
Sunday, 7 February 2021

Saturday night conversation with Caleb!

10:00  CGTN banned from UK airwaves.
12:00  Tucker Carlson
14:00  Fewer people watched Kamala Harris than Caleb Maupin on the Convo Couch.
1:25:00  Dialectical logic
1:26:00  Hegel, Heraclitus, contradiction, thesis, antithesis, synthesis
1:27:00  Marx and Greek materialism
1:28:00  Dialectical and historical materialism
1:29:00  Class position and capitalism
1:30:00  The Malthusian perspective of Prince Charles and the managerial class
1:31:00  Communists are not liberals, imperialists or capitalists.
1:32:00  Trump supporters
1:34:00  Sport
1:35:00  Superbowl half time
1:38:00  The Oxford Movement 
1:46:00  Oswald Mosley
1:37:00  Moral rearmament
1:43:00  AA
1:46:00  Tucker Carlson
1:48:00  American propaganda demoninsing China
1:49:00  Difference between Marxism and Socialism
1:50:00  Robert Owen
1:54:00  The highest stage of Communism
1:57:00  Trump
1:58:00  Phaedo
1:59:00  The Republic by Plato
The City of God, St Augustine
Stoics and Hedonists
2:00:00  Seneca

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