
Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Church of Entropy denying the Big Bang on the Amy Newman Show and why pantheism is idolatry

7:00  Amy Newman on EFDawah

Amy Newman from 42:00

8:00  The Big Bang in the Koran
17:00  Muslims and scientists both believe in the Big Bang.
18:00  Which is the Uncaused First Cause? Theists would say God, pantheists would say the Universe.
20:00  Spinoza
21:00  Atheists, nihilists and narcissists who worship deities they conceived of
22:00  Post-Christian Westerners who hate the Abrahamic God
23:00  Islamophobes
24:00  The Abrahamic God > The Jen God
25:00  Nihilist or noble?  
26:00  Narcissists are spiritual vandals who waste your time.
27:00  Wasting time with displacement therapy
29:00  The lone female in a group of men
30:00  Singularity = God
33:00  Spinoza's pantheism
34:00  Spiritual disease going back to the Nicene creed
35:00  Ex-Catholics the walking wounded of an idolatrous and blasphemous religion.
36:00  Jen's theory of Jews and the religions they created for gentiles
37:00  Pantheism
38:00  Pantheism is animism and panpsychism.
39:00  Jews as God's Chosen People
40:00  Antisemitism is a law of nature to punish Jews for not teaching the Noahide laws properly.
46:00  Big Bang
47:00  Singularity = God?
48:00  The Science of Choosing the Right Religion
49:00  Moral corruption
50:00  Nationalists who are not fit for the purpose of restoring the patriarchy
51:00  Rarity value
52:00  Wasting time
54:00  Infinite regression 
56:00  Idolatry
1:07:00  Which God?
1:08:00  The Abrahamic God
1:10:00  Prayer meetings for idolaters and pantheists are the antithesis of political action.

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