
Friday, 13 November 2020

Who won this exchange about Trump and the US elections?

Claire Khaw:

My American friend just messaged me saying he spent the last 20 minutes shouting at his grandmother for voting for Biden. 

Then he said he left the cemetery and went home.

[Pleasantries with liberal]

Trump is going to keep fighting, fighting, fighting to keep winning, winning, winning!


He is quite appalling.

Claire Khaw: 

Tell me in what way he is most appalling.

Do you know any other Trump supporters?



Claire Khaw: 

I am privileged indeed!


No just stupider than you look.

Claire Khaw: 

Tell me why it is stupid to support Trump.


Because he is a conman; a liar and a crook.

Claire Khaw: 

How so?


Watch the fake news

Claire Khaw: 

Why are you asking me to watch news you know to be fake? Do you think you might be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome?

It would be so nice to have an honest and rational discussion about this.



Claire Khaw: 

I am sure you are capable of it if you tried.


I see Trump has now even fallen out with Fox (fake) news apologists. The narcissist cannot recognise he was well beaten (by over 5 million votes nationally).

Claire Khaw: 

Trump's "Et tu, Brute?" moment has already happened when Fox called Arizona early for Biden. And again when they declared the election for Biden.


I find it puzzling that you a person of some warmth an intelligence and an immigrant to these shores should carry the standard of nationalism: so damaging to the wellbeing of humanity .

Claire Khaw: 

Nationalism is the ideology of government in the national interest. Just as most people don't know what's in their long term interests, it would appear that most countries do not know what's in their long term national interest. If most people are angry and afraid of immigration, it doesn't appear sensible to demonise them, dismiss their fears and then bring on more of what they already hate and fear, does it? Trump has support from plenty of non-white Americans.


Nationalism is next to fascism. It ultimately leads to war. Like Hitler Trump is effective in attracting the gullible on the elixir of nationalism just as Brexiteers voted in the end for isolation and poverty.

Claire Khaw: 

I am surprised you haven't heard of neocon wars. Trump wants to end pointless foreign wars.

You do know that when Athens was a democracy, it kept voting for war until it destroyed itself, don't you?


Bolstering the hardliners in Iran hardly a peaceful move.

Claire Khaw: 

America has always been belligerent towards Iran. I really don't think Americans who have a view on Trump are that concerned about his policy towards Iran one way or another.


They do care if he is in the pocket of Putin (as he is) who offered the Taliban a bounty for each and every GI they killed (just suckers and losers I suppose)

Claire Khaw: 

These are just unsubstantiated allegations.


They come from the US intelligence  service

Claire Khaw: 

Spooks and spies. Surely you must have something better than that?


and the suckers and losers comment came when Trump refused to visit the graves of WW1 soldiers

Claire Khaw: 

I was hoping we could discuss his policies rather than unsubstantiated rumour about what he might or might not have said.


The man is a crook. His loans from Deutschebank will soon be due. He should end up in jail. As for his policies they centre upon his own self aggrandisement and his administration has been a shambles.

Claire Khaw: 

Which of his policies do you find most objectionable?


Tearing children from their parents and putting them in cages

Fact not fake news

Claire Khaw: 

Why not cite a policy that would be of concern to the US voter rather than a virtual signalling liberal?


Making America a laughing stock not making it great again.

Making Americans ashamed to be American.

Inciting hate and racism

Claire Khaw:

America will be just as much a laughing stock choosing a senile old man to be President who actually talked about "putting together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organisation in history". 

How do you know Americans were not already ashamed to be American before Trump became President?

What hate and racism has he incited?


There is no point in communicating with you if you believe such bollocks

Claire Khaw: 

What bollocks are you accusing me of believing?


The voter fraud of Biden winning 5.2 million votes more  than Trump

over and out

Claire Khaw: 

We could have a discussion on epistemology, if you are up to it!

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