
Sunday, 21 February 2021

It does not make sense that Peter Nolan supports sharia but not Secular Koranism

3:00  Which is more likely to happen?  a) Secular Koranism  b) Peter Nolan's proposals for an all-female jury

Men are not interested in what I have to say because they are not interested in restoring the patriarchy and are in any case Islamophobes, antisemites and racists, and unmarriageable Islamophobes, antisemites and racists at that.

6:00  I am saying I can make Peter Nolan tell us his story in one hour and make people care or at least remember what he said.

8:00  "Validated": to have what you say formally acknowledged by another person and your point taken

10:00  Peter denies he is angry.  

12:00  Most of my listeners are men. Views last 28 days: Female 19.1%, Male 81.0%

13:00  The advantage for Nolan is female validation which he denies he needs even as he keeps demanding that I speak to the women he says have let him down. I at least admit that I too need female validation.

15:00  Instead of using "you women", he should use the word "matriarchy" instead. That would tend to disguise his hatred of women and make him seem embittered, angry and misogynistic. 

20:00  I didn't say he just had a "bad day", I said he had a "bad divorce". He clearly wanted me to say "criminal abuse" but is this something that can be established in a court of law?  

25:00  "Complainant" is a legal term. A rape victim is actually called the complainant.

28:00  I have been proposing to abolish no fault divorce for years but neither Mike Buchanan nor Paul Elam, the most prominent men's rights activists I know in the West, were interested.

31:00  It reminds me view that Peter Nolan is afraid to talk to a woman like me.

32:00  MGTOWs don't do interviews.  

33:00  Peter claims he is as mainstream as they come. 

I have myself been accused of being "eccentric". Obviously, doing what we are doing would identify us as "cranks" and "eccentrics". 

36:00  Karen Straughan etc have always made a point of ignoring me, so I don't appreciate Peter Nolan sending me on a wild goose chase to make me end up looking stupid like him. 

37:00  Secular Koranism is a bigger and better idea as well as more easily explicable than Nolan's frankly eccentric proposals of an all-female jury to serve some convoluted purpose that no one can understand. 

39:00  Women obviously take what they are legally entitled to by law, as would men. If you want to withdraw their rights, then you must do it through the proper channels instead of expecting powerless people like me who are not in government and ignored by most people because of my unpopular proposal of a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism. It is infantile to blame all women for his divorce, expect them to sort everything out for him and then throw his toys out of his pram when they refuse to accede to his eccentric suggestions or give in to his demands for money.  

46:00  I make a point of not pandering to betas. In a matriarchy, all men are betas lower in status to the unmarried mother.

48:00  I have already told men not to ask for women for anything as applicants and supplicants to the matriarchy. I have proposed that men declare an official marriage strike until no fault divorce is abolished, but it seems they think that an unofficial one is good enough. I have already pointed out that neither Paul Elam nor Mike Buchanan are interested in abolishing no fault divorce but this is the only legal and peaceful way men can challenge and defeat the matriarchy.    

49:00  My subscribers are well aware of my view of men who refuse to discuss restoring the patriarchy and how I do the opposite of pandering to simping betas. The woman who most panders to simping betas is Church of Entropy. The kind of simping beta she attracts is the worst kind of simping beta and she knows how much I despise them and her for the simps she attracts and panders to. 

52:00  Spearhead

57:00  Vincent Burns and common law juries

58:00  Being pursued through the tax office being slandered risking death

1:03:00  Men in 2010 were not prepared to defend their rights.  

1:09:00  Secular Koranism ie a one-party theocracy to restore the patriarchy would be easier to understand by the general public instead of Peter Nolan's convoluted reasons to change the jury system whose reasoning and purpose I don't even understand.

1:10:00  What exactly did you expect men to do to challenge the matriarchy? I only want men to ask themselves what else other than Secular Koranism would destroy the patriarchy and as many high status people as possible. Give them something they can see themselves doing, and they might even do it.

1:11:00  John Wilson and the proclamation of 2011

1:12:00  What is the evidence of these threats to murder the children of the 29 men?

1:15:00  Peter Nolan admits to encouraging violence.

1:17:00  You can only secure the rights of men and boys as well as that of women and girls by restoring the patriarchy.

Peter Nolan denies being an extremist.  

1:18:00  If the Overton window keeps moving around all over the place, then what is right and normal at one time can be regarded as wrong and abnormal in another. That is why we need eternal and universal laws which can be imposed by a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism to restore the patriarchy. It is a shame Peter Nolan refuses to ask me questions about it even after I have done you the honour of trying to understand his. You are basically treating me as a representative of all the women who ever hurt you because that is how you wish to see me, when I in fact have the solution which you are probably too Islamophobic to discuss.  

1:25:00  Mike Buchanan

1:28:00  Violent revolution

1:30:00  Censorship of words such as Secular Koranism, matriarchy

1:34:00  Peter Nolan restates the MGTOW position ie of men not wanting to marry.  

1:35:00  I blame the sin that established the matriarchy.

1:38:00  So this convoluted idea of an all-women jury is about punishing his ex-wife.  Does he want her imprisoned for perjury?

1:45:00  Committee of 300

1:47:00  Peter Nolan again repeats his impractical demand that I talk to all the women who wronged him like I was his mummy or his nanny talking to teacher about him being bullied at school. And when I won't go on this wild goose chase because they would ignore me as they ignore him, he will throw out the toys in his pram, again.  

1:48:00  Peter Nolan fixates on his convoluted idea of changing the jury system just to punish his ex-wife. He might as well have asked for her head on a platter, or demand that she be imprisoned or give him back the money she got from him in the divorce settlement which she has probably spent by now.  

Again he repeats his demand that women who were never involved with his divorce involve themselves and give him the justice he was denied, as if he we were his mummy or nanny! 

It is a shame he will not engage in a real time conversation with me so we can discover if he is also an antisemite or an Islamophobe who rejects Secular Koranism because he is an antisemite and an Islamophobe. 

He keeps saying that my proposal for Secular Koranism is unrealistic and is "never going to happen", conveniently forgetting that his convoluted idea of changing the jury system of Australia just to punish his ex-wife is even more unrealistic and less likely to be implemented because no one even understands what he is trying to do or the rationale behind this.  

Is he making unrealistic and impossible demands just to hold on to his anger and victimhood when he could be more constructively spending time engaging with me in real time discussing? Secular Koranism would dismay and distress feminazis while gladdening the hearts of men and women who want to be married parents in order to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

1:46:00  Peter Nolan already knows that these men's rights women are a waste of time because of his own personal experience trying to talk to them and trying to interest them in his ideas. So why is he practising malign encouragement by demanding that I retread the path of his wild goose chase? It doesn't even make sense at any level, other than to avoid admitting that the moral and political system of the West has broken down. Instead of doing something constructive to fix it or talking about how to go about this with me in a civilised and engaging way, he continues to nurse his grievance in the same way that an old pensioner nurses his half pint in a pub that he wants to sit in without having to pay for another drink.  

1:48:00  On the subject of unequal sentencing, just get lawyers to note every sentence for a female and  how a male convict of the same crime is treated noting the name of judges who are biased in favour of women. When enough statistics are collated and analysed, put it to the Minister of Women  and demand some answers.If her answer is not satisfactory, perhaps you can demand that the next Minister of Women actually be a man.  

Interestingly, Peter Nolan says he wants to introduce sharia, but what kind of sharia? Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia. 

1:49:00  What is the list of the crimes

1:50:00  You said in 1:48:00  you will be introducing sharia, and now you are saying you don't support sharia. Make up your mind, woman! 

1:51:00  What is your problem with Secular Koranism when you keep saying you will introduce sharia? Your objections make no sense at all!  

1:55:00  Will Knowland, former Master at Eton

2:01:00  DNA test

2:04:00  Peter Nolan claims he is doing a deal with jihadists in Australia and Ireland.

2:05:00  He imagines a situation of a total war in which he would be doing deals with jihadists in Australia and Ireland.  

2:06:00  He imagines himself to be dictator of Australia and Ireland making the law and doing deals with Muslim jihadists. 

2:07:00  He imagines himself to be dictator imposing conditions of Prisoners of War in Australia and Ireland in a situation of war and revolution.

2:08:00  He claims that all it takes is for one man to declare war on the matriarchy.  

2:10:00  Marriage

2:14:00  Boys left behind.  

2:15:00  Don't donate sperm.

2:16:00  Sex doll brothel

2:17:00  Spanish women got a sex doll brothel closed down. 

2:20:00  Censorship

2:21:00  Invite Africans and Muslims

2:21:00  Peter Nolan is encouraging white men to convert to Islam and have sharia courts.

2:23:00  White Sharia

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