
Saturday, 27 February 2021

Why would a White Nationalist prefer Hinduism when Islam is available?

7:00  It doesn't matter what we were or what we are, it is about what we should be. For that you need to choose the correct moral system.

Secular Koranism could have a narrative if you want to turn it into a peculiarly British one. I, the product of the British Empire, come to Britain to remind the British of themselves after they have slipped into the dementia of their matriarchy to nurse the British psyche back to good health again with my tender loving care of Secular Koranism!

14:00  I am an arguably English philosopher since I am hardly Irish, Welsh or Scottish, am I? What would be the point of harking back to Hobbes and all that failed nonsense of the Conservatism which failed to conserve anything when you already have Secular Koranism as my gift to the English people? Fretting about the culture before you have chosen the correct moral system is putting the cart before the horse. 

25:00  Why would you want the retrograde idolatry of a pagan revival when you can have the integrated Noahide moral and legal political system that is Secular Koranism? If Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe because of Judaism, why would you want to return to paganism which was in any case defeated by Jews when they acquired the Ancient Kingdom of Israel in Canaan? The Canaanites were pagan and were defeated militarily and ideologically by Jews and Judaism. You must already know that Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, which means Islam must be divine civic nationalism. Since you cannot hope to make up a religion for your people strong enough to defeat the divine ethno-nationalism of Judaism, you are only left with the divine civic nationalism of Islam as interpreted by me with Secular Koranism.  

27:00  It is not a question of who you invited in but who you allowed yourself to procreate with - people not your spouses which is by definition degenerate.

28:00  Paternal authority is essential in maintaining the patriarchy. This means the state has to support marriage ie give married couples a higher status and treat unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribes and forbid extramarital sex of the kind mentioned at and

29:00  The transcendent principle must be the Abrahamic God.

30:00  Why shouldn't we expect things to get better as we gain in wisdom? 

31:00  The Abrahamic faiths believe that mankind is progressing towards the End Days/Day of Judgement and this does indeed make their narrative linear in that it has a beginning and an end.

32:00  It doesn't matter where we came from. What matters is what we should do with ourselves now that we are here.  

33:00  It is ironic that you believe in the religion of a fallen civilisation that first fell the Muslims before falling again to the British. Hinduism did not exist in India as a concept until the British arrived because those people were so backward that they didn't even have a name for their pagan pantheon until the British decided to call the deities of the Indus Valley Hinduism. Hinduism is of course the antithesis of organised religion and we already know what happens to disorganised religions when it meets organised religion in warfare. The time to stop larping as a Hindu must have been the time you decided to become a White Nationalist, surely? Presumably you chose to become a Hindu because you rejected Islam after you rejected Christianity, and I suspect you rejected Islam because you disliked its rules and preferred the fairy stories of Hinduism. Children like stories and hate rules, but a man would see the nature and purpose of rules and submit to the logic and necessity of first submitting to the rule of law in his own society before being able to impose it others in his imperium.

45:00  A meritocracy would be a republic with social mobility. Surely this is better than the disgusting caste system you want? Why be a fool returning to his folly like a dog returning to its vomit, just because you picked up this nonsense when you were in India? And why inflict this disgusting system on your own people for no reason that you can explain rationally?

Evola was a loser and so is Peter Hitchens. Secular Koranism is the only way to restore the patriarchy. 

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