
Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Can a dead woman rape a man?

Jeffrey Ketland

Feminists & social justice nutters control the "conversation".

Disagree with the American religion of sexist, racist Identity Politics & conspiracy theories: get fired.

Claire Khaw

The matriarchy.

Jeffrey Ketland

There is no such entity as "matriarchy", or "patriarchy".

These are fairy tales, invented by feminists.

Claire Khaw

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers.

Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring who are the agents of chaos and criminality. would treat unmarried parents as sex offenders attracting 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring.

Jeffrey Ketland

It is usually defined as "a system of male subjugation of women". However, this does not exist.

(Except in some Muslim-majority countries, or under ISIS, etc., where Yazidis are kidnapped & raped, etc., or in a number of British cities where groups of Muslims have groomed & raped girls.)

Harsh punishments for sex offenders is, of course, feminism/conservatism/Trumpism.

I have no idea what any of this has to do with "marriage". I have zero interest in who does, or doesn't, get married and to whom, or why. It is a private matter, of no significance to anyone else.

Claire Khaw

Britain has been a matriarchy since 1974.

Howard Flight echoes Keith Joseph's 1974 warning that 'our human stock is threatened'

Most children of British mothers born out of wedlock

Jeffrey Ketland

I don't care if 100% of children are born out of wedlock. I don't believe in social engineering.

Claire Khaw

You're not a married father, are you?

I would be very surprised if you were not an atheist and nihilist.

Jeffrey Ketland

You've now described several times your weird Islamic views, including keeping people as slaves, lashing people, and so on.

Why do you hate the West so much?

Claire Khaw

I am warning feminised and infantilised Western men in denial that they are feminised and infantilised that they live in a matriarchy but they prefer to remain in denial.

Jeffrey Ketland

Your dislike of men is noted: it's quaintly feminist.

Claire Khaw

I do find feminised and infantilised men degenerate. Most Western men are like this now in the matriarchy that they deny exists. It is childish to deny the existence of things you dislike. Just because you dislike the things I say doesn't mean I am a feminist. Childish name calling is another sign of infantilisation

Jeffrey Ketland

Translation: men are oppressing you.

Claire Khaw

I am not complaining about that though, am I?

Jeffrey Ketland

Yes, repeatedly. You feel oppressed by men, especially if they don't conform to your needs. You want there to be an authoritarian illiberal system to protect you from the ravages of these harmful men. This is feminism. You want state power to control and regulate people's personal & private lives: this is feminism. You're a moral prude: this is feminism. You think sex workers & sluts ought to be lashed: this is all textbook feminism. Countries with feminist-run legal & policing systems (like US and UK) have gigantic levels of incarceration - 95% of whom are men (often called "carceral feminism").

It's all feminism, with a funny hat on.

You are a feminist because you wish to be "protected" from the ravages of what, exactly?


Claire Khaw

What have I proposed that identifies me as feminist?

Jeffrey Ketland

For a start, the moralistic & Puritan control of society, imposing regulations (and punishments for) people's sexual behaviour = feminism.

Secondly, the intrusion of state power on private life = feminism.

Also, antagonism to sex-workers = feminism. And rejection of liberalism = feminism. And rejection of equal rights = feminism.

Claire Khaw

Feminism is the bribing of men with fornication. If you complain about feminism but do not see how feminism operates, you are doing the equivalent of complaining that water is wet.

What equal rights do feminists reject?

Feminism operates through getting fornicatresses to be its soldiers.

Jeffrey Ketland

Femninists reject the following equal rights

- The right of due process.

- The right not to be domestically abused.

- The right not to be sexually assaulted.

Claire Khaw

Please give evidence of feminists rejecting the rights you mention.

Jeffrey Ketland

Take any list examining false accusations. For example, William Collins'.

Most of this took place under Alison Saunders, militant feminist DPP.

Rape – Part 2 (Case Histories of False Allegations) | The Illustrated Empathy Gap

Take any research on domestic violence by women. There is a gigantic amount of such research.

Take any research concening sexual violence by women and its status under the feminist-run legal & policing system. A recent piece of research on this is here,

Sexual Victimization by Women Is More Common Than Previously Known

Claire Khaw

Do feminists have a policy of ignoring male victims of domestic violence?

Jeffrey Ketland

Of course they do.

Men are subhumans and denied equal rights.

Essentially all govt funding (100% plus/minus 0.1) is given to Refuge and Women's Aid.

Claire Khaw

What are you going to do about it other than whinge about feminism like a woman?

Jeffrey Ketland

I'm going to amass a gigantic fortune and use it to prosecute feminist lawyers and activists. At the moment, thanks to these fascist vigilantes, I have about £3, 50 pence.

Claire Khaw

What will you be suing them for?

Jeffrey Ketland


I said "prosecute".

But I shall certainly not be suing or prosecuting anyone with £3.50.

Perhaps you want to donate several million pounds?

Which, by a nice convergence, is more or less the same point Barbara Hewson RIP made to me in 2016.

Without several million pounds, you don't stand a chance.

Claire Khaw

So what do you hope to do?

Jeffrey Ketland

Find work.

Claire Khaw

What kind of work do you hope to find?

Jeffrey Ketland

Same work I always do.

I teach, at a University: The University of Warsaw.

Claire Khaw

What do you teach though?

Jeffrey Ketland

That will end, in a couple of weeks. So, I am trying to find something else. This is hard, because of the vigilante hunt and I am cancelled/blacklisted.

Claire Khaw

Where would you like to teach?

Jeffrey Ketland

I teach logic and philosophy of science.

That's not relevant, as I am blacklisted.

I would teach anyone on earth that didn't operate on the blacklist.

As it is, I am globally blacklisted.


Claire Khaw

I could pretend to interview you for a job on my YouTube channel. Would that be helpful?

You can then persuade the listener how wonderful you are at teaching logic and philosophy of science.


Jeffrey Ketland


You could watch my youtube interview with Honey Badgers Radio, here,

Claire Khaw

Or, I could extract from you the details of how you came to be blacklisted, which may not help your job prospects, but which will be amusing for your friends and enemies.

Jeffrey Ketland

I'll pass.

My enemies know exactly what happened and what they did. My friends also do too.

Claire Khaw

Would you like to tell us about Warsaw?

Casual sex with crazy ladies is not a good idea.

Jeffrey Ketland

Ah, you see: the feminism.

Claire Khaw

Probably not a good idea to reveal so much of your medical history on YouTube and the invasive medical procedures to your sex organ.

Complicated relationships on display are a turnoff for potential employers.

What philosophy do you teach?

Jeffrey Ketland

In my experience, 100% of employees have complicated relationships, and no one displays them.

Except feminists. It requires a deranged mob of feminists to spend months calling you a murderer!

Claire Khaw

The fact that you had sex with a crazy lady who killed herself reflects rather badly on your judgement, I am afraid.

Jeffrey Ketland

You disapprove of sex full stop. So that is irrelevant.

She was a rapist. Do you approach of rape?

Claire Khaw

Men find it hard to say no to crazy ladies offering them sex.

Jeffrey Ketland

No, she was a rapist.

Now you're advocating rape.

Claire Khaw

 A culture of casual sex will mean that some people will pick up a crazy lady or a maniac that will make their lives hell. I hope you have given up crazy lady sex.

Are you saying she raped you?

Jeffrey Ketland

Yes, she raped me.

Why are you advocating rape?

Claire Khaw

How is it possible for a woman to rape a man?

Jeffrey Ketland

More feminism, I see.

Charlotte Coursier was a rapist.

It's always intriguing to see someone advocating rape, or playing the innocent.

Why are you advocating rape?

Claire Khaw

With what words are you saying I am "advocating rape"?

Jeffrey Ketland

"How is it possible for a woman to rape a man?"

is explained here,

Forced penetration: If a woman forces a man to have sex, is that rape?

And here,

Can a Woman Rape a Man and Why Does It Matter?

And here,

Men Are Raped Almost as Often as Women in America. We Need to Talk About This.

Claire Khaw

 You should just change your name and never mention it again.


Jeffrey Ketland

And here are 20 studies,

Female sexual violence: some studies

And here,

Men forced to have sex with women aren't being properly recognised by the law – legal expert

No, reality doesn't work like that.

And I do not back down to Nazis & feminists, ever.

 And here,

Female sexual violence

But, obviously, if you wish to promote rape, this is your choice.

Claire Khaw

Fornication is a mortal sin, and so is adultery.

How tall are you and how tall was she?

How much did you weigh at the time of the alleged rape and how much did she weigh?


Jeffrey Ketland

Why do you advocate rape? I'm all ears.

Claire Khaw

Since she is already deceased, you will never be able to prove it.

Jeffrey Ketland

On the contrary, four days later, she attempted to do it again, but I stopped her; and my flatmate witnessed that. I *have* already proved that, and this is, of course, known to my enemies.

Back to rape. You seem to think rape is ok. Why?

Claire Khaw

It is not the mark of a gentleman to claim a dead woman raped him. If you were a gentleman, you would not need to be told about this.

You have not answered how tall you are and how much you weigh at the time of the alleged incident or how tall she was and how much she weighed.


Jeffrey Ketland

I am a perfect gentleman.

Charlotte Coursier was a *rapist*.

And I am not a "murderer". That is psycohpathic slander. I do not deserve be hunted by fascist vigilantes. My 4 year old son does not deserved to be hunted by fascist vigilantes.

Do you think children should be hunted?

Jeffrey Ketland

I don't intend to answer, because that is, by definition, rape apologism. My response to your rape apologism is thus: why do you excuse rape?

Claire Khaw

 Of course no member of your family should have to suffer for your bad choice of sex partner.


Jeffrey Ketland

You are advocating rape? Why?

Claire Khaw

Men who claim to have been raped by a dead woman tend not to be taken seriously.

Jeffrey Ketland

On the contrary, her sexual violence was reported before her boyfriend dumped her. And it was taken seriously.

It was simply covered up later by feminists like you.

Why are you excusing rape?

Claire Khaw

At no time have I been guilty of "advocating rape". Accusing a dead woman of having raped you is just very bad form. I am surprised that no one has yet pointed this out to you.

Jeffrey Ketland

Charlotte Coursier was a rapist. She sexually assaulted me too. This is why I stopped speaking to her. This is why I told not to contact me, despite her years of stalking me,

I am not responsible for a vigilante hunt. The feminist vigilante thugs are responsible for it.

Don't excuse vigilantism and hunting.

Don't excuse false accusations.

Don't excuse harassment of children.

Don't excuse rape.

This is all extremely obvious.

Claire Khaw

Are you saying some other man reported her for her sexual violence?

Jeffrey Ketland

The fact she is dead has nothing to do with me,

Her boyfriend got her pregnant, persuaded her to have an abortion, and then dumped her two months later; she threatened him with suicide; he ignored it; she committed suicide a couple of hours later.

If *I* had been told about any of this, it would have not happened.

I was *hunted* by feminist vigilantes with a smear campaign of lies.

Claire Khaw

You should not speak ill of the dead and you certainly should not accuse them of having committed a sexual offence against you, especially if you are a man who is obviously taller, bigger and heavier than her.

Jeffrey Ketland

How about vigilante feminists don't hunt an innocent family, who were stalked, out of town?

Claire Khaw

You should not have sex with students.

Jeffrey Ketland

She was taller than me. No need for you to lie.

All of those who hunted me had had relationships (even got married to) students.

But what you mean is: rape.

Why are you excusing rape?

In fact, someone I quoted earlier got married to a student.

Perhaps you think he should be hunted down, like an animal?

Claire Khaw

Many find it hard to believe that men can be raped by women, especially dead women. It is just bad form to say such things when you know the dead cannot deny accusations.


Jeffrey Ketland

I see. So I should be called a "murderer" and hunted down? My child should be hunted?

Why should human being be hunted? Explain.


Claire Khaw

I am not excusing harassment and stalking, just telling you why women might hate you so much, because you accused a dead woman of having raped you.

Jeffrey Ketland

Women do not "hate me". I am blacklisted by *males*.

All the women directly involved here *supported* me, including all of my female students.

I have done nothing wrong. *Zero*.

I was stalked by someone I knew years earlier in a different country.

I was hunted by vigilantes with a campaign of lies.

I will not back down.

 Btw, I didn't publicly reveal her sexual violence until much later (in 2017).

It would have been far easier for those who did this to let her rest, and not hunt down an innocent family with a campaign of lies, slander and abuse. And I will never forgive them for their deranged harassment of my family and my son.

They reap what they sow. They are feminists: vigilante lynchers.

Claire Khaw

The more you keep saying that a dead woman raped you, the more the furies will be enraged.

Jeffrey Ketland

On the contrary, there are no furies at all.

All the furies occurred in 2013-14, when I was not allowed to defend myself.

When it gradually became apparent she was the perpetrator, stalker, harasser and liar, they suddenly went extremely quiet.

For the hunters to admit they were wrong is impossible. How does one apologise for a lynching?

Claire Khaw

You have shown that you are just not able to say no to a woman who is obviously a crazy lady. This would tend to lower your chances of employment.

Have you considered getting a decent haircut to improve your chances of employment and improving your posture?

Jeffrey Ketland

I did say no. I said no for two and half years. This is all misdirection.

You also seem confused about academia. I'd say 50% of men I know in academia who are married, are married to those they met as students, and some of those are indeed crazy. Like I said, all of the men who were involved hunting me had longstanding affairs, etc.

That was 2 years ago, my dear.

The employment point is cancellation and vigilantism. You seem to approve of this.

Why? Are you a feminist?

Claire Khaw

Probably not a good idea to say her parents were crazy too.

Jeffrey Ketland

I prefer to remain silent on that topic. I did eventually hear quite a bit and some of it is shocking. But I remain silent.

I should tell you all about how they purged me in revenge (in 2016).

I was purged by a pedophile. A now convicted and jailed pedophile.

Are you going to excuse that too?


Claire Khaw

Who purged you and how do you know this person was a paedophile?

Jeffrey Ketland

Here is the story about the pedophile Dr Peter King. He was jailed last year in March.

True story.

Dr Peter King’s Smear Campaign

Jeffrey Ketland

Because he was convicted in Oxford Crown Court and jailed.

In relation to your earlier prudery and your admiring stance toward Mr Trump, I take it you're familiar with Donald Trump's liaisons too? One Stormy Daniels, for a start.

Would you morally scold him for his apparently highly masculine behaviour? Or do you prefer feminized men who don't do such things?

Your political hero Mr Trump is one of the most lascivious men between the Hudson and the Pacific. So that's an odd incongruity. Let me give you one example. I look forward to your stern condemnation.

"Trump's marriage to Ivana fell apart when he began an affair with the model Marla Maples, which dominated the tabloids in the early 1990s."

Porn star Stormy Daniels is taking a victory lap after Michael Cohen's guilty plea. Here's a timeline of Trump's many marriages and rumored affairs.

Claire Khaw

34:00 So you were having sex with this woman while you were still married to your wife.

Jeffrey Ketland

We were separated. (We are still technically married, but separated).


Claire Khaw

You also say you "did not particularly want to have a relationship with this woman". So why did you? You just can't say no, can you? This weakness of character of being easily led is not going to impress any potential employer.

"I couldn't say no to her and had to have sex with her because otherwise she would have killed herself."

This may be treated with some skepticism.

Jeffrey Ketland

Oh grow up.

And stop excusing feminist vigilantism.

Now why do you approve of Mr Trump who "began an affair with the model Marla Maples"

Your last remark doesn't make sense.

I did say no to her. This is demonstrably true.

She also raped me. And assaulted me. Then stalked me. This is also true and proved by witnesses.

Now you approve of Mr Trump who "began an affair with the model Marla Maples". Why?

Claire Khaw

When you say are in favour of "social freedom", I suppose you mean you still think it is a good idea to have casual sex with crazy ladies who rape you and then kill themselves, which suggests you have not learned from your mistakes. This would suggest to any potential employer that you are not being either very logical or philosophical.

Jeffrey Ketland

That's all feminist mumbo-jumbo.

There was no "causal sex".

You mean: rape.

But you keep covering up rape.

You think children should be harassed from their home by your feminist vigilante chums?

You approve of Mr Trump's extra-marital activities? Do explain why.

Looks like Trump will not have many future employers. Why do you think that might be?


Jeffrey Ketland

Do try to separate these concepts:

1. Your excuses for rape, stalking and violence.

2. Your excuses for false accusations.

3. Your excuses for harassing chldren.

4. Your excuses for feminist vigilantism.

5. Your approval of Mr Trump's extra-marital sexual activities.

I'd also love to hear your excuses for Peter King's pedophilia.

Off you go. I'm all ears.

And every single word you've written above is textbook feminism. You know exactly how feminists hunt men, with scandalous accusations & lies, and cancellation campaigns. This is feminism and you approve of it.

You are a feminist.

Claire Khaw

 Peter King was not convicted of a child sexual offence, was he?

Jeffrey Ketland

Dr Peter King was convicted of collecting child porn, twice I believe, once in 2008, and then again in 2020.

Oxford academic Peter J King jailed for child abuse images

Jeffrey Ketland

Thus far, you have failed to locate something I have done in contravention of any law or rule. This is because I have done exactly nothing wrong. I was hunted by deranged feminists calling me a "murderer". I am not a "murderer". That is a delusion.

But do keep going, feminist!

And explain why you approve of your hero Mr Trump who "began an affair with the model Marla Maples".

Why do you approve of Mr Trump's extra-marital affairs? Be exact.

Claire Khaw

Trump's extramarital affairs did not result in him being raped and then the rapist killing herself, did it?

So Peter King was not convicted of a child sexual offence.

I really don't know what you mean by "textbook feminism".

1. Your excuses for rape, stalking and violence.

2. Your excuses for false accusations.

3. Your excuses for harassing chldren.

4. Your excuses for feminist vigilantism.

With what words did I use to excuse any of the above?

Jeffrey Ketland

Oh goody! We have six:

1. Your excuses for rape, stalking and violence.

2. Your excuses for false accusations.

3. Your excuses for harassing chldren.

4. Your excuses for feminist vigilantism.

5. Your approval of Mr Trump's extra-marital sexual activities.

6. Your excuses for Dr Peter King's pedophilia.


I said: "Here is the story about the pedophile Dr Peter King. He was jailed last year in March."

You said: "So Peter King was not convicted of a child sexual offence."

So you are excusing pedophilia with those words.

Claire Khaw

 If Peter King did not actually commit a child sexual offence, then it would not be fair to claim that he had.

I am making the distinction between being guilty of a child sexual offence and being merely in possession of child pornography.

Jeffrey Ketland

That establishes no. 6. For no. 5, you made your admiration for Mr Trump has known. You are fully aware of his Mr Trump's extra-marital affairs. That establishes no. 5.

As for your deranged comment about Coursier's death, that was caused by her boyfriend dumping her and her prior abortion.

You now seeming to excusing non-marital sex, persuading someone to have an abortion and then dumping someone who is suicidal, ignoring her suicide threats.

Is that correct?

Claire Khaw

Your hysterical accusations against me which you are unable to substantiate suggest, well, hysteria.

It is not so much that you had a bad experience because you couldn't say no to a crazy lady, it is your stubborn refusal to take responsibility for it, like a man, that makes you so unattractive as a potential employee.

Despite all your bad experiences with a woman you should not have touched with a barge-pole let alone your sex organ, you still want the sexual freedom that has destroyed your career.

It is really a man accusing a dead woman of rape that will ring all the alarm bells about hiring you.

Your petulance and belligerence is only the icing on the cake.

I feel sorry for your wife and son. Perhaps you will try to be a better man if only for their sake.


Jeffrey Ketland

I have said that Dr King was a pedophile because of his sexual interest in children and his conviction for precisely that. I did not say anything other than that.

What do you think causes downloading lots of child porn? The teletubbies? No. Pedophilia.

But do keep excusing pedophilia.

Why do you keep excusing rape?

And, now, pedophilia.

Claire Khaw

You will never be able to establish that a dead woman raped you.

Jeffrey Ketland

As well as Mr Trump's extra-marital affairs.

And feminist vigilantism and hunting children.

Claire Khaw

Seeking to make the distinction between being a child sex offender and someone merely in possession of child pornography is an important distinction to make, if you want to be fair to people.

Jeffrey Ketland

I did say No.

Why do you think No doesn't mean No.

I have no desire to be "fair" to someone who harassed me from my job, in order to take it himself.

Incidentally, neither do you, it seems.

Let's get back to why you think No doesn't mean No, and why rape is ok if a woman does it.

Claire Khaw

She didn't rape you the first time you had sex, did she?

Jeffrey Ketland

Why is rape acceptable?

 You keep changing the subject because you are a *feminist*.

Why is rape acceptable?

Claire Khaw

With what words did I say rape is "acceptable"? I was merely pointing out that to continually claim that a dead woman raped you is not going to add to your credibility as a person, let alone a professor of logic and philosophy.

Jeffrey Ketland

It is the truth, despite feminist moonbats disliking it.

Why is rape acceptable?

By the way, my credibility as professor of logic and philosophy is perfectly fine.

It is militant feminists like you, who exercise huge power and control, that are the problem. You harass, hunt & kill men, with your crazed moralistic lunacy. You even hunt children with your hysteria.

And I will not back down to militant, zealots and man-haters.

Claire Khaw

If your credibility as professor of logic and philosophy is "perfectly fine", you wouldn't be complaining about being blacklisted.

I have not harassed, hunted or killed any men.

Your wild accusations are evidence of hysteria.

Jeffrey Ketland

I am blacklisted by a small number of *feminists*. This is simply true. You are fully aware of how these feminist campaigns work. You are fully aware of how false accusations work. Feminists have indeed harassed, hunted and killed men. Carl Sargeant is an example. There are others. They use hysteria of precisely the kind that you keep endorsing to hunt - and destroy - and their target is men. That is feminism.

Let us get back to rape.

Do you understand that No means No?

Claire Khaw

I understand the importance of respecting the wishes of our sex partners failure of which may cause oneself to be accused of a sexual offence.

Jeffrey Ketland

Does saying No to a woman not count?

If you personally don't want to hear about this rapist, how about this simple rule: don't *vigilante hunt* victims of a rapist.

I did not start this fire. Lying feminist thugs did.

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