
Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Casual sex and the crisis in gender relations

Anything that encourages extramarital sex is bad for civilisation.

9:00  Females get to choose because there are significantly more sperm than eggs.

25:00  Women are a resource and monogamy is the fairest way of distributing this resource.

29:00  What religion is Coroneus Phocis a big fan of?


If you already accept one patent absurdity, why not another patent absurdity? How can Jesus also be God? Do Christians and those who wish to identify as Christians care how this absurdity is arrived at? Can they explain it? The fact is that they cannot and use Christianity as a dignifying wrapper for their rejection of Islam because they are Islamophobes. They also reject the Noahide laws because they are antisemites. 

Be in no doubt as to why those who claim to be Christian are doing when they say they prefer to be Christian. It only means they wish to go to their graves with their beliefs uncorrected, even as they claim to be nationalists who love their country or loving parents of their children. 

It means they are nihilists and atheists who do not fear the God they claim to believe in because they do not think God exists to punish them in the afterlife for their idolatry and blasphemy. 

Christianity and Hypocrisy walk hand in hand.  

At the most, these people who cling to Christianity are sentimental about their childhood, church architecture, church music etc but the reality is this: your national religion is your national moral system and without a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents, your society and civilisation will be destroyed by both your internal and external enemies.

The correct way to regard your national religion is not as an optional ornament but as a working boiler.

31:00  Feminism harms women too, particularly women who just want to be married mothers.

35:00  How the West is regressing to a more primitive way of life

39:00  Matriarchy is a society of sluts and bastards. Why would you expect societies of sluts and bastards to prosper when there are other societies reject the idea of pandering to sluts and bastards ie China, Iran and Russia?

43:00  The Green Party is full of spinster cat ladies with sub beta males who pander to them.

44:00  The Koran would ban porn with and

46:00  The only way to fix marriage is to restore the patriarchy. The only way to restore the patriarchy is to treat unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by

47:00  Is there a significant number of Mormons and Amish in the rest of the West? The American is entirely focused on American salvation of course, but has he considered that the American Republic was founded on Islamic principles? The First Amendment was based on The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment. The Declaration of Independence assumed the existence of God who self-evidently created men equal. The Prophet Muhammad is already in the US Supreme Court. The American Republic is indispensable and exceptional in being the first proposition nation of the world. It is now time for Americans to return to their unconsciously Islamic roots.

49:00  The Hegelian Dialectic assumed the Darwinian struggle of political ideologies being played out through humans. If morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others through worshiping a Hypothetical Supreme Authority, then it is clear that Judaism does it best, because Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. It is also true that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. While it is true that the past three global empires have been Christian, it is also very probably true that there is no prospect of a Christian revival in our lifetimes even if we were all born yesterday. Nor would we wish there to be a Christian revival if we already know that Christianity operated through the Christian practice of heretic burning, until the Americans destroyed belief in the Trinity with their First Amendment based on So it would appear that Westerners have thrown out the baby of Christian patriarchal moral values with the dirty bathwater of the Trinity and are now in a state of atheist nihilist psychosis living in a matriarchy that is a danger to itself, suffering from a fatal moral disease and what amounts in effect to dementia.

58:00  The American has a data systems background, does he? Then he would understand that the law is the algorithm of human beings.

58:30  Western civilisation can avoid error and disaster by enough Westerners urging their governments to correcting themselves.

59:00  Did Nietzsche believe in God?

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