
Friday, 12 March 2021

The teleological approach to faith through reason

1:00  Teleology
2:00  There are man-created things but Man is supposed by some to be a God-created thing.
3:00  Voltaire
4:00  Dr Pangloss's theodicy and Jews supposing to thank God even for misfortune
6:00  God-created things are not to be worshiped, only God who is supposed to have created them.
7:00  The worship of God is the worship of an idea.  
8:00  Courage, faith, knowledge, wisdom and other abstract ideas. 
9:00  Repentance and correction
10:00  Status
11:00  Cattle low. 
12:00  Why cattle stay together
13:00  Seven Deadly Sins and the Cardinal Virtues
14:00  It is reasonable to have faith.  
15:00  Courage can become recklessness, faith can become mere stubbornness, stupidity and pride. 
16:00  Wisdom is required to not make category errors.  
17:00  Christians succeeded so long as they respected marriage and family values even if the basis of Christianity is blasphemy and idolatry to the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. 
18:00  Christianity was enforced through state intimidation and violence. 
19:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles. 
20:00  America is not officially Christian. 
21:00  George Washington must have read the Koran.  
22:00  If engagement with my ideas is analogous to a ball game, then I am talking to people who refuse to pick up the ball or return the ball.  
23:00  Caleb Maupin dares not question democracy.  
24:00  One-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism
25:00  Refusing to play ball
26:00  A nationalist moral system is necessarily and logically patriarchy.
27:00  Politicians who want to be in a position to be offered bribes
28:00  Jews and Muslims have a theory of everything with which they can use to solve problems. 
29:00  The New Testament is not from God. 
30:00  The British Monarchy is being attacked and destroyed by the Intersectional Feminism of Meghan Markle and her supporters.  
31:00  How to undermine Secular Koranism
32:00  Unmarriageable bachelors not up to restoring the patriarchy or senior men of the Western political establishment afraid of their wives and daughters
33:00  National and racial humiliation
34:00  Old men turn into old women.
35:00  Pincer movement
36:00  Devoured by their internal enemies
37:00  Jews, Muslims and POTUS in his matriarchy
38:00  Denial
39:00  Seven Deadly Sins
40:00  In the long run, the truth will bite you and your descendants in the bum.  
41:00  You are welcome to steal Secular Koranism.  
42:00  Unmarriageable antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who are MGTOW
43:00  The operation of democracy
44:00  The afterlife and the soul
45:00, Mandate of Heaven
46:00  Truth, Logic and Morality are ideas necessary for survival. 

47:00  PELU joins to discuss Aaron Amihud.
49:00  Category errors
50:00  Pantheism, panentheism, Judaism
51:00  Jews and Muslims with incorrect beliefs

Failure of courage

52:00  Kalam
54:00  Aaron Amihud is an idolater.
55:00  Aaron Amihud's father is a cultural Christian. 

56:00  My cunning plan to get the rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws

1:07:00  Theory and Practice
1:10:00  Kiruv
1:14:00  Being a Reform Jew
1:16:00  "Nominal Jew"
1:17:00  I'm too soft and gentle, apparently.
1:18:00  Leap of faith
1:22:00  The distinction between Creator and Creation
1:24:00  Aaron Amihud's problem
1:25:00  Aaron Amihud is not a real Jew.
1:26:00  Limmud which Chief Rabbi Sacks wouldn't attend 
1:29:00  "explode"
1:31:00  Idolatry
1:32:00  Melanie Phillips
1:34:00  Hard-line monotheist
1:35:00  Faith can be approached through reason.  
1:36:00  Once you see the wisdom of God's laws, you will would want to obey them. 
1:37:00  A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. 
1:38:00  "divine activist"
1:39:00  Ibadi Muslims
1:40:00  YouTube channels by Ibadi Muslims
1:41:00  The Big Bang
1:44:00  Pantheism and panentheism
1:45:00  "co-extensive" 
1:46:00  Sunnis are panentheists?
1:50:00  Wrongthink
1:52:00  Sufism
1:55:00  Principles
1:57:00  Sufis are dervishes.
2:02:00  Scripture
2:03:00  Abraham
2:05:00  Idolatry v law contained in scripture
2:06:00  Torah
2:07:00  Belief in God and knowledge of His attributes
2:08:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God
2:12:00  Leap of faith and reason
2:13:00  Mutazilla
2:14:00  Rationalists
2:15:00  Faith makes you try.  
2:18:00  Saying the same thing over and over again. 
2:20:00  Faith
2:21:00  Probabilities
2:24:00  Understanding your audience
2:25:00  Virtue and the penitence of the walking wounded of Christianity
2:26:00  Sodom and Gomorrah
2:27:00  Rabbi Michael Laitman
2:33:00  Nihilists, atheists and nationalists
2:34:00  Posterity
2:35:00  Nineveh
2:36:00  Jonah
2:37:00  Christian interpretation of the Old Testament
2:38:00  Isaiah
2:42:00  Faith
2:44:00  Faith in Communism
2:45:00  Aaron Amihud
2:46:00  Jonah in Nineveh
2:53:00  Dialectic
2:54:00  Maths
2:55:00  All ideas come from God. 
2:56:00  God created a logical universe. 
2:57:00  Self-worship
2:58:00  Restraint
2:59:00  God if He exists is omniscient would know my mind.  
3:01:00  The Creator God could have died or left the building. 

3:05:00  Jews are not teaching gentiles the Noahide laws. 
3:06:00  "We Ibadis have to exist."
3:07:00  Being Muslim
3:11:00  Muslims getting rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to Noahide laws.

3:12:00  Nobody listens to Muslims, but they listen to Jews/rabbis. 

3:13:00  Converting Christians to Islam
3:15:00  I am better than Sunnis, apparently.
3:16:00  The Supreme Leader of Iran
3:17:00  Sodom and Gomorrah or Nineveh?
3:18:00  Shias
3:19:00  Aaron Amihud worships his idol of Islamophobia.
3:20:00  Christian Zionists
3:22:00  There will be as many interpretations of the Koran as there are countries prepared to adopt sharia. 
3:23:00  Oman
3:24:00  You might as well believe in the Abrahamic God if you want to obey His laws.
3:26:00  Muslims who refuse to obey are worshiping their fear of the Post-Christian imperialist.
3:28:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles. 
3:29:00  Islam is a creation of the Abrahamic God.
3:30:00  Transcendence and the purpose of faith
3:32:00  The Founding Fathers were closer to being Muslim than Christian.  
3:33:00  Evidence of God
3:34:00  Atheism and the Democrats
3:35:00  Aaron Amihud
3:36:00  Get out of jail free card
3:37:00  Doing the right thing
3:38:00  Rationalisation
3:39:00  The fruit of faith

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...