
Monday, 11 January 2021

An example of Trump Derangement Syndrome suffered by a female Republican I suspect of being a spinster

 Do you wish Donald Trump would come to LinkedIn?


Why would he want to?  This is not the best way to reach his base.

Claire Khaw

I'd come here if I were him!

His "base", as you call it, is anyone who fears Intersectional Feminism and this means anyone who aspires to become a married parent and remain one to properly parent their legitimate offspring.


I doubt that Trump would have the least bit of interest in your arguments about  Intersectional Feminism.  

He is in a purely ego driven fight.  He was thwarted, and he is probably more angry than he's ever been in his life, and he is facing real legal threats when he leaves office, not to mention that neither Mar -a- Lago nor Scotland want him, and he's got a pile of debts coming due.    

Sure, some people on LI would follow him.  But I suspect LI would quickly follow Twitter and FB if he tried to post the kind of nonsense he posted in those forums.

Claire Khaw

I am sure I could persuade him if given the opportunity to do so. 

What "nonsense" are you saying Trump posted? 


You could persuade him?  Even when he's not listening to or taking calls from those he's known for years?

Claire Khaw

Who are the people you have in mind when you talk of those he has known for years that he doesn't listen to or take calls from?


Essentially everything, except his video Thursday night after Twitter let him back on.

given the sheer volume of his tweets, picking 'the most' nonsensical is impossible.  Most recently it is anything referring to election fraud.

If you are not following the news that closely, I can't help you.

Claire Khaw

Why are you so certain that no election fraud took place?

You are a Democrat, aren't you?

Surely you can give me just one name about the people you have in mind when you said there are people Trump has known for years that he is not taking calls from or not listening to? 


for what reason would I give you a name you could easily find with your own research?

no.  It is mistake many people make, totally ignoring the fact that there were many Republicans who didn't/don't support Trump.

Because I have read every story of every example that was reported in the Trump supporter forums and then researched the accuracy of those stories.  And because (independent of my research), to commit such widespread fraud would have required the collusion of hundreds, if not thousands, of people of both parties in widely varying states, and no conspiracy that large wouldn't have had someone spill the beans.

Claire Khaw

What search words would you recommend I use?

So you are actually a Republican? 

American elections have been infamously corrupt.  


in past, certainly. Not much fraud detected for decades.

Why the instance on a label?  Historically, I have voted Republican.

Claire Khaw

I am old enough to remember the hanging chads.

I am trying to understand your standpoint and perspective. What is the most objectionable thing Trump has said?  


I couldn't tell if you had tried, and not had success, or if you were setting me up.   The first thing you have to do is limit the search to the past few days.  Try 'who has talked to Trump'.  

Claire Khaw

Setting you up for what?! I just find your perspectives puzzling and your refusal to answer innocuous questions to clarify your previous statements verging on paranoia. 


Oh.  you are counting the hanging chads as corruption? 

And, as I find your perspectives puzzling, as well as some of your questions, yes, with you, I do feel some paranoia.

As I mentioned, there are so many things that Trump has said that I have found objectionable, I couldn't pick one 'most' objectionable.  Everything he has said about the election over the past week, except his Thurs night video tweet, has been objectionable. 

Claire Khaw

Unlike you, I am happy to explain myself.

What Trump policy do you hate and fear?

Do you think you might be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome? I say this because you are clearly an educated and intelligent woman who is also a Republican but quite unable to give rational reasons for your hatred of your President.


I am glad the educated and intelligent parts came through! I am certainly puzzled by so many Trump supporters like to use the TDS label for people like me. Personally, I think the label better fits Trump supporters who have become deranged by Trump.  But that is neither here nor there.   I have stated my rational reasons for finding Trump objectionable many times albeit perhaps not in our exchanges.  They include but are not limited to that he is a psychopath, lies like he breathes, lacks empathy, God-less,  lousy businessman, cheats, assaults women, totally self-centered.   I am deeply saddened by what he has done to our country and I am concerned what he and his supporters may do in the coming weeks and months.  'Hate' implies more of a emotional response, which is a form of self-harm that I avoid.

Claire Khaw

What would you say is his most objectionable policy? 


 'Policy' suggest a type of mental framework I don't think Trump has.  His sole policy seems to be to do or say whatever he feels like.

Claire Khaw

I think most people have grasped that Trump is reflecting the concerns of his voters who dislike immigration and pointless foreign wars. Your hatred and fear of Trump suggests that you are in favour of more immigration and pointless foreign wars so it seems you are a neoconservative and neoliberal which is the policy of the American political establishment. Trump is of course an anti-establishment maverick and it seems that the American political establishment invested in their imperialism and outsourcing American jobs to cheaper countries at the expense of the American working class have ganged up against Trump. Neoconservatism is a euphemism for American imperialism and neoliberalism is the borderless nations of "globohomo". 


I gather you didn't read my response to one of your earlier questions. Nothing you said in anyway relates to what I said. And I think your first sentence is factually wrong.

Claire Khaw

Which sentence where is factually wrong? I find it curious that I of all people am the only person defending the probably now extinct white American worker. He either cannot and will not work and you have in any case warehoused him for extinction or already replaced him with a migrant worker. Trump interrupted your operations and for that he must pay dearly. Have I got it about right? Shouldn't you expect the American worker or the aspiring American worker to object to extinction or the lowering of his status in favour of the migrant worker? It seems it is your intention to remove the means of legal protest from him and to make sure that any populares presidential candidate get the message good and early that he should not even think of trying, or else. Will the treatment of the Trump family resemble the treatment meted out by the Soviets to the Romanovs? The world is watching. There is gloating already that Trump may be imprisoned. Is the next stage execution, Gaddafi style?


What hyperbole!: 'the probably now extinct white American worker' - only if you define 'worker' as a field laborer or a food processing plant employee. And look at Trump's own hiring policies - he has no problem with migrant workers in their appropriate place.  And he did very little to bring jobs back to the US, and the first pres in a long time to leave office with lower employment than when he started.  

Right now the treatments being meted out to Trump include removing his internet voice, impeaching him, taking away a PGA golf tournament, telling him he can't make his home in Mar-a-Largo, nor can he visit Scotland  [yes, he might actually be homeless at the end of January!]  

are you aware that a number of Trump supporters formerly posting here have been blocked?  So it appears that IF Trump were to sign up, he'd be blocked if he posted about election fraud or related.

Claire Khaw

The posts of Trump supporters are still appearing on my feed. It would be lovely if Trump and I formed a connection with each other!  


Oh, yes, there are still Trump supporters, but fewer than a week ago.  And if Trump came on and touted election fraud he wouldn't last long enough to form connections.

Claire Khaw

This social media platform hasn't declared a policy on election fraud, has it?


It has a policy.  Not specific to election fraud, but to inciting violence. 

Claire Khaw

With what words did Trump incite violence?


"be there, be wild"  " we’re going to have to fight much harder"  "You have to show strength, and you have to be strong." "“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. " "We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore, and that is what this is all about. And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal. …

“You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen. 

“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”"

Claire Khaw

 If Trump had wanted to incite violence, he wouldn't have told them to go home. 

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