
Saturday, 31 October 2020

Judaism Lite

God does not have to actually exist for people to believe in Him because faith is actually a choice, and people can choose or choose not to believe.

Why would one choose to believe even if uncertain?

Because there is a utility to belief in that it comforts us spiritually while giving us the correct moral values to uphold from generation to generation to keep our group in existence.

If God was a creation of Man, He was created for a purpose and that purpose remains operational from the time of Abraham to us in our time and beyond.

We already know that the five world religions have lasted significantly longer than secular political ideology because they are support patriarchal moral values ie marriage and family values.

We should already know by now that deviation from supporting patriarchy results in matriarchy, and to discover that your society is a matriarchy is to know that your civilisation is suffering from a terminal disease.

If God was a creation of Man, then He was created for a purpose, and that purpose was to keep our group in existence and apart from others.

Judaism has been the most successful because Jews remained in existence despite having been deprived of their homeland for 2000 years.

The Abrahamic faith most similar to Judaism is Islam.

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