
Sunday, 23 May 2021

Why we should behave as if we believed in the Abrahamic God even if we don't

If the Abrahamic God exists, and all good and evil come from God, then suffering must be a punishment for sin. If punishment comes from sin, then all we have to do is correct ourselves.

Which sin would God most punish if He exists? I would say idolatry and blasphemy because these are forbidden in the Ten Commandments and the Noahide laws. 

The three global empires so far have been Christian.

Those claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God who reject the Noahide laws because they are Jewish are antisemites and those who reject Islam as being the second and final revelation of God for gentiles are Islamophobes. 

To be an Islamophobe is to have already lost the argument since the person with the irrational argument loses to the person with the rational argument.  

To be an antisemite is to reject God's ordering of the Universe.  

To claim to believe in the Abrahamic God and deny the status of Jews as God's Chosen People as well as the Noahide laws is ipso facto a rejection of God's ordering of the Universe as well as reason, since the entire basis of Christian belief is based on the story of the Jews.

The irony and absurdity of Christianity is that it is a religion of antisemites that requires Christians to worship a Jew.

To reject Islam while refusing to read the Koran when already aware of the failure and absurdity of Christianity is to suffer from Islamophobia.

At this stage, the punishment for willful blindness to the sin of idolatry while claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God who has explicitly and specifically forbidden it can only be wondered at.

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Discussing Noahides, the Noahide laws and Hinduism with @vincentbruno2514

Wrongthink 1:00  Moral imperative Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps  on X