
Sunday, 23 May 2021

Nihilists deaf and blind to their moral imperative

Your women are a resource and men must husband them or their society and civilisation will turn into a swamp of moral sewage. I really don't know how to make this any clearer so I must conclude that the men I am talking to are all stupid or are just pretending to be stupid. 

Why would already stupid men pretend to be even more stupid than they already are? 

It must be because they are trying to avoid acting on the moral imperative that they know they must follow once they have acknowledged that their society and civilisation has turned into a degenerate matriarchy. 
They must fight it and must sacrifice their life, limb and property to defeat it, but it seems they are nihilists to a man - deaf and blind to their moral imperative. Sacrificing anything at all is exactly what these nihilists with no principles to defend - not even the principle of submitting to truth, logic and morality - wish to avoid.

Put starkly and simply, these men would rather not have the inconvenience and expense of marrying a woman and paying for her children as well as the trial and tribulations of staying married to her in order to parent the children of the marriage properly, particularly as they now have the option of "equal marriage" and fornication as a way of life that is part of Western culture. 

The problem therefore solves itself: men who are too afraid to speak truth to the power of matriarchy - which is about bribing men with less expensive forms of sex than married sex - do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation. Soon, they will have no civilisation left to defend.

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