
Saturday, 17 July 2021

Explaining Secular Koranism to a Muslim from efdawah

I start speaking from 2:00
3:00  Noahide laws
4:00  Sunday trading
5:00  The penalty for Sabbath breaking for Jews
6:00  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
7:00  How Christianity was enforced
8:00  Islamophobia
9:00 White Nationalists inclining to Hinduism and other forms of European paganism
10:00  Ideas of the French Revolution
11:00  Communist Manifesto
12:00  Koranic principles in legislation, especially based on the First Amendment
14:99  Noahide laws

15:00  SHAH JAHANI joins.
16:00  Muslims should ask rabbis to rank the four gentle religions according to their conformity with Noahide laws so that Islam is ranked most Noahide and Christianity the least. 
18:00  The Third Principle of Judaism
19:00  Christians cannot answer how Jesus became God.
20:00  How and why Constantine the Great made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire
Arian heresy
21:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
22:00  Secular Koranism
24:00  The Koran is silent on stoning.
25:00  I didn't really understand his question.
27:00  I explain why Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy.
28:00  Secular Koranism would support marriage and family values. 

29:00  Allah is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

30:00  A Caliph is a constitutional dictator. 
31:00  A dictator has no right to bequeath his leadership position to his male descendants or relations. 
32:00  You don't have to be Muslim to adopt Secular Koranism. I am trying to sell it to the Israelis. 
33:00  There are four schools of sharia ie different interpretations of the Koran. 
34:00  Every country would have its own legal traditions for implementing Secular Koranism. 
35:00  How would differences in interpretation be resolved?
36:00  Why don't I convert to Islam?

37:00  There is no need to wait till most Westerners voluntarily accept Islam before implementing Secular Koranism. 

38:00  The conditions necessary for the implementation of sharia
40:00  Marketing Secular Koranism
41:00  Benefits of sharia to atheists
43:00  Implementing Secular Koranism is more important to me than being officially Muslim.
44:00  Believing in the product
45:00  I want people to understand that we can arrive at Islam using reason alone. 
50:00  Laws are not subjective.  
51:00  Global sharia
52:00  I am legally trained.
53:00  I already anticipate not having complete control over the interpretation of Secular Koranism.
57:00  efdawah
Dealing with Christians
58:00  Going for the jugular of the Trinity
59:00  My agnosticism
1:00:00  The religion closest to my beliefs
1:01:00  Jews and Muslims believe in the oneness of God.
1:03:00  13 Principles of Judaism
1:07:00  Principle 8
1:09:00  36 capital offences of the Torah
1:12:00  The status of being God's Chosen People
1:13:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
1:15:00  If only Jews would do what they are supposed to do! 
1:16:00  Jewish sources say Islam is Noahide.
1:17:00  Rabbis too terrified of discussing the Noahide laws with each other because they have a guilty conscience. 

1:18:00  Ollie Anisfeld who runs J-TV literally could not find a single rabbi prepared to discuss the ranking of the Noahide laws and I know he has been trying for ages because he did eventually say he was trying after I kept reminding him. 

1:19:00  How to deal with rabbis reluctant to rank the gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
1:21:00  White Nationalist Richard Spencer being pro-Islam
1:22:00  Gratitude to the internet
1:23:00  Pride and envy
1:25:00  Western media and the Hypothetical Supreme Authority

1:26:00  Making promises made to ourselves are less effective than promises made to others because a person who ties himself can easily unbind himself. AA understands how this works.

All promises are promises to a higher power over and above the beneficiary of the promise. That higher power could be God or to people not just the person making the promise and the person receiving the promise.

1:27:00  The promises of politicians
1:28:00  Nationalists have no idea how to behave towards each other.
1:29:00  The legal process of appeal works towards God.
1:32:00  I already submit to Truth, Logic and Morality. 
1:33:00  Hijab
1:35:00  Scripture is objective morality. 
1:36:00  Wife-beating in the Koran
1:40:00  Many rabbis are Islamophobes.
1:41:00  Jews are held to a higher standard for a reason. 
1:44:00  Secular Jews
1:45:00  The Babylonian Talmud contain the Seven Noahide laws.
1:47:00  The Noahide laws are useful to Muslims. 
Muslim money bribing rabbis to declare Islam most and Christianity least Noahide. 
1:48:00  Christian incoherence about how and why Jesus is God
1:53:00  The nature and purpose of Holy Spirit: the Agency of God
1:56:00  The Christian conception of God

The Koran is the Word of God while the New Testament is the word of mortal and fallible men.

1:58:00  Selling Secular Koranism to Israelis

1:59:00  Without Judaism, there would be no Jews.Without Judaism, there would only be Israelis. 

2:00:00  Israel could still be light unto the nations through adopting Secular Koranism.
2:01:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
2:02:00  Three global Christian empires

2:02:00  Islam is the Goldilocks religion for Jews and gentiles.
2:06:00  When things get worse
2:08:00  Ignorance and arrogance
2:09:00  It is not too late to repent.  
2:11:00  No writing, no law. 
2:12:00  The more well-constructed narrative is the one that is easier to believe. 
2:13:00  The first five Noahide laws as I classify them should be acceptable to all rational and moral atheists. 
2:14:00  Israel is hated by Arabs for its liberal democracy.
2:15:00  Westerners must first acknowledge that Christianity is kaput and liberalism is for losers before they will finally adopt Secular Koranism. 
2:16:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles. 
Atheist secular Jews are useful too.  
2:17:00  Which theocracy would secular Israeli Jews choose? Not the one with 36 capital offences! 
2:18:00  No atheists in foxholes. 
2:19:00  Jews are no longer fit for the purpose of denouncing idolatry and blasphemy. 
2:20:00  How Muslims should deal with Orthodox rabbis
2:21:00  Jews and Muslims should be jointly asking the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy.

Secular Koranism should be part of every Muslims dawah toolkit. 

2:23:00  Arguing over whether Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy would be a better way of dealing with Christians than arguing over conflicting narratives. Jews and Muslims are going to win this argument because they believe in the oneness of God while Christians believe in the threeness of God but cannot explain this belief other than using it as a badge of Christian identity. 

2:24:00  Why Jews were given the Torah by God

2:26:00  But for Judaism, there would be no Jews. But for Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship. But for Christianity, there would be no Islam to improve on a defective adaptation of a religion for gentiles for the worship of the Abrahamic God.


2:29:00  Donald Rumsfeld
2:34:00  No point talking to Christians.
Rabbi Gavriel Krausz refused to discuss the Noahide laws with me
2:36:00  Joint letter by Jews and Muslims to Christians
2:37:00  The shituf Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism.
2:38:00  The religion of the children of Secular Koranists
2:40:00  Our duty to shorten the period of chaos in the transition from matriarchy to theocracy
2:41:00  Focusing on idolatry when dealing with Christians
2:44:00  The punishment should fit the crime. 
2:45:00  Secular Koranism would abolish no fault divorce.
2:46:00  Flat rate income tax of 20%

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