48:00  The God of Jay is a deity who agrees with everything Jay believes, says and does. The God Jay claims to worship is himself. 

49:00  Only a liar or a lunatic would deny that Christianity is kaput.  

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