
Thursday, 10 December 2020

Does Brexit mean baked beans only for Britain from now on?


 A Leitwolf (lupus alpha, leader of the pack) is not interested in sheep's opinions.


 Are you saying leaders of Western nations have this view of voters?

Is Merkel the leitwolf of Germans?


Xi Jinping, Putin, Trump and Boris Johnson are political ‘Leitwölfe‘ in my eyes.

[Deleted photo by German of Brexit meaning only baked beans for the British.]


You disapprove of Britain wanting to leave the EU and think the British should meekly accept its punishment?

Thank you for your making it abundantly clear that you care nothing about the concerns of ordinary Europeans anywhere in Europe. So your intention is to starve Britain into submission while taking its fish? I don't think even Hitler had such malign intentions!


Please forget Hitler, he is dead, stone dead. Or does BBC still show each second day a Nazi-film? Oh I forgot: you have your own Nigel Farage, a strong Brexiteer and — like Johnson — a never lying politician. My advice: More reading and global thinking, not only English TV. Sometimes splendid isolation is a stupid isolation because neither fish nor Covid-19 virus know European borders. But they could swim into the Chinese Sea or into the American Ocean. Is that really in Greatbritain‘s interest? And by the way: good luck with the vaccine developed in Germany!


What lies of which British politicians do you think I believe?

I am well aware that only America is big enough to be able to enjoy splendid isolation and it was not a good idea for China to do so, as it discovered to its cost last century. Alternatives exist between the splendid isolation you think I favour and being a vassal state of the EU and by extension Germany, which is what you seem to  think every current EU Member State should fall in line with. Shiva the God of Destruction suggests a solution of creative destruction.  

What the British sought to prevent has now happened: a continental nation  that thinks it can starve the British into submission. If you don't want me to mention Hitler, perhaps I am allowed to Napoleon with his proposed embargo on Britain? How do your fellow Germans feel about Mother Merkel who unleashed illegal migrants on them?  

The national interest is an abstract idea that depends on the existence of the nation. You are expecting the smaller nations of Europe to subsume their national identity into the EU in the same way that the German states who signed up to the Zollverein subsumed their identity to Prussia. 

I for one never believed that the British would be able to Brexit without being punished. The way May dillied and dallied instead of repealing the European Communities Act 1972 at once confirmed her position as a remainer. 

The Conservative Party should not have allowed any MP who was a remainer to become a leadership candidate but this error is simply typical of the congenital stupidity or the policy of self-sabotage of the Conservative Party. 

You can sneer at my national origins as much as you like, but I am not ashamed of them.  

I think it would be the easiest thing for Britain to give succour to the supporters of Le Pen as well as the AfD by proposing an EU-wide EU referendum now.  


Hitler, Napoleon, Shiva — an interesting line of intellectual ancestry haha. I think Claire, that you also have a migrant background — your modest-provocative political overcompensation, "more English than an English patriot", indicates this too. We also have the phenomenon in Germany that immigrants suddenly appear more Germanophile than Germans. I hope you calm down a bit with your "solution of creative destruction". Well, Farage and Johnson have successfully stimulated the elderly British in the spirit of the desired Brexit with false numbers and lies about Britain's disadvantages through the EU. But these are yesterday's castling, only interesting for the history books and for election analysts about the chances of success of a "negative campaign".

What is this line of "intellectual ancestry" to which you refer?

Incidentally, Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel is not a Prussian! Today she lives in Prussian Berlin, but was born in the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

YOU do — ridiculously — refer to Hitler, Napoleon, Shiva, ‘Mother Merkel‘ hahaha. Don‘t try to put your words into my mouth 


I do WHAT? Feel free to spit out any words you think I have put into your mouth.  

I have nothing against Prussians or Germans, for that matter. I have had lovely holidays in Germany and have never met a German I disliked. My favourite Prussian is Bismarck. Perhaps you too are also Prussian?

I can't find that charming photograph you posted earlier suggesting the EU intention of reducing the British to eating only baked beans and then take away their fish.   

I have nothing against Prussians or Germans, for that matter. I have had lovely holidays in Germany and have never met a German I disliked. My favourite Prussian is Bismarck. Perhaps you are also Prussian?  

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