
Sunday, 14 February 2021

The problem with Secular Koranism

1:00  Moral system
2:00  National identity and national sovereignty
3:00  Taxes, public order and foreign policy
4:00  The failure of British foreign policy
5:00  The corruption and incompetence of the British political establishment
6:00  Religions and civilisations take centuries to fall.  
7:00  Degenerate men submitting to election fraud

Degenerate men in a matriarchy would be unable to discuss abstract ideas such as Truth, Logic and Morality honestly or rationally nor act or heed the moral imperative.

8:00  Even non-human animals and criminals need to submit to truth and logic to be successful.

9:00  What goes round comes around. 

10:00  The benefits of a government enjoying trust and confidence

11:00  The disadvantages of a government not enjoying trust and confidence

12:00  Those who deny Truth, Logic and Morality because they prefer to hold on to their group identity which is defined by the hatred they feel as antisemites, Islamophobes and racists

13:00  A global empire without even ten good men capable of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality, let alone acting on facts, reason and the moral imperative.  

14:00  The immune deficiency and motor neuron disease of lacking a functional moral system

15:00  Denial is the feminine vice suffered by men and women of the matriarchy.  

If you reject Secular Koranism, it is because you are one or some or all of the following:

1)  an atheist
2)  a narcissist
3)  a nihilist
4)  an antisemite
5)  an Islamopobe
6)  a racist
7)  childless
8) indifferent to the welfare of your children, grandchildren and descendants or their opinion of you after you are dead

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