
Monday, 5 July 2021

Group identity and group strategy

2:41:00  English people do not have their own tick box.
2:43:00  My little Indian joke
Police race codes
2:44:00  Subjective perceptions
2:45:00  BNP complain that there is not a tick box for White English.
2:47:00  Confusing race and nation, objective and subjective
Identity overlay
2:48:00  Is being English a race or a culture?
2:49:00  Michael Portillo and his Great Train Journey
2:50:00  One of the gang 
2:51:00  Being a white supremacist
2:52:00  The wrong white people
2:53:00  Is Richard Spencer a white supremacist?
2:55:00  Imperialist Supremacist

2:56:00  Is there anyone in the West now prepared to admit to being a White Supremacist?

Is a White Supremacist just a white person who doesn't want to be a minority or a second class citizen in his own country?

2:57:00  Is a White Supremacist in fact feeling rather oppressed?
2:58:00  Neonconservatism is American imperialism.
2:59:00  Christian Zionists
3:00:00  Choosing one's battles carefully
3:01:00  "White Supremacy"
3:02:00  Asymmetrical ideological warfare
3:03:00  White Supremacists who are not white married to Jews called antisemites
3:05:00  Unignorable
3:08:00  Political leaders
3:09:00  Cancel culture
3:12:00  The myth of White Supremacy
3:15:00  Trump and the alt-right
The matriarchy
3:16:00  Unmarriageable men with no women to defend
Patriarchy is now equated with domestic violence.
3:17:00  No white men to push back against feminism
3:18:00  Sexual politics
3:19:00  How feminism hurts women
3:20:00  Trump
The distractions of feminism
3:21:00  White working class women converting to Islam
3:22:00  Dysgenic feminism
3:23:00  Secular Koranism
3:24:00  Selling Secular Koranism to governments and not on people's doorsteps
3:25:00  America
3:26:00  Marriage substitutes of fornication, the civil partnership and gay marriage
3:27:00  Women having children around 30
3:28:00  Nationalists who don't promote marriage
3:29:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
3:30:00  Important and urgent matters
3:31:00  Christian patriarchy
3:32:00  Framing the narrative
3:33:00  OZY joins.
3:34:00  Plugging the leak
3:35:00  Demographics or loss of status for men?
3:36:00  Men vulnerable to false accusations of historic sexual offences
3:37:00  Demographics
3:39:00  Narrowing the franchise
3:40:00  The next election
3:41:00  Feminism
3:42:00  Sacred cows
3:43:00  Political apathy
3:44:00  My care and concern for white people
3:46:00  The problem
3:47:00  My invidious position
3:49:00  "Stellar"
3:50:00  Christianity and liberal democracy are kaput.
Deductive reasoning
3:51:00  My agnostiicsm
3:52:00  Seneca: “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.”
3:53:00  Not being Christian
What are Christian principles?
3:54:00  Dying Christian
3:55:00  All beliefs are chosen. 
3:56:00  Free will and determinism
3:57:00  Rejecting Truth, Logic and Morality
3:58:00  The Spirit
3:59:00  "God is on our side."
4:01:00  Cannibalism
4:02:00  The rule of law
My definition of the soul
4:03:00  A kind of afterlife
4:08:00  Our purpose in life
4:12:00  Religion
4:13:00  Christianity
4:14:00  The New Testament
4:16:00  The Council of Nicaea
4:17:00  Caesar's Messiah
4:18:00  The American Republic
4:19:00  The Founding Fathers

9:28 AM
Claire Khaw
​This battle is an ideological won and it can be won. I am prepared to wage this ideological war on the behalf of the White Man whose brain seems to have fallen out of his head.

9:28 AM
dean jackson
​i would be happy if white people was more educated about this history =instead of lied to?

9:29 AM
Claire Khaw
​I can tell you how to do it, but no one does it better than me so you might as well let me do it, and support and fund me since I will be taking the risks on your behalves.

9:30 AM
Claire Khaw
​There is a reason there is a media blackout on reporting anything I do now. I am not supposed to exist because I am a female and a foreigner who has internalised the values of Western Man at his peak.

9:31 AM
Claire Khaw
​Not only am I female and non-white, I am in complete command of all the arguments, and I am offering to do it for you.

9:32 AM
​@Claire Khaw a media blackout? no one's ever heard of you looool

9:33 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Right Reaction You can test my claim by an entertaining show of role-playing when you all pretend to be Catherine Newman etc and I be the White Advocate.

9:33 AM
Claire Khaw
​@theconfused You don't know who you are talking to, young man.

9:34 AM
Alien Skin Bandit
​@Claire Khaw - What made you so starved of attention?

9:34 AM
Right Reaction
​lool @Claire Khaw happy to play bll

9:34 AM
Claire Khaw
​There is no one at all in "traditional nationalism" who can do it better than me. Griffin is tainted by his shit ideas and Holocaust Denial. Who else is there?

9:35 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Alien Skin Bandit I don't even need to try.

9:35 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Right Reaction Right you are, and ready when you are.

9:36 AM
Claire Khaw
​My knowledge of Judaism is virtually rabbinical. I am your house theologian.

9:36 AM
The McCarthy Plan
​There are three kinds of people. People of colour, white people and Jews.

9:39 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Right Reaction The reason liberal media don't target me if only to mock me on air is because they already know they cannot win the argument, so they just have to tell each other to ignore me.

9:39 AM
​majority antisemitism is a threat to other ethnic minorities because it is a form of intergroup conflict conducted by the dominant group

9:39 AM
Aaron Amihud
​oh evil Claire is here.

9:40 AM
​the media has never heard of you claire loool

9:40 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Right Reaction You would produce compulsively viewable content if you got nationalists to role play liberal journalists to engage with me, and even attack Secular Koranism haha.

9:41 AM
Claire Khaw
​I have made an anthropological study of Jews and antisemites, Muslims and Islamophobes. I already know how they think and can read their minds.

9:41 AM
The McCarthy Plan
​Can Christ remove the curse?

9:41 AM
Claire Khaw
​@The McCarthy Plan Once you acknowledge Christianity is kaput, the way forward will become clear.

9:42 AM
Stellar Jay Atkins
​@Claire Khaw your underlining premise is false, therefore your conclusions are as well.

9:43 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Stellar Jay Atkins What do you think is my underlying premise?

9:43 AM
Aaron Amihud
​Claire Islam is more kaput. they can't even beat the little Jews in a war

9:43 AM
Stellar Jay Atkins
​@Claire Khaw that Christianity is “kaput”, and that it would be relevant wether it was or not.

9:44 AM
​there's a media blackout on her, don't you know who she is? @Stellar Jay Atkins

9:44 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Aaron Amihud I have beaten you so many times in my knowledge of Judaism. Wiser more educated Jews than you concede I know more about Judaism than they do.

9:45 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Stellar Jay Atkins How is Christianity still working in America?

9:45 AM
The McCarthy Plan
​This displaced African man is a paid actor

9:45 AM
​Harris will be pres soon

9:45 AM
Stellar Jay Atkins
​@Claire Khaw again, irrelevant.

9:45 AM
​Claire knows it all though

9:46 AM
Aaron Amihud
​quick name the three patriarchs Claire. thought so

9:46 AM
Alien Skin Bandit
​@Stellar Jay Atkins - Ignore her, she's just desperate to watch a man with rippling forearms change a tire.

9:50 AM
dean jackson
​american democracy is FAKE

9:53 AM
The McCarthy Plan
​There is an over representation of homosexual Jews in the commanding heights of women's fashion, according to the data

9:53 AM
Claire Khaw
​Identity politics is status politics. White men have noticed that their status in their own country and abroad has declined.

9:54 AM
Claire Khaw
​The only way Western Man can get his mojo back is to restore the patriarchy but the horror of marrying a woman of his own race and paying for the children of the marriage makes him LGBTQ.

9:55 AM
Claire Khaw
​Jews and Muslims will always be better organised than low status antisemitic Islamophobic racists because Jews and Muslims are now part of the establishment and have inter-generational co-operation.

9:56 AM
Claire Khaw
​Antisemitic Islamophobic racists are low status low information low education unmarriageable men whose jobs are more cheaply done by immigrant labour. Guess who the establishment prefers to protect?

9:57 AM
Alby Lad
​The environment they are creating will force white people to change their ‘survival’ strategy. Defend or betray, the neutral ground soon won’t exist as demographics change and the demands increase.

9:58 AM
Claire Khaw
​The matriarchy best represented by Labour despises working men. White middle class university educated women despise proletarian men and this contempt is visceral. Such men have no representation.

9:59 AM
​i call forced down mines in workhouses and shot if refusing the call to the navy white slaves, also the biggest victims of the briish empire are the british working class, highest body count

9:59 AM
Claire Khaw
​If you are an unskilled prole, you are right at the bottom of society. If you claim benefits and have never had a job, no one has any use for you. So yes, you are being warehoused for extinction.

10:01 AM
Claire Khaw
​The reason why so many white men reject my solution is because they know the accuracy of my diagnosis. They think they have the option of going to their graves blaming Jews, Muslims, non-whites etc.

10:01 AM
Stellar Jay Atkins
​@Claire Khaw your “solution” is rejected because it is sterile.

10:02 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Stellar Jay Atkins How is Secular Koranism "sterile"?

10:02 AM
​Claire has a big brain

10:02 AM
Stellar Jay Atkins
​@Claire Khaw a system based on secularism is sterile. Any system.

10:03 AM
Claire Khaw
​The unskilled manual labourer is completely unrepresented. Those who claim to lead him eg leaders of anti-immigration political parties only wish to exploit him through pandering to him.

10:03 AM
​we rejected the eu which is mostly white people

10:03 AM
​where does secularism derive it morals from?

10:03 AM
​its about keeping our culture we dont care which colour the outgroup is thats trying to replace us

10:04 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Stellar Jay Atkins Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy. You are capable of understanding this and exploring it further with me in greater detail on my channel, but you avoid this.

10:04 AM
Rob Banks
​The United States is not a democracy

10:05 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Vortigen What do you mean by your "culture"?

10:05 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Rob Banks Democracy is dementia.

10:05 AM
Right Reaction
​@Stellar Jay Atkins Our @Claire Khaw has decided to invade our chats to SHILL FOR secular Koranism 😛

10:09 AM
Claire Khaw
​@Right Reaction As well as mentioning Secular Koranism in passing, I have given you a few ideas for making your content even more compelling! You are always welcome to invade my chat, Ralph!

10:10 AM
Right Reaction
​thanks @Claire Khaw

10:10 AM
Stellar Jay Atkins
​Inclusion, Equity, Diversity ///I.E.D /// Improvised Explosive Device

10:12 AM
The McCarthy Plan
​No white people, no social welfare

10:12 AM
Claire Khaw
​God has created a world in which antisemites are always hoist by their own petard whenever they try to exterminate them. Atheists also hate Jews because they remind them of God.

10:13 AM
​mass immigration is politically correct slavery

1 comment:

Hunchback said...

The video is not available, and this "Jay Atkins" is a fool. There is no reason for me to stay alive if not for my believe in Christ. If I believed -- which I did in my twenties -- that there is no life after death, I would commit suicide and be done with this horrid life. I even did hang myself at age 23, obviously I survived.

The Bible itself teaches that the faith will dwindle towards the end, and of course the relaxation of sexual morality has destroyed our societies like nothing ever before.

By rejecting the existence of God and an eternal destination -- either Heaven or Hell --, one also rejects the basis of morality. There cannot be good and evil without God, this was accepted even among the classic atheists (Voltaire, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, even Sartre). Apparently, atheists today have become stupider and shallower, otherwise they'd concede that they have no way of defining "good". All they do, as Vox Day once wrote, is being parasites and picking from Christian morality whatever they agree with. This, however, is philosophically inept.

As an atheist, you end up with subjectivism. Either good is good because I say so, or a majority does. Which is subjective, unlike God. Vox Day once debated it on his blog, titled "Letter to Common Sense Atheism" (I to VI).

It becomes very clear with topics like abortion: women are allowed to live like pigs and get their children killed, but a grown man or woman has no right to get a pack of barbiturates to kill himself, instead they'd force you into a mental ward. But why? Even in Beligum, you still have to be accepted for suicide if you "only" suffer mentally. Unlike with abortion, they do it on a whim.

I think this age is just awful, full of shallow life-addicted people who think that a creation does not need a creator, that morality is subjective when it simply cannot be and who believe that sex is a great reason to be alive. I now understand how Kierkegaard must have felt: surrounded by Epicurean psychopaths. As I wrote in the beginning, had I not had a Damascus experience and believed in Christ, I'd kill myself in a heartbeat. It wouldn't matter anyway from a materialist point of view, because from such a worldview, it all ends up in the void anyway, with no trace of anything or anyone left. Another reason why only God and eternity actually give meaning to life.

Discussing Noahides, the Noahide laws and Hinduism with @vincentbruno2514

Wrongthink 1:00  Moral imperative Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps  on X