
Sunday, 2 May 2021

Textual interpretation of the Magna Carta with a Canadian nationalist and a Sierra Leonean nationalist

28:00  My questions in the chat read out.

1:06:00  PELU notices something.

1:09:00  Pelu notices yet another thing ....

The HardKhaw Prawn
​At least Jon isn't praying to Jesus any more!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​When is Travis undergoing his mental examination?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​What is the right conferred by the Magna Carta the CNP claims has been infringed by the Canadian government?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Is Jon aware that Alison Chabloz is in prison for Holocaust Denial when there is not even a law against Holocaust Denial in the UK?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Is Jon aware that in the UK Pastor Sherwood spent a night in jail for saying that marriage is between a man and a woman?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Pelu often drops out when you are talking to him.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​The rule of law is breaking down all over the West because Christianity is kaput and Jon is too afraid to tell Islamophobes that Christianity is kaput.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Even if you had a proper cause of action the co-opted courts would ignore you anyway because they did this to Trump, so what makes you think they are going to listen to the political pariah CNP ?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​The Canadian authorities are going to declare Travis Patron to be of unsound mind.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I bet you won't find a single lawyer prepared to pursue this case even if you could afford his fees.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Pretending you don't know Jews were meant or that you didn't mean them when you said "parasitic tribe" is insulting the intelligence of both Jews and gentiles.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​White Nationalism is equated with antisemitism and antisemitism is associated with proposing pogroms in reference to a certain tribe.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Being mentally examined by the state doesn't sound like you have a sound basis for your cause of action.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Justice delayed is justice denied. But this happens all the time all over the place.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Very good policy of Pelu to interact with the chat!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Wow, a White Nationalist who has not heard of Alison Chabloz!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​A Chief Rabbi in Israel was in trouble for saying that the penalty for sodomy is death according to the Torah.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​If the UK is a US vassal state, then all the more is Canada a US vassal state.

That Woman
​and pelu is useless, he supports israel and their actions

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon should be prepared to say that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​"Keepers of the faith"? Keeper of WHAT faith? Christians are cursed by God because of their idolatry and blasphemy.

Muft Abu Layth
​Lucifer means light but they rather Worship Jesus.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Muft Abu Layth Have you admonished any Christians lately for claiming God has begotten a son as 18:4 of the Koran commands?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​The best thing Jon can do is to tell his fellow Canadians that Christianity is kaput because of its idolatry and blasphemy.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Muft Abu Layth Do you agree that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy?

Muft Abu Layth
​The Catholic Church obviously portrayed Jesus and Mary as the gods of ancient Egypt.

Muft Abu Layth
​Mary has been made into Isis mother of Horus, and Jesus has been made into the sun god of ancient Egypt.

Muft Abu Layth
​Osiris and Horus were both called gods and Horus was the son of a another God.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Muft Abu Layth You are too afraid to say that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, aren't you?

Muft Abu Layth
​Horus was a god and he was the son of God. Like Christianity Catholicism Jesus is God also the son of God.

Muft Abu Layth
​Thats where idea comes from ....The God was is son of God and God at the same time...

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Why is the "good faith" of my questions being questioned?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Habeas Corpus is the biggest legal right conferred on citizens by Magna Carta.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​It was a prediction!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​They are going to declare Patron of unsound mind and this would invalidate any legal action by him!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon is going to hide me in his chat because he doesn't like my questions!

Spiritual Mamzer
​How is Travis Patron? Does violently beat up two woman also constitute the right of dissent?

Spiritual Mamzer
​He just ignores you because you are uneducated on Islam

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Spiritual Mamzer It doesn't engage with you at all.

Spiritual Mamzer
​He has in the past

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Spiritual Mamzer Are you saying that the bot is supposed to be a proper Muslim because it always says PUBH HBUP PUB PUB PUB

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Spiritual Mamzer These Muslims like to waste time talking about irrelevant stuff too, just like dumb white nationalists.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​This is a great stream!

Zoubida el Zina
​Claire isn’t standing up for free speech

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina I stood up for Alison Chabloz and also that of Pastor Sherwood.

Zoubida el Zina
​Lol John V is standing up for freedom and proceeds to censor in the chat

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina Jon has also issued strict instructions to Pelu to ignore all my questions which are by definition "bad faith", apparently!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​AIRS AIRS AIRS! Heirs is pronounced AIRS!!!!!

Zoubida el Zina
​Bad faith is such a buzzword for people who don’t like to answer difficult questions.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Muft Abu Layth You cannot expect any principle to be defended by people who claim that Jesus is God.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina You are a lady of great insight and wisdom!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina Are you subscribed to Claire Khaw's secondary channel?

Zoubida el Zina
​Indeed I am

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina I think your subscribers would enjoy listening to the very classy interview a Hindu Valley Girl called Margarita gave on Luke Ford. It is near 2 hours though.

Zoubida el Zina
​Travis Patron loves his Quran verse 4:34. He just forgets that he should be married first before he can practice it.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina I'd be really interested to observe the reaction of the men in your live chat as you play the interview by Luke who introduced me to the alt-right of America.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina I predict Travis Patron will be declared to be mentally unsound which will be the government's way of resolving the issue.

Zoubida el Zina
​Come on Claire!! What is zina?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina Zina is illicit sex, is it not?

Zoubida el Zina

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Heirs is pronounced AIRS!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​A very interesting point is being made about textual interpretation.

Muft Abu Layth
​The word Britain < literally means land of the covenant.

The HardKhaw Prawn

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I don't know why Pelu didn't train as a lawyer.

Zoubida el Zina
​John is another drunk hypocrite like Ov. Whining that his freedom is been taken away and preceded to censor in the chat.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina So you have met OV?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Fused? Confused, more ike.

Zoubida el Zina
​I think Jon doesn’t know what anachronism is. Poor guy

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina Amateur lawyers getting the wrong end of the stick are a danger to themselves and others.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Somebody give Pelu a scholarship to study the law!

Zoubida el Zina
​The Hardkhaw Prawn you need to know about history to be able to understand the context. You can’t just read these documents with modern eyes

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Semantics = the meaning of words

The HardKhaw Prawn

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Muft Abu Layth Ban usury with Secular Koranism!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon went to law school?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon did say the Magna Carta was a legal contract.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Poor Pelu. He is a messenger bearing bad news.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​This stream that I viewed out of duty has become a surprisingly rich source of legal interpretation and entertainment.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Muft Abu Layth Britain is just a US vassal state now.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Nunc pro tunc = now for then. In general, a ruling nunc pro tunc applies retroactively to correct an earlier ruling.

Zoubida el Zina
​Lol Jon lost this case

The HardKhaw Prawn
​ I am legally trained and already told Jon this.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​This sounds like Dooovid's Multiple Truth Hypothesis.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon claims to have greater legal knowledge that Pelu.

Zoubida el Zina
​Travis Patron has training in bashing woman who reject this frustrated incel!

Zoubida el Zina
​Google Travis Patron Pelu he is a woman basher!!

Zoubida el Zina
​Travis was arrested for abusing two woman for rejecting him.

Zoubida el Zina
​In November 2019, Patron was charged with aggravated assault and assault causing bodily harm for attacking two women who wouldn’t get in his car. Those charges are pending.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Queen's Bench is High Court.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina Jon would do well to dissociate himself from the CNP.

Zoubida el Zina
​Aggravated assault

The HardKhaw Prawn
​The government is going to find him mentally unsound. He sounds it too.

Zoubida el Zina
​Jon is an incel. He feels a affinity with them no matter how pathological their behavior!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​"Ministry of National Faith-ism" = mentally unsound

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina The CNP are his tribe now. Jon made more sense when he was a Secular Koranist.

Zoubida el Zina
​SK isn’t sending their best!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina I wasn't sending anyone anywhere.

Zoubida el Zina
​Jon thinks he is a baron?

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Pelu makes a brilliant point.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon was not party to the contract.

Zoubida el Zina

The HardKhaw Prawn
​The contract was made between the monarch and his barons.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​This is a flight of fancy, a wankery of whimsy.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​If Jon gives me wrench, I can post a link to the list of 25 barons.

Muft Abu Layth
​American presidents are hand-picked and financed by the special-interest power groups.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Nope, we have no rights.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​If Jon wants justice, he needs to appeal to the Abrahamic God correctly, or failing that His Chosen People chosen to teach the Noahide laws by ranking the 4 gentile religions according to Noahide laws

Terron Poole
​Pelu is lightweight schooling Mr. v

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I am happy to take over from Pelu if Jon will have me.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Poor Pelu!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Antisemites have no right to meeting places in Canada.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Pelu's textual interpretation is pretty impressive!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I have already told Jon this but he dismissed me. But Pelu really went through the whole thing with a fine-tooth comb with Jon.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Pelu will get no thanks for being the bearer of bad news.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​This is more a study in psychology than textual interpretation.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon is getting tired.

Muft Abu Layth
​The Greek civilization was fundamentally middle eastern civilization.

Terron Poole
​I agree mift

Terron Poole
​more so than ever

The HardKhaw Prawn
​A clear case of projection.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​It just means antisemitic white nationalists do not have the right to assemble in the government buildings of Canada because they are "denominational" ie divisive religiously and politically.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​The only thing at issue is the definition of DENOMINATIONAL.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Is the Canadian Nationalist Party "denominational"? If so, it has no right to assemble in government buildings.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I have been helpful to Jon in the past.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Look up the definition of DENOMINATIONAL.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​"Political and religious in nature"! So the Crown was right after all!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​It is not a crime not to be antisemitic. Most people I know are antisemitic.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I am just telling Jon what the Crown would argue if it came to court.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​But the government is just going to declare Patron mentally unsound and dismiss the whole thing on the ground that the mentally unsound cannot start legal actions.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​The rule is that no groups deemed to be "denominational" have the right to assemble in the government buildings of Canada, whether Magna Carta exists or not.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​This is getting silly!

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Jon and Pelu are hitting each other with their olive branches!

Zoubida el Zina
​You are right Claire! I also think Travis Patron has more pressing legal matters to attent too. For example his pending case for aggravated assault on those poor woman.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Zoubida el Zina I am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt until he is convicted, but it is not looking good for the soundness of his mental health.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​Pelu is a hero of patience and firmness.

Terron Poole
​ethno-nationalism isn't a religion

Zoubida el Zina
​We are Claire

The HardKhaw Prawn
​@Terron Poole I would call Judaism divine ethno-nationalism but even then Jews come in four colours.

The HardKhaw Prawn

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I know your problem with me was that I do not hate Jews enough for your liking.

The HardKhaw Prawn
​I am stating a fact that antisemites - being denominational - have no right to assembly in government buildings of Canada, as far as Canadian law is concerned.

Zoubida el Zina
​I want freedom!! But I want to censorship!! Lol

Zoubida el Zina
​Censor in the chat

The HardKhaw Prawn
​You have just told me the law that the CNP were excluded because it was DENOMINATIONAL!

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