
Saturday, 6 March 2021

There is no practical difference between being stupid and mad

3:00  Political activism and mental illness
4:00  Byron
5:00  Mental illness is a problem of government. 

6:00  Intersectional feminism is a sign of mental illness. 

7:00  No responsible adult in charge of Western civilisation
8:00  Mad and silly people

9:00  A sign of madness, a weak character and stupidity is the inability to be consistent about the right things.

10:00  Matriarchy is a sign of mental illness or stupidity.  

11:00  Matriarchy is a sign of bad government. 

12:00  Liberal democracy died on 3 November 2020.

13:00  Believing and speaking nonsense is a sign of corruption or dementia.  

14:00  Principles come from your moral system which includes religion and secular political ideologies. 

15:00  Millennial Woes, Odysee and Bitchute

16:00  Accelerationists are those who have no solution but have adopted the "strategy" of waiting around for the rule of law to break down. They have no solution and do not realise they are lower in status to someone with a solution. They know they are lower in status to me because I have a solution while they have not but are so intellectually corrupt they wish to suppress my ideas. This is  because they cannot bear to acknowledge that my solution is the only morally and intellectually respectable solution that can be discussed legally. Their desire to suppress my ideas or deny the truth on which they are based (eg denying that the West is a matriarchy that prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring) makes them unfit for the purpose of promoting nationalism. Neither are they fit for the purpose of discussing nationalism or the national interest. Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people, even smaller minds exclusively concentrate on blaming the people they hate for everything so they don't have to take responsibility for anything. In just the same way their ancestors would worship a deceased Jew, they now worship their hatred of Jews, perpetuating their idolatry when they should instead be obeying rules that would discourage degeneracy and promote patriarchal moral values.   

17:00  Matriarchy

18:00  Accelerationists like Millennial Woes have been identified as the people most likely to be domestic terrorists or give indirect encouragement to potential domestic terrorists, which is presumably why they have been deplatformed. You are an accelerationist if you refuse to discuss solutions because you are only waiting the rule of law to break down with the intention of enjoying the violence and chaos that is to come.

19:00  White Sharia is the illegitimate offspring of Secular Koranism. 

20:00  Muslims and MGTOW

21:00  Sexual corruption
22:00  All men in a matriarchy are lower in status than the unmarried mother, including POTUS. 

23:00  Nothing is fit for purpose in a matriarchy. Nationalists are not fit for the purpose of discussing nationalism or the national interest. 

25:00  Atomised unmarriageable infantilised and feminised men in a matriarchy without a functioning moral system cannot organise themselves against their internal and external enemies.

26:00  Rabbis and Islamic leaders are actually afraid of the Western matriarchy.  

27:00  In a matriarchy, rabbis are not fit for the purpose of teaching the Noahide laws.  

29:00  Secular Koranism is not a religion so I cannot be its cult leader. Secular Koranism is a legal system in search of a government to adopt it.  

30:00  A civilisation in denial of its decline 

31:00  If there is no one in charge of a civilisation suffering from the equivalent of motor neuron disease, then it means my diagnosis is correct: discovering that your society is a matriarchy is like discovering your society has a terminal illness. The only cure is a new moral system ie a new religion.  

32:00  Secular Koranism stands on its own merits, and does not depend on my having perfect morals for its efficacy in the way that an important document delivered to you does not depend on the morals of the messenger to be true or logical if the messenger did not tamper with its contents.

33:00  Nick Griffin and Christian Nationalists

34:00  Roosh 

 37:00  Degenerates who claim to be nationalists but are not fit for the purpose of discussing nationalism or the national interest

39:00  Thomas Jefferson and

40:00  The First Amendment was an Islamic Trojan horse which has already destroyed belief in the Trinity.  

41:00  Mental illness

42:00 - the Islamic Trojan horse that destroyed Western belief in Christianity can only have been prepared by God. 

51:00  PELU joins.
52:00  Uighur
57:00  Objective truth can tell us who is mad and who isn't.
58:00  The laws atheists and theists want to obey
59:00  Spinoza and pantheism
1:00:00  Church of Entropy
1:01:00  Caste system
1:02:00  Solon's divide and rule caste system
1:03:00  A constructive discourse
1:04:00  George Washington was against parties.
1:06:00  NGC
1:09:00  Oman
1:10:00  Verses in the Koran forbidding the division of your belief and politics into sects. 
1:11:00  Protecting the rights of party members to criticise the leader and party policies
1:13:00  The "colonial masters" of Sierra Leone
1:14:00  Creoles

1:21:00  Political prisoners in Sierra Leone
1:22:00  One-party state
1:23:00  Shura
1:24:00  Exchanging ideas
1:25:00  Washington
1:26:00  Corporate America controls the American politics.
1:27:00  America had a colour revolution on 3 November 2020.
1:28:00  The West, the Anglosphere, America and Britain
1:30:00  Trump and Rand Paul
1:32:00  The vanguard of Secular Koranism
1:33:00  Globohomo
1:35:00  The West and the Anglosphere
1:37:00  In God we trust. China, Russia and Iran
1:39:00  Military and empire
1:40:00  Mercenaries and cannon fodder
1:41:00  Muslims and Islam
1:42:00  Sunni and Shia
1:44:00  Theology
1:45:00  Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt and Libya
1:47:00  Brexit, China and Ireland
1:48:00  Japan
1:49:00  America
1:50:00  Trump
1:51:00  3 November 2020
1:52:00  The majority are morons. 
1:54:00  Masonic Lodges
1:55:00  Beehive
1:56:00  Industry
2:01:00  Ibadi Islam
2:02:00  Missionary
2:04:00  Taqwa
2:06:00  Shia
2:07:00  Ibadi Islam
2:13:00  Ghana
2:14:00  Abrahamic God
2:15:00  A hierarchy of ideas
2:16:00  Truth and God

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...