
Monday, 12 July 2021

Dumb debate about England losing to Italy with racial preoccupations and overwhelming whingeing except when I speak

I have been timed out again in the chat. For this reason I should be given a wrench to protect myself from easily triggered feminised and infantilised men who cannot take the truth I tell.

11:24 AM Claire Khaw​@Council of Nice Ears How likely are unmarried mothers going to take their sons to football practice? I couldn't post this comment because of a mod abusing his wrench.

Feminism harms women. This is not a hard message to sell!

Ralph, can you unhide me in the chat, so I can at least express myself in the chat while everyone else is just wittering on and not having much of a point.

My point: feminism is the enemy to both men AND women in this country. Focus on this without being distracted by the football.

Thank you, Nin Culus!

There can be no nationalism if there is no patriarchy.

There can be no patriarchy if widespread illegitimacy is tolerated and if most homes are fatherless homes.

I believe the war can be won, if you choose your ideological battles carefully.

The New Testament is but the word of mortal and fallible men. On the question of incest, I have compelling evidence that the Koran is clearest on its prohibition. The Torah does not even forbid father-daughter sex.

It is the greatest injustice to treat unequal things equally.

Men are not equally good as women at giving birth to children.

Women are not equally good as men at being soldiers.

Sex segregation makes for a more efficient society.

It is necessary that male-female partnerships be complementary rather than competing to make them enduring.

Race is a red herring.

It is not in the interests of non-whites in Western countries to see the white man regularly humiliated.

Nobody has to like any other race.

The best way to resolve the racial issue is to use the IC race codes.

The right is legal. If Nin Culus is not an illegal immigrant, he has a right to be here.

Even Hitler had the Madagascar Plan. To deport the Jews, he needed somewhere to deport the Jews to. Because of the the Haavara Agreement, it is certainly arguable that Hitler did not intend to exterminate Jews. If the Nazis had intended to exterminate Jews, they would just do it in Germany rather than finding a place for them to deport them to.

There is no prospect of a Christian revival in our lifetimes even if we were all born yesterday.

The problem is moral and political. The moral problem is the fact that the White Man does not have a functioning moral system and this means he is unable to organise. Jewish and Muslim men have inter-generational co-operation but there are virtually no Christians in existence. Those who claim to be Christian in fact believe in nothing and cannot even defend a principle.

Elron still doesn't get it that white women hate white men and all political parties in the West pander to the female voter.

Germany is for those with German citizenship.

Britain is for those with British citizenship.

France is those for those with French citizenship.

It is bad enough that people are already confused about race and nationality, now they are confusing themselves about football players.

If the people of that land don't want immigration, then they can stop it. But if they cannot get themselves together to do anything about uncontrolled immigration, then they must expect more migrants to come. Why can't they organise themselves? Because of the operation of representative democracy and the fact that there are no influential and honorable men in senior politics.

The problem is feminism and representative democracy. If you are not prepared to discuss these issues properly, how can anyone trust you to do anything about it?

What you want is irrelevant if you can't stop it.

And we are just wasting time by refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room: feminism and democracy.

None of us are served by watching the White Man being humiliated in his own country.

But the White Man must acknowledge that white men are politically inert because they lack the moral education of having a functioning moral system.

A properly functioning moral system is not a matriarchy.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

The sin of white people is their refusal to acknowledge the depredations of feminism.

Are there any white football players who refuse to take the knee?

Democracy did not last long in Ancient Athens!

Democracy would only work if most voters were wise, but they are obviously cucked and corrupt.

Nin Culus•12:46 PM

I meant he disagrees with Kingston on this

Elron has no solutions, it is just whinge whinge whinge. What solutions has he ever proposed?

There is no need to plead guilty to white guilt.

We don't want to go down the road of Britain's colonial past because that would be a WASTE OF TIME.

Why not just concentrate on solving the problem rather than crying over spilled milk?

These pointless racial and national comparisons are a waste of time when we should be concentrating on the problem at hand.

Jim Crow again? I'll be off then.

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