
Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Carl Schmitt's Friends and Enemies

1:00  The Liberal assumption of egalitarianism

2:00  The Absolute Monarch's Divine Right to Rule supported by the Catholic Church

3:00  Suspending the constitution

4:00  The concept of the sovereign is offensive to liberals.

5:00  No free speech for nationalists in America.

6:00  3 November 2020

7:00  Internal and external enemies

8:00  The status quo

9:00  Anti-establishment dissidents

10:00  Monarch or dictator? 

Magna Carta

11:00  The political establishment can disagree amongst themselves.

12:00  The Nazi-Soviet Pact

13:00  The American identity crisis caused by their Culture War

14:00  Trumpists and Trumpophobes

15:00  Democrats know the extent of the opposition against them.

Who is the enemy of the people?

16:00  Who are the good and bad guys?

17:00   Trump the maverick ie not the establishment man

18:00  Non-American nationalists support Trump

19:00  The liberal progressive narrative woven by Francis Fukuyama and the Whig interpretation of history

22:00  Perceived existential threats

23:00  Property and status

24:00  Political decisions are really moral decisions. 

25:00  Neologisms

26:00  The Schmittian idea of a hierarchical universe, a higher power, the Mandate of Heaven, a hierarchy of moral, political and legal authority

27:00  What is the truth? The truth is that which is not disputed. 

28:00  The media is the boy who cried wolf.

30:00  The nature and purpose of an insurrection

31:00  Trump Derangement Syndrome


32:00  Is Parler necessary to organise a successful insurrection?

33:00  Liberals changing the rules while the game is still in play, and then breaking their own rules, have caused a breakdown in law and order.  

34:00  Going to Gab and Parler will give liberals an easy target.  

35:00  SCOTUS is no longer Guardian of the Constitution, the President is. 

36:00  The purpose of the US Supreme Court

37:00  In America, there is no legal remedy to election in fraud.

40:00  The military is the next step if Trump is not going to give up.  

Even if Trump gives up, the threat, hatred and fear remains.  

41:00  The 2020 elections will be the last US Presidential election. 

42:00  Will what happened to the Romanovs also happen to Trump and his family? Will anyone at all come to his assistance?

43:00  Former U.S. defense chiefs say no role for military in Trump's efforts to contest defeat


49:00  The window dressing of liberalism

50:00  The intellectual dark web

51:00  Do not frighten the liberal establishment with your radical solutions or you will be marginalised. 

53:00  Christianity is kaput, liberalism is obsolete, but nationalists don't care because they are neither Christian nor liberal and think their magic white skin can protect them from the consequences of not having a moral system. 

1:02:00  Effeminate and infantilised American men will not be supporting Trump.  

1:03:00  Martyrdom and Chillul Hashem

1:04:00  No religion, no moral system, no group solidarity, no male co-operation.  

1:05:00  Cowards and hypocrites like Millennial Woes

Nick Griffin's nonsensical Christian nationalism of going to church while running for the hills to breed without first bothering to get married

1:06:00  John Tyndale, plebs and proles

1:07:00  Middle class public schoolboys in nationalism operating through pandering to the prejudices of plebs and proles 

1:08:00  British nationalism never took off because it only pandered to plebs and proles who are mostly unmarried parents not interested in supporting marriage and family values or selective education.  

The over-cautious manifesto of Nigel Farage and UKIP

1:10:00  Paul Gottfried and Cautious Cotto

1:11:00  Americans will increasingly warm towards Secular Koranism as America slides into chaos.  

1:12:00  Defining nationalism as government in the national interest

1:13:00  Western men are moral cripples crippled by their lack of a moral system.

1:14:00  Effeminate and infantilised Western men

1:15:00  My grenade in a room analogy

1:16:00  Are there enough Trump supporters in the American military to swings things for Americans who want their government to govern in the national interest? 

1:18:00  Jay and his bet

1:19:00  Denial is a feminine vice. 

1:20:00  National myths

1:21:00  Does Jay think Biden won fair and square?  

1:22:00  Jay is a nihilist and moral cripple.  

1:23:00  Why I am a nationalist

1:25:00  Unprincipled and cowardly Western men

1:26:00  Jay measures his success by how much fun he has and how many sluts he fucks. 

Rehabilitating, universalising and globalising nationalism

1:27:00  US vassal states are not independent nations. 

1:28:00  Only America is a created nation.  

1:30:00  What is the national interest?

1:31:00  A sovereign state has an independent foreign policy.

1:33:00  China, Iran and Russia

1:34:00  Rational and moral government policies

1:35:00  Moral systems

1:36:00  Plebs and the nonsense they can be got to believe in are a dime a dozen.

1:37:00  Trump is closer to patriarchy than Biden.  

Who is my enemy?

1:38:00  Rabbis

1:39:00  Millennial Woes

1:40:00  One is defined by one's enemies.

1:41:00  The character defects of those who aspire to be nationalist leaders

1:41:00  No general nationalist aspiration to be married fathers 

1:42:00  Theocracy supports patriarchy.  

1:43:00  Degenerate Western men now lack the male co-operation to even organise a piss-up in a brewery.

1:43:00  ACLU and free speech

1:45:00  Trump understands the friend/enemy distinction.

1:47:00  The concept of the political

1:48:00  Would the friend/enemy distinction disappear in a one-party theocracy?

1:49:00  Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. 

1:50:00  Fairly resolving conflicts within the nation fairly is essential to maintaining the rule of law.  

1:51:00  All moral systems are rule systems.  

The most enduring moral system is theocracy because it protects the patriarchy. 

1:52:00  The matriarchy's greatest fear is Trump "weaponising masculinity".  

1:53:00  Males with alpha male qualities will be targeted.  


1:54:00  Abolishing no fault divorce.  

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