
Monday, 31 May 2021

The neurosis of denial is in the government and the governed

When you have enough of these conversations, you finally identify the real source of the neurosis.

Jon is protecting Christianity BECAUSE he knows it is kaput.

I am the big bad monster that he keeps accusing me of wanting to close churches and burn Bibles.

The pathology is very similar to the liberal media demonising the alt-right.

He does it to make him hate Secular Koranism because he hates himself for renouncing it after saying he supported it.

But he actually made more sense when he identified as SK and I have the streams to prove it.

Jon's neurotic behaviour is a microcosm of what the liberal media are doing.

As far as I am concerned, it is necessary to make sure people understand that Christianity is kaput so that they seriously consider Islam.

4:00  Pelu claims I lied about him but can never answer say on what matter I have lied about. 

6:00  Jon is spreading the lie that I want to close down churches and burn Bibles in order to demonise and marginalise me. This is presumably because he does not want to be seen to be supporting Secular Koranism when previously did, because he is surrounded by mentally ill and possibly criminal Islampohobes. The leader of his political party is currently incarcerated. 

13:00  Jon always returns to the New Testament through force of habit. He converted to Islam, but keeps returning to the nonsense of New Testament again and again and again.  

15:00  Jon obviously finds the sound of his own voice comforting.  

As a dog returns to its vomit, a fool returns to his folly. 

45:00  Jon reads from the New Testament again. He always does that when he is in distress.

47:00  DURDEN arrives but Jon refuses to break off from reading to attend to him.  

Claire Khaw
​Democracy is dementia and liberalism is for losers.

1:16:00 CLAIRE KHAW joins.

1:18:00  I explained the Estates of the Realm.

1:19:00  The Fourth Estate

1:23:00  Covid chip and other conspiracies

Stupid or evil?

1:26:00  Weaponising lockdown
1:27:00  Shabir Ali
1:32:00  Feminists or Jews?
1:33:00  Intersectional Feminism
1:34:00  Canada technically British.
1:35:00  Canada technically a British Dominion
1:36:00  Anti-discrimination legislation is thoughtcrime.
1:38:00  Campaign funding is from big business.
1:40:00  Are Democrat-voting Jews that smart? 
1:41:00  Mein Kampf
1:43:00  Gentiles in the West would rather blame Jews than contemplate slaying the sacred cows of liberalism and democracy.

1:45:00  Labour v Tory/Democrats v Republicans
1:48:00  Washington's farewell speech
1:52:00  The failure of Christianity
1:53:00  The failure of Christianity to maintain marriage and family values
1:57:00  Jon accuses me of wanting to burn the Bible. 

1:58:00  Jon denies that whenever he is crying over the corpse of Christ and blaming the Pharisees, he is invoking his hatred of Jews to make him continue with his political activism. 

1:59:00  Christianity has been replaced by Liberalism.  
2:01:00  Durden blames Jews for undermining marriage. 
2:02:00  "Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy."
2:02:00  I am accused of hypocrisy.
2:04:00  The New Testament is an antisemitic document. 
2:05:00  Pharisees = Jews = Christ-killers
2:07:00  Keeping the people drugged so they don't become revolutionaries.
2:08:00  Tutsis 


2:09:00  "Parasites"
2:11:00  I am accused of wanting to burn Bibles. 
2:12:00  Shaming Christianity
2:13:00  I am accused of wanting to send Christians to re-education camps.
2:14:00  Why does Jon keep weeping over the corpse of Christ and blaming the Pharisees ie Jews
2:15:00  I am accused of being like a Pharisee and wanting to criminalise Jon.  
2:16:00  Jon, the Muslim convert, keeps going back to the New Testament.
2:17:00  Jon wants to change the subject. 
2:19:00  One party theocracy
2:21:00  Jon defends democracy
2:25:00  Jon thinks Magna Carta is a divine document! 
2:26:00  Trial by faith, divine doctrine and "my version of democracy"
2:28:00  Travis Patron is currently incarcerated.

2:29:00  PELU joins.

​Great to see the Claire Khaw appear with prominent MXBC members 😀

2:39:00  Republicans v Democrats

2:43:00  Adam Smith
2:44:00  Henry Ford created work and cities for black people.

​Interesting conversation. Never knew Henry Ford considered the social well being of America's black population

​Claire if you're reading the chat. I want you to know that you brighten my day😃

Claire Khaw
​@drejjk Hello and thank you for saying such nice things!

2:55:00  Rebel News

2:57:00  The matriarchy are scared when the censor.

2:58:00  Trump
AIPAC is more Christian than Jewish.

2:59:00  Religion

"Just be white."

Claire Khaw
​All religions and secular political ideologies are moral systems, but the Western moral and political system ie Christianity and Liberalism is broken.

Claire Khaw
​There was a European Wars of Religion when Europe was white and Christian. There was also an American Civil War when America was White and Christian.

Claire Khaw
​If your moral and political system are both broken, the colour your magiic white skin is not going to save you from your internal and external enemies.

Claire Khaw
​You can only control who your offspring have legitimate children with if you have parental control. Parental control usually means paternal control ie having a father in the home.

Claire Khaw
​If matriarchy is the problem, the patriarchy is the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle.

Claire Khaw
​We know Christianity is kaput because Western governments no longer support marriage and family values. All the world religions support marriage and family values but Christianity no longer does.

​Claire Khaw have you studied to what degree the Western system is masonic vs. Christian? Apart from Poland, I cannot think of a nation that has prioritized Christian morality

Claire Khaw
​Christianity has been replaced by Liberalism and Liberalism is now being replaced by Intersectional Feminism ie the matriarchy.

Claire Khaw
​Liberalism is the cushion that bears the imprint of the buttocks that most recently sat on it because it has no scripture or official handbook.

​That is correct. Largely. Christian leaders have been replaced by liberal revolutionaries

Claire Khaw
​@drejjk Freemasonry facilitates co-operation between the Abrahamic faiths.

​Yes, that is current governance

​mercy mercy

3:12:00  "Fight with violence."

Claire Khaw
​@drejjk If you were the Emperor Constantine and wanted to a new religion for your empire, would you use Christianity or Islam?

Claire Khaw
​"If everyone breaks the rules, then people will stop playing the game of democracy."

Claire Khaw
​Westerners need to collectively acknowledge the failure of Christianity, Liberalism and liberal democracy and adopt Secular Koranism with their national characteristic to restore the patriarchy.

Claire Khaw
​Once the patriarchy is restored, everything should be fine again, but easier said than done!

Claire Khaw
​Under Secular Koranism usury would be banned and affirmative action thoughtcrime legislation would be abolished this would reduce income inequalities and social divisions.

​Claire Khaw, you would be a great leader 👏

Claire Khaw
​It is lazy thinking to think in racial terms because in the end it is just a red herring. It is the SYSTEM that is broken.

Claire Khaw
​@drejjk I suppose I am quite susceptible to flattery! Thank you for saying such kind supportive things.

Claire Khaw
​I am actually trying to organise a leadership contest.

Claire Khaw
​The self-censorship amongsst alt-right British YouTubers bigger than mine is completely neurotic.

3:26:00  Race

Claire Khaw
​A moral system is a system of rules for the group.

Claire Khaw
​"Nigeria is Pan-African mega-state."

Claire Khaw
​Muslims and Jews are actually very divided but the people who hate them think they are united because they can't be bothered to dig deeper. Racism is just lazy thinking that harms even the thinker.

3:29:00  "White people are in danger."

Claire Khaw
​Marriage needs to be made a good bargain for men again, but the matriarchy is not interested in doing this because feminists want to undermine marriage to destroy the patriarchy.

Claire Khaw
​Religion is really for the purpose of maintaining standards of sexual morality ie marriage to maintain the quality of the next generation to see that your society does not suffer from degeneracy.

​Guess the stupid never heard of Amish, 6.1 children per couple.

Claire Khaw
​Be fruitful and multiply WITHIN WEDLOCK.

Claire Khaw
​@Magatism The Amish lifestyle is unlikely to apply to the majority of Americans.

Claire Khaw
​People of every colour all need a moral system ie religion.

Claire Khaw
​The problem with Jon is that he cannot yet publicly acknowledge the failure of Christianity and liberal democracy for personal and political reasons. Once he does, the way ahead will be clearer.

Claire Khaw
​The problem with people who prefer to blame the groups they have always disliked for their social and political problems is that they do not address the true cause and waste their time and energy.

Claire Khaw
​There is a reason why white atheists with an inferior religion are always complaining about Jews and Muslims and now the Chinese who are doing better than they are.

Claire Khaw
​The problem with a culture of sexual promiscuity is that in the end it will cause men and women to despise each other and cause gender relations to deteriorate preventing successful parenting.

Claire Khaw
​A piece of paper can change our lives if it represents an important partnership which changes your legal status. Marriage is the most important partnership you can make in your life.

Claire Khaw
​The reason why so many men actually don't want to restore the patriarchy is that they are terrified of the burdens of being a father and husband.

Claire Khaw
​The burdens of patriarchy were never easy on men. That is why traditional societies gave men the respect that was needed to encourage them into married fatherhood and assume its responsibilities.

3:46:00  The rules

3:48:00  One-party state

3:50:00  Denial

3:51:00  The national character of Western nations

3:52:00  An ageing society

3:55:00  Jon accuses me again of wanting to burn Bibles.

4:00:00  I am accused of wanting to eradicating Christianity.

4:04:00  I am accused of being passive-aggressive. 

4:05:00  My lack of accountability.

4:08:00  Consequences and integrity

4:13:00  Psychological issue

4:16:00  Antisemitism

4:18:00  "demented moral code"

4:19:00  "mental illness"

4:29:00  PELU

4:32:00  "Stop being insane."

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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